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Everything posted by Sleepy1968

  1. I'll take any home win, even against Peterborough. Could you survive a Wrexham v Dover game: 2-0 up 5-2 down, with a winner coming in the 8th minute of added time? I'd almost (but not quite) take a boring 0-0 draw for the strain something like that would put on my heart .
  2. Wow. I'm obviously in denial because I've kept up to date with all the FFP posts. At least Cardiff have a bit of an excuse for screwing up so badly (Premier League football). I suppose when you consider 15% of these losses can be attributed to the wages of our three highest paid players then the loss rate begins to make sense.
  3. "The current model leaves the likes of Bristol City and Cardiff City racking up losses of £2m-plus a month merely to remain competitive in the division." Surely the telegraph is wrong on both points concerning us ...
  4. Are you including the one that hit the post as wide? I thought they moved the ball pretty well and looked at least as good as we have recently. They were definately worth a draw last night!
  5. Watford score with 90 seconds left. Great free kick. Goal always coming.
  6. Pen to us, What happens with these things? ... Janneh. 1-0.
  7. Sorry if I misunderstood. the point I'm not concerned with legal parkers - on a match day of any other time.
  8. If you can't undermine yourself, who can you undermine! I know what the right words to use are, but I don't necessarily know how to spell them .
  9. Most of our penalty claims don't even reach the EFL highlights,
  10. It's completely different to living near a school. If you're dropping a child off you're being an asshole for 5 minutes. If you're doing the same thing at football, you're doing it for hours. Something should be done to ease the congestion but there's never a good excuse for parking illegally nor price gouging on parking facilities.
  11. She certainly qualifies as an U12 - I wonder if they've recorded her DOB correctly? Edit: Saw the other replies. You couldn't make this up Season Ticket Ts and Cs 1.4 The cut-off date for each age band is August 1st. For example, if you are 65 years old on August 1st you qualify for a senior 65+ ticket, whilst if you are 12 on August 1st, you would not qualify for an under-12 ticket.
  12. It was difficult to tell, but it looked as though there were a significant number at the Atyeo end of the Lansdown Stand, with a fair number scattered elsewhere. There were some around by us in the South Stand. Couldn't have been any B Block boo-boys around as no one saw fit to try to bounce the opposition fans down the stand. Pehaps your average 7 year old is more advanced than that? If you told me there were 1,000+ Liverpool fans there I'd believe you.
  13. That throw in is the best long throw I've ever seen. She threw one or two deep into the box from near the half way line. They knocked Kalas's "long throws" into a cocked hat. Plus they were all legal. They were definately a class above City, but the girls kept going to the end at least.
  14. Yep, it was LIVERPOOL50. I got two adult tickets yesterday for £7 total. The POTD adult price is £10. Strangely online tickets still seem available - saving £6.50 on POTD pricing.
  15. Was he afraid Swiss Tony was going to make him an offer he couldn't refuse?
  16. A bit unlikely for this game but I can't wait to see Josh Owers get a run out.
  17. It was cold enough in Ashton for gloves (how do I know? - because I didn't wear any!) at 8am this morning, but at least the sun was out. Yeah, this afternoon is not really about the result. It's about how we play. Can NP set the team up properly with decent tactics? Can the team play to their plan? Can we be brave at the right times? Can we concentrate on set pieces? Of course, I'll still be upset if we don't win
  18. Pity mate. Should make for a great atmosphere. Be nice to see the shell suits, curly perms and taches. And I expect they'll be taking lots of pictures of our tractors.
  19. We would, but at what cost? Lots of people aren't turning up this season - they're less likely to turn up next season if we're as bad as this season (and we haven't been that bad at home for a while) and their financial outlay is much lower: of course we should also factor in that half our season card holders are probably on concesionary pricing already. Maybe we discount only if they decide to turn up.
  20. As long as they take up the Bakinson option in the summer I'll be happy to move on.
  21. And if it was 35 years ago we'd all be ringing Club Call to check.
  22. Yes, sounds like it is. Clearly, if Quantuma's straw man is invisible then the inference is that they're making things up to suit their agenda. (Which seems to be 'make sure we aren't hired by anyone again',)
  23. Absolutely no chance of Bristol City Council supporting either team.
  24. Fair play. I see they've now opened up the corner of the south stand and ticket site says 'last few' tickets available. I imagine there will be a fair few scousers in attendance. I was thinking of going, but an still testing positive for Covid. I'm sure I have a code for 50% off and I know the advance prices are lower than POTD, so applying those discounts gets a £3.50 adult ticket, which would be £10 for POTD, so if you're thinking of going best get a ticket now :).
  25. Mind blown. Goggle says this is a phonetic palindrome. I only ever remember one written one: "A man, a plan, a canal, Panama."
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