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Posts posted by OldlandReddies

  1. 43 minutes ago, hodge said:

    I kinda feel bad for Liverpool, no way they're allowed to play another home game for the rest of the season on the basis of Liverpool fans gathering to celebrate the title win the next time they're at the stadium. Also wonder how much the police will charge as their 'costs' so games can be played at home stadiums.....

    The Police have informed the Premier League that they have no issues with the majority of matches being played at their original venues.

    However, they have raised concerns over the hosting of a small number of high-profile fixtures, amid concerns of supporters gathering outside, and expressed a desire to see them played at neutral sites.

    That information is expected to be fed back to clubs at Thursday's top flight meeting, which is ongoing.

    Police feel that as long as their costs are covered and clubs provide stewarding to ensure they can deal with potential issues, most matches can be played at their existing stadiums.

    Winging police. They've had bugger all to do in the last 3 months ! Liverpool will play at home. 

  2. 2 hours ago, daored said:

    Out of interest if a player tests positive and with the new test & trace system in place:

    ‘If your test comes back positive, you will be asked to give details of people you have been in "close contact" with. That is defined as people you have been within two metres of for more than 15 minutes without protective equipment.

    Those people who have been in close contact with you will be contacted by NHS Test and Trace and told to isolate for 14 days, even if they are asymptomatic.’

    Phase two of 'Project Restart' will see players "train as a group and engage in tackling while minimising unnecessary close contact", the league said. If a player from Club A has a positive result, does that mean effectively a number of players will need to isolate for 14 days who have been training in a group with said player?

    No. Returning Football have their own separate guidance for obvious reasons.

  3. 1 hour ago, Lanterne Rouge said:

    I agree, that`s how it looks at the moment but you have to factor in the antibody tests. If it can be proved that if someone has the antibodies present and that means there is a minimal chance of them catching it again then that changes things massively.

    The longer it goes on, the more pressure will be put on Government to get back to some sort of normal and large gatherings will no doubt form part of that. Personally I think the virus will be around for ever and we are going to have to learn to live with it. It will take some major behavioural and societal shifts but I think we`re up to the challenge  - I hope so anyway.

    Absolutely. Can't wait around for a vaccine that now looks likely to be a non starter in view of how quickly the virus us disappearing. We will be in grounds with or without a vaccine by October at the latest  

    • Hmmm 1
  4. 55 minutes ago, pillred said:

    Trouble is what if a vaccine is not found what then? realistically that would mean 60% of clubs would probably go bust with no crowds allowed. I'm assuming the championship and premier league would then be relying on tv money and any sponsorship they could get, I suppose city would be one of the clubs that could  survive a long period without crowds due to Steve Lansdown but there is no guarantee he would continue to bankroll the club.

    No vaccine does not equal no crowds.

  5. 4 hours ago, View from the Dolman said:

    EFL update:

    The EFL can confirm that 1014 players and Club staff from all 24 Championship Clubs have been tested for COVID-19 over the course of the last 72 hours, with two individuals testing positive from one Club.

    Those players or Club staff who have tested positive will now self-isolate in line with the guidelines provided by the EFL and only those who have tested negative will be permitted to enter training ground facilities.

    The EFL will continue to make regular and relevant announcements as appropriate in respect of the testing programme to support competition integrity and transparency.

    No specific details as to Clubs or individuals will be provided by the League.


    With that great news then they should just crack on. No need for it to be put to a vote now. Clearly it's as safe as it is ever going to be. 

  6. Just now, hodge said:

    I believe it was during training as well, there may have been a small initial period where they were at home when they first returned to training but I've not even heard real suggestions of players over here isolating in hotels. Can you imagine league 1 teams trying to afford that.

    Lee suggested it at the start of the virus outbreak 

    1 minute ago, wayne allisons tongues said:

    German players are going home to there families after games.

    Thanks. Next ......

  7. Just now, hodge said:

    The thing for me about all this is the players aren't isolating in hotels like the German teams are, that's probably part the reason they've been successful in restarting their leagues, there's no way to guarantee other people in the house won't bring the virus home when the players/staff here are still living at home. 

    Good point. Were the Germans isolating when training or just now when playing?

  8. 28 minutes ago, sh1t_ref_again said:

    Is the season now finished, with the majority going to decide if to continue or not? 

    5 of the top 6 would be happy for the season to end, maybe Fulham 6 points behind auto may think they have a play off place and still a shout at auto ( 5 to end, 1 Play)

    Stoke in 17th to Hull in 21st will be happy to end and avoid relegation (5 to end)

    Reading 14th to Birmingham 16th, little to play for, not much chance of relegation and very remote chance of play offs, but all the cost of playing, so likely to want finished (3 likely to end)

    Luton and Barsley could go either way as unlikely to avoid relegation but will incur all the cost and no gate receipts ( 2 could go either way, but likely end)

    Which leaves us in 7th to QPR in 13th with chance of play offs (7 to play)

    and Charlton in 22nd a chance of avoiding relegation (1 to play)


    So I think it could be 15 want end v 9 will want to carry on


    With City returning to training on Monday I think you have your answer.

  9. 1 hour ago, BS4 on Tour... said:

    You’re right, also worth remembering we were on a run of five games, zero wins ( 3 defeats and 2 draws) going into this curtailment/lockdown - but I’m aware we aren’t allowed to post any criticism at present, so I apologise if any negativity was detected in my fact- induced post ...

    Depends which way you want to look at it.........20 points from our last 12 games paints a different picture.

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, mozo said:

    So do we think 51% is likely at this stage?

    Well, the top 2 would be happy to curtail under that arrangement. Brentford and Forest too perhaps as they'd struggle to catch top 2. Preston would achieve their aim of playoffs. 

    So in the top 6, only Fulham could vote for resumption, teams 7th to 13th would surely vote for resumption? As would bottom 3. 

    So I make it 11 vote to resume. 13 vote to curtail.

    Teams from City to Birmingham would vote resume as still outside chance of playoff's and no chance of relegation. Bottom 3 also plus Fulham. WBA may still want to win League. I make that 15 resume. Job done ?

  11. 23 minutes ago, BS4 on Tour... said:

    Fair enough, so it looks as though Brighton returned a zero positive number from this week’s testing even though three of their players tested positive 10 days ago ... confusing!

    I know someone who's had 7 tests at different stages of illness and have had several negative and positive tests. They really aren't very reliable but it's all we have to go on I suppose 

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