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Everything posted by havanatopia

  1. I have not read the report but does it actually say doors were smashed? A 'dawn raid' is not necessarily a pre-requisite for a bit of door smashing. I suspect a tap on the door would have been the general order of the day.
  2. Arghh.. cheers me dears... still, no harm in repeating it though is there heh.. its a bit of nostalgia and a story that warms the cockles of what might have been, what was and what might be again if one simply closes ones eyes!!
  3. What an interesting read. Pause for a thought. close your eyes and dream... after all that is the game we all love. One day, oh one day. Sean will get it right. Read:- http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/competitions/league-one/10359093/Bristol-City-fail-to-exorcise-ghosts-at-Port-Vale.html
  4. Sean Keeps his cards very much close to his chest as we know and perhaps Adam Baker knows better than to ask him the same question over and over but it is his job to do just that only in this last interview he did not, namely... 'any more areas you want to strengthen?'. I am sure he does and will if the right one can be found or negotiated and if a key player does end up going. So, other than another goalie, do others feel he will or we do genuinely need another player? At this the first day of new season training I feel Sean has assembled some decent players that along with the current squad will be a strong force this year. Unless anybody goes he has a better team right now than we had a year ago.
  5. Frank Fielding today, Derek Williams earlier this week Aden Flint 2 weeks ago Jordan Wynter a little before. Welcome guys and I hope you will all play your part and help get the City straight back up. Bienvenidos a BS3 Anymore coming? hmmmmm... obviously. Anymore leaving? .. all the best.
  6. Interesting points there Dave and thanks for posting. As Red Knowle points out it seems all the more strange how 'listening to fans' as stated by Kevin Smith was really worth putting out there in the public domain given that the decision was made a year ago. I assume that means soundings were taken from said supporters at that time and asked to keep quiet then? If that is the case all well and good, although it depends on how many were asked, but until the club confirms how that process took place it does seem a tad disingenuous for Mr. Smith to come out and make such a remark. I'd far rather the club says now they chose the kit believing it to be the best choice without trying to wrap it up as a fans choice one which, with all due respect, it is clearly not. Nobody is denying the club are trying their level best but frankly, on this topic, they have rather messed it up and it could have been so easily avoided. Anyway, they say any publicity is good publicity so I hope the club sells a few more of these shirts to swell the coffers.
  7. Arghh but perhaps you are forgetting that Mr. Smith says he listened to fans in order to 'choose' OPTION 2. !! Seems he did not listen to the more than 75% of fans on here who wanted OPTION 3. That is a pretty unequivocal rejection of what we are now lumbered with for the new season.
  8. Factory is 15 minutes down the road from where I am eating my porridge this morning here in China. Oh and they told me they can do a shirt for less than a fiver!! Do City actually have a commercial dept? Certain parts of it are clearly not fit for purpose.
  9. So Mr. Smith is the horse, I am the duck and you are closing the gates? Nice one!!!
  10. I think most are aware of the 3 options in question. If not perhaps someone would be kind enough to post a link or photos to remind others.
  11. I call that good psychological management. He does it a lot as do other successful managers. You also fail to appreciate they went virtually bust, some would say they went all the way, after their last prem adventure. So many of you lot get hung up on his teasing; you need to grow up a bit in my opinion and take some of the stupid vitriol out of the conversation. Life is too short for all that nonsense. Try a bit of love and understanding, as I have said before, you might actually like it.
  12. I preferred it when we won it. Riley, Neville, Pritchard, Newman... great day that was.
  13. Well put there sir. The Chester match was particularly memorable; a pitch invasion to be proud of
  14. Ditto that for League 1 over the Championship?.....perhaps then it is the same for the three teams who are going down from the Championship this season? Many on here have posed the question in recent days; Will it be more fun next season winning, hopefully, a sack full more matches? Answer; Surely that is an emphatic 'YES' ? This article courtesy of sky sports is a good read:- http://www1.skysports.com/football/news/11096/8683645/Prem-v-Champ
  15. Blimey, there will always be some who simply cannot let it go or find anything but negatives.. try something positive about someone you have previously criticised for once; you might actually feel good.
  16. http://www.thisiscroydontoday.co.uk/story-18745610-detail/story.html Perhaps been posted already. I am never one to label someone and certainly you will not catch me using the word 'hate'; what does it ever achieve in life other than angst, tension and, well, more hate. Who needs that. Ian Holloway may have spouted some nonsense in the past, we all have, but he was younger and it was, as he says, banter. There is a line that should never be crossed but also we should all stop and think sometimes before we say something and ask the question 'is it really necessary' ? What does it do, hidden behind a computer keyboard, other than to perhaps pump the ego chest? I always find the guy entertaining, I see no point in 'hating' anyone or 'anything'. Some people ought to try it sometime; its actually quite rewarding. Holloway clearly cares about our plight, I genuinely believe that. He did not need to come out and say anything but he did and, for the record, he should be considered a better man for it by those who gave him no slack whatsoever. Of course we can still say we do not want his team to get promoted but, for me at least, thats not because of him its because its Palarse.
  17. Well this is the first match of the season where we could, officially, be saying 'hasta la vista' to our half a decade or so stint in the Championship. It has had its ups and its downs but its been a roller coaster blast. We will be back to grace the division again perhaps as early as the autumn of 2014. I hope we give a good account of ourselves this evening and indeed in the remaining fixtures; it would be nice if we could battle until the last even if it means we avoid ending up in last place. I am not even going to try and predict tonights result; I cannot imagine for one moment what is going on inside the 11 players' heads who will take to the pitch. They could freeze or they could play with total abandon and smash the blues back to brum so that we live for another day in what is, for me, the most exciting league in the world. Come on City... give it all you got and provide us with a performance to rock the roof off.
  18. The proprietor of this establishment in Sutherland, Scotland, is a big City fan. That is according to a Wolf who works for the proprietor, a Mr. David Hook. I have also had it verified by the hotel. It could get interesting this evening on a wind swept coast. So, when anyone is next in the far reaches of this pleasant land and I do mean the far reaches overlooking the Solway Firth, do frequent his establishment; I intend doing so. Perhaps even a City v Cally supporters friendly sometime.
  19. Not really.. Trotters and Wed lost, two others won and the rest drew. We are 1 pt more adrift; nothing to be more alarmed about this morning than last night before kick off given the opposition. Immensely encouraging for my money that we not only contained but dominated a team in the pray offs. They had not one shot on target if the stats are correct. Sure we did not manage to finish it off with a goal but that happens to the best of teams. At least we were not Mancunians last night.
  20. Quite satisfied with that result. Nice to wake up to a clean sheet and a point. Predicted a 2-2 so this is marginally better. We are still in touch and 10 games to go.
  21. To be fair, has there been a set of program notes yet from Sean that have not impressed? I really look forward to reading his program notes after each match and more than most managers I can remember at BCFC. The man has a very good command of English and an excellent way of articulating his views.
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