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Everything posted by pongo88

  1. That’s what you call job commitment
  2. I noticed that City are in 20th position. Can’t you cheat?
  3. pongo88


    It’s definitely clearly fake. Nobody has Madras with red wine
  4. You forgot furniture removal man for Alan Walsh.
  5. Another interesting fact. The area around Craven Cottage was once woodland and was part of Anne Boleyn’s hunting grounds. What is the relevance to City - none
  6. If he shines things could go two ways. 1) He's offered the job on a permanent basis and fails = equal meltdown on the forum due to the "cheap option". 2) He's offered the job on a permanent basis and succeeds = everyone on the forum says Steve Lansdown is a genius.
  7. pongo88


    I think City’s performances this season have been Much Ado About Nothing
  8. pongo88


    If we’d had some dark arts this season we would have been able to see out matches, instead of throwing away points in the last few minutes
  9. pongo88


    I’d rather sit through 6 months of packed defences to stay up. That would be better than 6 months of shambolic defending resulting in relegation
  10. pongo88


    That’s the big issue. There are so many problems to sort out City need a superhero manager. It was a three year project when NP took over so, at best, it’s a three and a half year project now
  11. pongo88


    I can take the despair. It's the hope I can't stand
  12. It’s become the norm for City to drop deeper and deeper as a match enters the last 10 minutes. This just invites the opposition to attack more. Alex Ferguson said that often when opposition teams were winning or drawing at Old Trafford they made defensive substitutions to hang onto a point. This made it easier for Man Utd as the team could push forward without the fear of conceding another goal. NP seems to agree with Ferguson as he often brings on an attacking player when the team is under pressure near the end of a match. Unfortunately, the players can’t hold onto the ball, so as soon as City’s defence clears an attack the ball comes straight back. The solution seems simple - hold onto the ball, or break up the game to slow it down. Sorry to mention his name in this thread, but Warnock is a master of getting teams to slow things down when the going is tough. It’s not necessary to resort to all of the Warnock “gamesmanship” tactics, as there are more legitimate ways of doing things. Unfortunately, most of the players can’t grasp this basic concept.
  13. You’re obviously correct about NP losing out financially if he walked away, but having a hissy fit and walking away is just the sort of thing I imagine he’d do. City would then be in the same situation as when Benny Lennartsson was appointed in 98 and John Ward left.
  14. I can’t imagine Nigel Pearson agreeing to a short break, to allow someone else to sort out the team, but I can imagine Neil Warnock agreeing to a six months contract. Then he could finally retire. With Nigel he would have to be in or out, not some hybrid arrangement
  15. pongo88


    Tony x 3 You’ve thrown in a few apostrophes so I’ve had to guess what you mean. I assume you meant: “I really really love that Warnock can be really really successful right off” Is this correct
  16. I’d forgotten about Taylor Moore but, now you’ve mentioned him, it reminds me that I was a nervous wreck every time he played. I used to enjoy the skilful stuff but was always waiting for the big mistake. There is more to being a good player than skill and attitude. Players need to concentrate for 90 minutes. Some skilful players can’t do it and fade away. Other, less skilful, players can do it and have a good career. IMO Vyner and Moore are League 1 players. You can get away with more mistakes at that level.
  17. I think “bar” is the key word. He often has good games bar the odd awful mistake or two. He had a decent game against Birmingham bar being at fault for the second and third goals.
  18. It’s a yes from me. Unfortunately my views count for diddly squat
  19. Has anyone got a cat I could borrow. I need something to kick
  20. I made up the word “hugerer” as it’s the sort of thing a 5 year old would say. I watched by granddaughter “play football” this morning and it reminded me of watching City.
  21. Sometimes in life you’ve got to do things you don’t like. The last thing we need is a manager that SL likes. Come on Steve, give him a contract till the end of the season.
  22. He left by “mutual consent “
  23. Just about every game for the last two months has been a huge game. The problem is, as time goes by, the games get hugerer and hugerer
  24. A local derby v Forest Green should be interesting next season
  25. Unfortunately we’ve got some game changers in the starting eleven - eg Vyner who was a fault for two goals on Tuesday
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