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Everything posted by Sleepy1968

  1. I won't be going today due to a positive LFT. Luckily I can still fly VPN airways and watch the game from somewhere in Europe. Just my luck we'll will 4-0
  2. As owner MM put the club into administration, and got to choose the insolvency practitioner. See here for further info. I think you'd probably be safer calling them incompetent than corrupt. If they sue for libel, you might find that's one thing that they're good at. They'd probably have long list of people to go after - perhaps that's part of their ultimate business plan. Genius.
  3. Unless you're directly above the ball/goal line you really can't say for sure whether the whole of the ball crossed the line. It looks like it did from an angle you couldn't be sure from. I don't think the ref had a great view, but if he did, and he thought it was over the line, is there a protocal for checking/viewing Hawk Eye results?
  4. This seems wrong, but then so does the EFL football creditors having a priority over Joe Public (e.g. local companies getting shafted) . Maybe transfers should be paid 100% upfront and not staged, or at least underwritten to avoid these kind of issues.
  5. They surely would need an EGM of member clubs and put something like this to the vote? A phoenix club would probably walk any league below league 1 it was entered into provided it could play at Pride Park because New Derby would sell 20k+ season tickets and be able raise sufficient income streams to attract decent players. Not sure I'd vote for this knowing that my club was destined to finisih a place lower in the league. It would p1ss off all teams at the level and below wouldn't it?
  6. Nice to see @RedM channelling her inner Barbara Cartland (or is it Jackie Collins?) To be serious, I agree that Bentley screaming will be counter-productive, but it probably won't make them perform noticably worse. There seems to be little communication throughout the team, and they all seem to go off and do their own thing. Which would be fine if they were a bunch of sixth-formers on a free period ...
  7. It's no excuse I know, but it's difficult to be objective when it's your own club and you care so passionately about it. Who wasn't swearing and cursing when Andi Weimenn missed that chance from Seymeno's (rocket) ball in the first half?) I'm sure there were more than a few cursing him out personally in that moment (you know, the player whose probably done the most to keep us up this year). I probably was one of them! It can be rationally explained, but as we trip, stumble and fall through another season, the frustration grows. And that's what we're seeing here. #COYR
  8. If that's what he's doing then I see merit in the strategy.
  9. Agreed. With Forest it was more of an inditement of their previous manager (you know, the one many would've have been keen to have had here instead of Holden). Put a decent manager in charge of a decent squad and you get Nottingham Forest.
  10. I'm not sure how it works, but Aimee Palmer and Abi Harrison would improve this team.
  11. Jay is driving the bus. Another couple of crosses like the one for Chris Martin on the weekend please. And someone put a comma in the second sentence.
  12. Nice one Stan. I love how @Olé always sounds like he resents being there, but always turns up when asked
  13. 3-1. Abi Harrison. 23 goals. Bristol City record goalscorer.
  14. the efl website isn't up to date, but here's his profile: Gavin Ward it would be interesting to see what gets you promoted or demoted to or from the select groups. but perhaps the overall level of competency is very low, and gavin ward is one of the better refs.
  15. Pretty much shown why he isn't starting games at least.
  16. Never in doubt (at least from the moment the ref put the whistle to his lips to blow for time.) Wells looked very decent when he came on. Well done.
  17. We've spent most of the half either giving the ball straight back to them or playing into blind corners. I think Andy Weimenn is wasted at RWB (or whereever he's actually ended up), but Scott is on a yellow so I doubt if NP will swap them around. AS looks a bit off again. Game there if we can get it together in the second half.
  18. Maybe it's one of those games where a soft pen might go the other way, especially if the ref knows it shouldn't heave been one in the first place.
  19. I agree with you. I had a look at them a few weeks ago (website, companies house check, etc.). Certainly they've been shown up for what they are: a young insubstantial company, unprepared and inexperienced for the task they have undertaken. Obviously they were approached by MM, so he's at least partially at fault for this debacle.
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