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Silvio Dante

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Everything posted by Silvio Dante

  1. I kind of think they’ve missed a trick here. Its relatively common for teams to unveil a new kit on the last game of the season. With Mansion Bet no longer being principal partners, there was no reason to keep wearing their logo, and we could have had the new Huboo kit ready to roll for tomorrow. Would have meant fans could buy it at the game and I’d imagine a fair few would have to take on holiday. Just seems a little short sighted - everyone who wants this years kit will have it, and we could have got a lot of early sales on the board.
  3. There are lots of parties interested including funeral directors, family named in the will and solicitors but we’ll just have to wait until Mino makes up his mind. (His agency have denied the reports)
  4. **** me, even his death is put through the rumour mill to increase the speculation before it’s confirmed. ”Mino likes life, but is very interested in the project offered by death and is open for further discussions”, as his agency might say.
  5. Agree, particularly as he kneads the dough.
  6. Has been confirmed by Mark Warburton that he will not have his contract renewed at expiry and will be leaving QPR in the summer.
  7. Was that the Dutch guy we had on loan?
  8. Proportionately, that’s a hugely expensive testicle.
  9. Bad news coming out of Yate today: As can happen at this level, every chance of players going with him. Statement suggests that nothing lined up and it’s more about being based in Wales, but the job done would put him in the frame for better jobs moving forward. in short - bugger. Edit: Confirmed as new Merthyr boss, they were relegated from Yates division this year
  10. If we recall back to the end of last season, we limped over the line. Then fast forward to Blackpool and Forest Green. Late goals, people thinking this season was a continuation of the last. Then losing at Boro and Reading becoming in some eyes “must win”. What the moral here is that there’s never nothing to play for. How you finish the season (particularly as we won’t see major surgery this summer) directly follows in a lot of cases to the following year - even more so with the compressed gap until 22/23. This four game run isn’t necessarily of value this year. It’s of value next year, and if we can get through Hull and Huddersfield unscathed, it’ll make a world of difference to how the fan base - if not the team - feel psychologically going into next year. I think Pearson absolutely knows that. The next two are by no means dead rubbers, as has been seen by how we approached Sheff and today. I expect an intense, “up for it” performance next Saturday
  11. Congratulations to Taunton. Disappointing end to Yates season with a 2-1 defeat to Gosport, who fielded ex City loanee Matthew Briggs to remind me of a period in our history I’d sooner forget!
  12. And, the FGR fans will be delighted that by showering at the game they will have saved water and the planet by not doing so later. In your face gasheads.
  13. It’s not Wells fault people bang on about him being a 20 goal man, and this season he’s been an absolute professional, not moaned about not being in the side and worked hard whenever needed. He’ll be off in the summer but will do so with no hard feelings that it hasn’t worked out. Delighted for Andi, but I’d bet Wells will be too and one is not to the detriment of the other.
  14. With the amount of empty hot air Joseph Barton esq spouts the energy crisis could be solved today
  15. That’s because you wouldn’t have made it out alive.
  16. A good point, very well made. Without wanting to do Cam down, I’m not sure when he started to get bracketed with Scott, Semenyo and Massengo, but it wasn’t the right grouping. I think he’s done well for his first season at this level but it’s not been a “Bobby Reid” type breakthrough for a slightly older player - it’s been good, but not spectacular And there’s the rub - you’re a scout and you see Cam performing well but with some inconsistencies and rough edges you’d expect from his first season, you write his name down. And then you see his age and you cross it back out - unlike Antoine or Alex, you don’t have the time to send him out on loan to develop if you sign him as then he’s 27 by the time he’s ready. He’s doing fine as a “bottom third” championship player at the moment. Next season is huge, as if he doesn’t develop from there, he’d be on the list as a potential one to lose in summer 23 should we wish to kick on. Again - like him, not doing him down. It’s the reality of his age and comparatively late start that if the club progresses, he has to really speed his progress through.
  17. Are you sat in the Dolman by any chance?
  18. Just try one, it’s addictive ?? I’m off to Lodge Road for the last game of the season this weekend. Realistically, barring a ridiculous goal swing I think it’s gone but this has still been Yates best ever season and it’s been fantastic to be a part of it.
  19. That is an absolutely superb goal. This could be double figures - United look like a lower league team holding on for dear life.
  20. I think from when I renewed there were three options (also have associates who will renew but they’re sorting their own) - Yes I’d like to renew - No I don’t want to renew - I’m undecided at present Logic says to me unless you used the drop down options and read the third option, you would normally just choose “no” as the inference is that you’re not renewing that seat in that transaction. So, I reckon the glitch is that unless each of your associates selected “undecided” for you when renewing, your seat was released
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