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OTIB Legends
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Everything posted by havanatopia

  1. Clough will not last as long as he did at Derby. You heard it here first.
  2. It surely would have to be 'the trick up the sleeve' because after spending somewhere between 40 and 50 million on a redeveloped AG it is not going to be ditched for a new stadium altogether unless someone comes up with some sort of wizardry business case for AG becoming the sole new home for Bristol Rugby.
  3. That is a fair point but its not a certainty it will happen. In the meantime an investment of, what is it, 60% of the AV option is, in my view, not money well spent.
  4. Probably the most pertinent question surrounding the subject and brings us squarely back to what SL said at the outset in no uncertain terms: he said that we need a stadium of a minimum of 30k to have sustainable football in the top flight. So then.. we end up with one 3k short of that with no hotel and far fewer revenue streams which is about a quadruple whammy. Either then he has another idea up his private sleeve for buying out all the houses behind the Atyeo or he will go as far as he can and get us to be a sustainable championship club with a 27k capacity... oh but hang on... with revenues about 1/10th of what they are in the prem we end up with a financial stranglehold of a refurbished stadium that sinks us in then Championship or makes too little revenue in the Prem. I would therefore be flabbergasted if SL goes ahead with AG UNLESS he has that private idea up his sleeve to expand the 27k at some point in the future. Buying out about 15 houses is a very tenuous link to that. Knock down the Dolman at a later date? p.s. notwithstanding a rugby club helping to cushion the financial blow I suppose. So maybe the proverbial goal posts have changed in shape and design literally and metaphorically.
  5. Hey great to see that my thread may have helped get a few more donations in. every little helps. The friendliness of the people, as some have mentioned, is indeed astounding and especially in the face of such adversity. Probably is the friendliest people i have ever met. Interesting to see President Aquino saying this morning that the death toll may not be so high and nearer 2,500 than 10,000. I think, personally, he may be wrong on that but i hope not of course. Lot of rain now spreading across the islands which is not exactly helpful.
  6. I know it has been on the news in fairly blanket coverage these past few days but i just think a non-football chat forum should always have a place to remember those who suffer through natural tragedies. A place where people can express their feelings and perhaps share a common thing we all share; humanity coming together to remember those who are suffering and those who are far less fortunate than ourselves. I am largely based in Cebu now and what I experienced today will stay with me for the rest of my life. While Cebu City, a metropolis of nearly 3 million was largely spared the might of Super Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda is the name here) those in the north of the island faired far worse. I experienced that today as i went north to assist in distributing medicine kits. I really cannot express in justifiable words here what i saw but it was utter devastation. But even northern Cebu, with countless lives lost was not so badly hit as Leyte and Samar provinces to the east where we have seen towns completely wiped out. Tagloban which is effectively the most easterly and last inhabited place in the Philippines and faces the huge open ocean of the Pacific is more or less no more. A city of 300,000 people wiped from the face of the earth in a few short hours. People stood no chance. other provinces really hit hard were northern Negros and the periphery islands and northern most points of Palawan. Many places are still cut off from any communication and airlift and it will take days more for the full expanse of the destruction and death toll to be known. I hope you all have the means and opportunity to donate what you can to the Red Cross and Oxfam or just to spare a thought or say a prayer. Forgive me for not flying home this Christmas to see City play. I think i will stay here now and spend some of that money and some of my valuable time where it is more needed.
  7. Cheers for that. 0625 here, just getting light.. so going to bed night all.
  8. Disgusting. You really should get your dog house trained.
  9. yeah pity i will not be able to hear from that misery guts who phoned in for the oldham match... whatshisface from pucklechurch was it?
  10. I believe that is the first time we have ever beaten the 'mighty' Crawley. statisticians? Well done lads. 20th and rising... let keep this going now. Be interested to hear how Gillett and Karleigh Simon got on tonight.
  11. Wonder what Macarthy is wondering about the Anderson for JET deal. hmmmm.
  12. 20th... its nailed on now... GORGEOUS my babbers.
  13. Yeah Bryan.. look at the live text you wally jumblat.
  14. I just want to say i enjoy the matching pullover colour combo. nice.
  15. get the contract extension out. just kidding.
  16. never in a million milliseconds... we scored again?
  17. just want to repeat... it is a beautiful sight. 20th in the league... absolutely Gorgeous to the naked eye. .. how many more mins?
  18. have a look at the live table.. outside the bottom 4.. we may not be there in 5 minutes.. so enjoy it NOW.. just saying like.
  19. Maloney going off?... i knew he couldn't referee the game AND play when we are in a winning position.. ! Now then... 10 behind the ball please !
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