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Everything posted by havanatopia

  1. Interesting to hear what Marv had to say on World.. he said that Sean and Hoof are two totally different types of manager... Try telling that to the board Marv.. oh sorry... i meant try banging your head against a wall.
  2. Yep and as usual Chiles has not done his homework. Stupid question!
  3. We'll beat Watford and Zola will be sacked the next day. Simples.
  4. its live via wiziwig.. for anyone wondering.
  5. Can we have one of Ole and Colin as well please. Cheers.
  6. Of course. He is at the very least a professional in what he does in football management.
  7. By the sound of it you might be better off waiting until he is appointed and then going on trade it.co.uk where you might find a few dozen available.
  8. All the best then . I can recommend FGR.. nice little club heading in the right direction.
  9. Could hardly have put it better myself. What a total and utter shambles. I have kept largely quiet on the board of our club but this decision is, in my view, one that illustrates we are being run by people who say one thing and do the opposite and really have little idea of what they are doing or what they really want. Of all the platitudes the board came out with and with a significant upturn in recent results and then they stun us with this news. Would you believe anything they tell us from here on? I will be taking a huge amount of it with a pinch of salt. If someone like Di Canio comes in you will have absolutely no chance of seeing the same sort of football, the same sort of philosophy or someone who will give a rats arse about the 5 pillars nonsense. Yes, we will probably see a short term bump although we already started that but you may as well right off another season because that person will want to tear up the squad yet again, may very well be hampered in doing so and either fail or walk. The board really have dropped an almighty clanger unless they intend to quietly tear up what they are publicly telling us and somehow splash the cash and risk a fine or transfer embargo or both. Insane is too mild a word for it and if we should give the board any benefits of the doubt they should come out and tell us the truth... someone has had a huge bust up with Sean and his position became untenable. Don't wrap it up in the crass explanation we have been given because to cut a wage bill in about half, bring in a virtually new team (sorry... a completely new team) and expect or demand better at this early stage in a long term strategy is insulting every single person's intelligence.
  10. Temple Meads or a car park that is a twenty minute walk away for people who take walking for granted may be fine but its a tad discriminatory if we discount those older folk or those unable to walk. On the rare occasion I am able to get back I now have to spend a fiver extra to park in the City car park assuming I book it in time so that my elderly mum and dad can watch as well. I suppose the alternative is to drop them off and then go park; not exactly what we should accept in the 21st century is it? All in all parking is a huge issue that the club would be wise not to forget about. They do that by being serious about the issue and not just say there u go we are providing 200 spaces but its going to cost a tenner oh and it's only for season ticket holders. If local parking is impossible then there simply has to be a rail station or a free shuttle from realistic park and ride locations. Without that you can knock off literally thousands from the gate because people will simply not bother coming for the hassle factor.
  11. Tend to agree rather emphatically with all those bemused by the apparent lack of foresight with qty of corporate boxes and capacity. Perhaps, as one poster suggested and I previously, this is merely a stepping stone to a larger version at a later date. However, that still leaves the decision to go with the miniscule 30 odd boxes a baffling one.
  12. arghh... skysports running slow out here then!
  13. I wouldn't know, i never venture that close.
  14. Get him and a fake in a couple of tanks and take em to the world cup.
  15. Wolves get a 90th winner and topple the O's from top spot.
  16. bottom of league 2 beating the leaders.. couldn't have happened to a nicer gaffer !
  17. Sounds like we have missed Wags and... who ever else we have missed.
  18. An ideal opportunity to garner an equal number of points to games for about the first time this season, squandered so far against very poor opposition. I sound like stockhausen.
  19. Come on City... about time we finished this game off.
  20. Baggins off... good. Alpack Pro on... sounds like a type of packaging
  21. FGR.. 3-1 now.. another 3 pts in the bag
  22. We got some new Russian guy on loan? I seen nothing on the OS about it.
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