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OTIB Legends
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Everything posted by havanatopia

  1. get outa town what?.. scored or gone off?
  2. You'd think we would be winning about 8-0 by now with Brendan Maloneeee refereeing the game as well as playing.. cannot even buy a win. Shambles.
  3. I wonder what Stevie L makes of this performance then? someone said he would be at the match tonight.
  4. I am sure it was; only my last bottle of Matusalem before they stopped selling it under that name because some Floridian Cuban took out an injunction. They renamed it Ron Santiago de Cuba as it happens but it sounds like what you had to endure was some sort of bootleg affair.
  5. Laughable; Your comment and that as a prospect.
  6. you sound like the average cuban looking after my place while i was away... leaving a tiny amount of rum in a bottle thinking i would not notice... just flipping drink the lot and say you could not resist.. u get a pat on the back for honesty instead of me thinking you are a thievin' arse. !! not saying you are like one of those people mind
  7. arghhh cheers squire... i notice it was last updated 45 minutes ago... shows the game is a pulsating one, not, the bloke tapping the keys has nodded off or taking his time with the last of his birthday box of maltesers.
  8. How many have we got up front tonight then lads and lasses? is it just the Baldrick or is he with the JET stream?
  9. de nada amigo. disfrutar con las maltesers!!
  10. You see this is what I cannot understand with some people; how can anyone open a packet of maltesers and put them down before finishing them? It essentially defies any logic whatsoever. Lets discuss heh?
  11. If only i had those delights in my fridge. Happy birthday Esmondo.
  12. Just started the second cuppa so am here for the duration.
  13. Lets all take the bins out. Seems like a good thing to do right now and a helluva lot more interesting, meaningful and with a tad more chance of a successful bin placement than a city win. Or am i being harsh?
  14. Where Asia?.. doing my very best not to be a workaholic but failing miserably.
  15. Reasons to be cheerful then said Ian Dury.
  16. who said he is going to the moon if we don't win?
  17. must be half time by now then? blimey that went quick.
  18. lets talk about the fake moon landings again then.. yeahhh.
  19. its 0430 in the morning here, got up nice and early to listen with a nice cuppa tea and for what? now wheres that paint brush?..
  20. i heard 8,000 at the Gate and then it died. internet is fine just player that is totally worthless piece of 5hit.
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