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East End Old Boy

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Posts posted by East End Old Boy

  1. 23 minutes ago, reddogkev said:

    And to add, I wouldn't be surprised if Warnock resigns in disgrace, as we all know, he was genuinely knocked for six by what happened.

    Warnock would go up in my estimation if he was to resign.

    • Like 5
  2. 1 hour ago, Gazred said:

    They have a pretty good record of finding goalscorers to be fair.

    Some years back im sure it was Andy Rammell they signed and his goals were the difference in them staying up.

    True, the best goal scorer I ever saw in a Rovers shirt was Colin Daniel! :laugh:

    • Like 2
    • Haha 9
  3. 13 hours ago, bodin said:

    I mean after the Manchester United game last season I was shocked because you seemed so poor. 

    Pleased to see you take such an interest in our performances. Are you a season card (yes, we have modern technology!) holder, or just an occasional visitor, perhaps away as well?

  4. 1 hour ago, BS4 on Tour... said:

    That is their “410” following? Doesn’t look anywhere near that....”we take massive numbers away, it’s what we do..”

    I believe Rovers fans are behind the goal and to the left, seated. The ones behind the goal, and getting wet, were obviously too tight to buy a ticket under cover! :facepalm:

  5. 24 minutes ago, Rich said:

    I think you and possibly others have misunderstood my intention. So, let's nip this in the bud. At no point did I say that people in those occupations are thick. I preceded my statement with the word "Gasheads", and went on to say how "they were thick gullible village idiot types", referring to those Gasheads that I've met in those jobs, not, all people in those occupations. I know plenty of people of high intelligence who work in those occupations but, the fact of the matter is that, the qualifications required for those occupations is not as high as in other forms of employment, so it's more likely that you'll get a thick, gullible, village idiot gashead in one of those occupations than say, as a doctor, teacher, mechanic or wherever higher qualifications are required. So please don't get offended for other people, especially when no offence was intended

    Keep digging mate! ?

  6. 2 minutes ago, alexukhc said:

    Cartoon racing is bigger than you think, bigger than football bets these days, not my rules, no one ever wins

    Is it? Bloody hell! I haven’t been in a betting shop for years, only bet on course or online/apps. Couldn’t bet on cartoon events, it would like betting on the Rovers!

    When the fun stops, stop!

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, alexukhc said:

    You don’t put the name or meeting then it’s not our fault, a lot of races go off at the same time, so we aren’t mind readers, the operator should’ve looked at the bet before accepting it so equally as wrong, so both customer n member of staff were wrong 

    gotta feel for those poor dogs now Dopey is free though 

    Surly common sense should prevail and payout, as who bets “3 to beat 1” in any horse race, let alone a cartoon race? 

  8. 55 minutes ago, phantom said:


    It's almost as if he has passed away !

    Well he’s obviously going to a better place!

    55 minutes ago, phantom said:


    It's almost as if he has passed away !

    Well he’s obviously going to a better place!

    55 minutes ago, phantom said:


    It's almost as if he has passed away !

    Well he’s obviously going to a better place!

  9. Just now, 1960maaan said:

    Not sure how true it is, but I was told before the match yesterday that Cott's was still being paid by Brum. Not sure if taking another job would effect that, maybe being paid until he finds new employment which I guess means he would want as much / more than he was getting. Which may explain why he's not taken anything so far. As I said, maybe wrong.

    Think you’re right and it was possibly the same when he left us.

    • Like 1
  10. 5 hours ago, Ska Junkie said:

    Not having a pop at SL but I still don't really understand why that happened. I agree with you by the way.

    @Ska Junkie I think the following well thought out response makes a lot of sense as to why the money wasn’t available at that particular time.........

    6 hours ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

    A factor about Cotterill and LJ difference in budgets.

    If we recall in 15/16 especially we were walking a bit of a fine line financially. Because of the redevelopment still ongoing we had a maximum capacity of less (average published attendance 15,292) as Lansdown Stand still being built.

    Throw in also the corporate facilities in the Lansdown. These weren't there in 15/16 so Cotterill was arguably by necessity on a restricted budget.

    This was something that wasn't the case for LJ as (average published) attendances the next year hit 19.2k plus the higher corporate revenue base from the Lansdown being complete.

    If somehow and it's all ancient history now, but had Cotterill managed just to see us through the season he may well have seen the benefits of the budget increase- one of those what if situations.

    Just something I think should be factored in.


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