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Silvio Dante

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Everything posted by Silvio Dante

  1. I think what you have to remember is that on the side of any bias (and hes a damn good journo), Piercy will naturally show a touch of bias towards the club. He has working relationships with these people, he wants to see them succeed - but more importantly they’re how he makes his living. Earlier this season the Rovers Bristol Live correspondent was banned by Barton. With how tender the club seem to be to any criticism I can’t blame him for walking the tightrope and although he errs a touch too much towards the glass half full side overall I think he does it pretty well.
  2. To be fair, if it’s our right wing and Mehmeti’s playing there I don’t expect them to start anything.
  3. Mate. This has been covered so many times that if youve spent any time on the forum you know. Pleading ignorance because in your opinion he’s been a great servant to the club is not a good look.
  4. Yep, as opposed to your missus leaving you because you’re crap in bed, it’s more akin to you having an acceptable but unspectacular sex life, a few ups and downs in the relationship but enough for optimism towards a bright future then your missus’s dad stopping her from seeing you, and you being forced into a relationship with a boring girl that was less exciting. Or something like that. (Either way the first girls not coming back)
  5. I’ve said before there are two people I really want to hear from: - Phil Alexander. Because for the premier league CEO of the year to come and go so quickly having come in on personal recommendation from Scudamore is odd in the extreme. You don’t go from needing someone of that calibre to not needing to replace them. I want the story - Chris Hogg. Because I refuse to believe that he’s not some elaborate “Weekend At Bernie’s” stunt based on his interaction and movement in the 4 months at the club!
  6. The problem is that he’s still banned under his other aliases and IP addresses. It’s not like he’s been unbanned so is allowed to come back, he’s instead willingly and deliberately signed up again. And then says it’s shite and wants to leave. Just a strange, strange man.
  7. To be fair, he gave four other managers not three. You could add Duff into that as well so we’ve got five clubs at this level (and none of them Watford, bizarrely) acting within short timeframes. And as Edwards beat us, it’s pretty damning that’s not seen as a decent result! The facts are that each scenario is different. Manning should be judged on where the club was when he came in, where we are now and likely trajectory based on what we’ve seen. It looks poor based on that. The broader fact is that the average tenure for a manager at this level is just over a year, and Liams never lasted even a season and a half at a job. On that basis he’s 33-50% minimum through his expected time here (which will please some!) so reviewing is absolutely sensible. Calling for Pearson back, however romantic that would be to some, however is not in view of all the other things that would have to and won’t happen for it to occur.
  8. As said earlier, probably fair. Although I say end of season as the break point we will know before then if it’s likely to work and should then act earlier. I in no way want it to happen but in a lot of ways losing the next 5/6/7 games playing badly may be the best thing long term if it forces the issue to a quicker head. Equally I’d be delighted if we won the next 5/6/7 while playing well as that should settle the issue in a positive way.
  9. To be fair, Liam himself said in his post match after Boro that he’s not comfortable doing the fist pump (and it’s the forced one post game as opposed to the instinctive goal celebration). He also said at Oxford he didn’t like doing it. That certainly plays to it being a “forced” behaviour, as again, does his comment of “I’ll bounce when we achieve something” which more belies that he wants to celebrate when there is something to celebrate. I actually do feel sorry for him on that as well - I’d rather he didn’t do it if it makes him uncomfortable and focuses on what’s important. But he’s doing it because he’s “supposed” to. It’s a little thing but to suggest it’s being picked on as being forced when he himself has said pretty much the same is off the mark.
  10. Yeah I think that’s reasonsable. I’m saying until the summer currently as that is the “natural” break point but equally think that if we continue as we are for (say) the next 8 games then even a barnstorming last 4 won’t make the difference so agree you go earlier. If I was pushed to decide now, I’d get rid. In realistic terms I think he probably needs a consistent upswing (not results but on all the things we’ve all been discussing) in the next five games, which are all difficult in their own way. Either way the time is running out IMO.
  11. The fist pump thing I think looks like an awkward bloke trying to make a connection. It’s like when you have a manager in work trying to enforce “fun” - it looks unnatural because it is. The real Liam was seen in his “I’ll ****ing bounce when we win something” - he’s not enamoured with a single win to go mental fist pumping, he’s doing it because it’s the done thing - he wants to actually celebrate when a meaningful job is done (and the club should have left that clip up as it humanised him). It’s regrettably another example of following the big book of how to be a football manager.
  12. I read it as “Lemming” Lemmings senselessly follow a process and eventually often succumb to their death by doing so, walking off cliffs because they are supposed to do so even though it’s clearly the wrong thing. I don’t know why, but it seems a pretty apt name for our head coach.
  13. To be fair, it’s an argument that has been made on here (particularly against @W-S-M Seagull). I find it quite bizarre that those who seem very defensive of LM are the first to bring Pearson up. I’ve been quite clear in my position - I wouldn’t have sacked Nige, but my concerns with Liam are over him and him alone, not because he’s not Nige. He did take over a good position to be in. He is failing. That’s on him, and him alone - but make that point and very often you’ll see someone bring up Nige. When the people “defending” Liam can’t do so on his own performance and do so by conflating with a non comparable scenario, then it’s fair to say the jig is pretty much up.
  14. Mate - don’t feed the troll. When someone is belittling the forum then posts loads on it, and creates multiple IDs when he’s banned to engage in said forum, it’s pretty clear he needs sex/beer/friends and by engaging you’re only showing him the futility of his own life.
  15. As ever Dog/Lez/Londoner, if it’s that unimportant feel free to leave and not post again, it’s not as if you add any value to this forum or life in general.
  16. I haven’t voted because I think it’s a bit more nuanced as per the other poll (and not just because I started that one! - apologies, didn’t see this one). It’s kind of back (by not sacking) but sack in the summer (and not back) if things don’t improve
  17. I think that’s not unreasonable (as is the suggestion of giving King the job on a temporary basis). Although I think reassess end of the season is fair now, if we lose 5 on the bounce (for example) then there is limited time to get back enough in credit to change the decision so it would be fair for the position to change then.
  18. Tonight there seems to have been a bit of a sea change. If you look on the first page, there is a lot of negativity around Manning - and a lot of it justified. The hottest thread is “Why hasn’t Manning been sacked”. And we’ve been dancing around this conversation for a while. To be clear, where I am is that I don’t think Liam should be sacked right now - and I don’t think this is a Nige vs Liam debate. This is solely on Liams own merits - but we are in a place where a lot of the forum are questioning if he is the right man. And it’s therefore appropriate to have this debate, at this stage - hopefully in an adult way. (I voted give him season and see where we are but if no improvement, should go. I don’t think he’s the right man now but don’t think giving 12 more games does any harm)
  19. Although I welcome this have you been reading my posts saying that for the last three months!
  20. Again Dave, you know my rule - if you didn’t see the game don’t comment on the game. But dare I say that what you’re describing here is (taps sign)…adaptability and game management at heart?
  21. This is a good point. From the start, we’ve been force fed that Liam is a great coach and “ours” - the tweets early on of “Liam Mannings Cider Army” and the embarrassing “a word from the gaffer” pieces when the quotes are chat GPT nonsense did him no favours. He was appointed in contentious circumstances and we were told “ain’t he great” from the start. It was misjudged and did him no favours. It isn’t why he’s failing. But Bristol Sport need to take a serious look at themselves as they didn’t help him in any way.
  22. I’ll caveat again by saying I didn’t see the game but based on comments here this seems poorly judged. The comment of “I’ve said to the players we can give you all the information but if you don’t do the basics” may be right but is total deflection from any responsibility. I can’t see it playing well with the squad overall. Worrying.
  23. He’s a ****. Pure and simple. At no other club would someone who had shown complete ineptitude when managing the club be rewarded with a bigger role. He thinks he’s bigger than Bristol City - you see it in the Liverpool celebrations. You see it in his Twitter interactions. Hes not a club legend. He’s a man who was paid handsomely and didn’t want to move house because his personal circumstances wouldn’t allow it. Brian Tinnion cares about one man. And his name is Brian Tinnion. He showed it in his manoeuvring post Wilson. He’s shown it in the last few years. If he loved the club he’d walk away and admit that he’s incompetent. But he won’t Because he’s Brian Tinnion - club legend Ian Gay told him so. ****.
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