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Rob k

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Posts posted by Rob k

  1. 48 minutes ago, Harry said:

    Great work mate. You’re coming along amazingly. I remember that first half I ran with you at Forest of Dean, 3.5 years ago. You’ve taken about an hour off your time now. Brilliant ?

    Mate i was thinking about that the other day - i was in absolutely no shape to be doing that run at all when i look back, i was in agony after 9 miles and i couldn’t get walk after due to my knee, I’ve unfinished business with that run....

    • Like 1
  2. 29 minutes ago, Stortz said:

    That Mayweather fight did wonders for Canelo in retrospect, he learned so much from being in with him. Shows how outright brilliant Floyd was too, a great performance from him, he broke Canelo's heart.

    Agree with you on the two GGG Canelo fights, I will never forgive Adalaide Byrd for the first one. As I posted above, Gennady's head movement was noticeably improved in the Szeremeta fight, they've clearly been working on it. I'd give him little chance in a trilogy fight all the same.

    I'm with @Maltshoveller on Billy Joe's power, he lacks top class pop and admires his work a bit too. There's absolutely no way he hits as hard as Callum Smith imo.

    Would love to see the fight though-as you say, it's not the sort of stylistic match up that Canelo has faced many times.

    Would you say that BJS woukd be a little more game than CS was though? 

  3. 58 minutes ago, TomF said:

    AJ has improved hugely as a 'boxer' since Ruiz. His Jab on Saturday was the best I've seen at it.  He's still got the undercut, that straight right that puts anyone to bed. 

    WBO won't want to miss out on this fight, they'll find a way.  I don't really see how Usyk has made it to #1 challenger after two heavyweight fights. His cruiserweight credentials shouldn't count imo, there is such a difference with the power at the world end of HW boxing. 

    Eddie is already harping on about it not being in the UK as we all feared.   Does it really need to be made in the Spring? 

    I’d love it to be in the UK but I’d love it to be in a full stadium more - we will just have to travel ??

  4. 1 hour ago, TMWANG50 said:

    Like the sound of a OTIB 10k, Yate Town do one in May possibly an option covid permitting?

    I would be up for that - i think it’s called the Hogweed Trot? It was my first ever 10k!! Took me an hour and a half!!!! 

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  5. 28 minutes ago, Bouncearoundtheground said:

    Can’t help my reaction to this sort of comment being unless you’ve been in there with a 6’6 ******* monster with a jab that’s broken your orbital bone I don’t think you can give him stick for quitting

    To be fair both the pros ringside did straight away 

    • Like 1
  6. 29 minutes ago, Danwal said:

    Really horrible atmosphere I thought. Hearing bellew, Haye etc all shouting for Del Boy just felt like a school playground fight. Glad Usyk won and him and his team have shown a lot of class. Think fury will be too big and too clever for him, I don’t think AJ has the same chin as Del Boy so that fight could be a lot closer than people think 

    I’m not sure about this chin talk of AJ, he’s been banged pretty hard and got up off the floor. When your caught your caught, Fury got put on his ass by Steve Cunningham for example 

  7. 1 minute ago, Kid in the Riot said:

    Same, just thinking how much better it could have been. Here's to some big European games in the next couple of years we can attend ?

    Brilliant second half, Pat Lam is honorary Bristolian of the year. 

    Just saying the same to a mutual friend!! 
    I’m no real rugby man compared to football but we would have been there for the crack, there would have been thousands now out on the piss!! 

    • Like 4
  8. 23 hours ago, tommy_b said:

    Brighton Marathon is my next scheduled proper event. I was training for it 2020 but obviously postponed. 

    With most other big spring races postponed to Autumn, I can only imagine this following suit and being bumped. 

    So now I’m considering the Green Man Ultra. Trekking around Bristol from Ashton Park school over 45 miles. In mud. In March. In more mud and waterlogged paths. 

    Anyone got any experience of it at all?

    My friends did this event this year - It’s on my ‘list’ of events to do 

  9. 1 hour ago, TomF said:

    Just realised it’s 6 months since recovering from a week in Hosptial. Nice to crack out a 1.39 half today. So have brought that down from 1.59 for first one I did in June to today. Not sure I’m going much lower than that ?

    Bloody hell - impressive work 

  10. 6 minutes ago, TomF said:

    Today is defo a recovery day as far as I’m concerned ?  Going to head out tomorrow come rain or rain. 

    I’ve got a long ride tomorrow, i can’t say im particularly excited about the prospect 

  11. 22 hours ago, Harry said:

    Controversial opinion of mine, but I’d much prefer running events, gyms, swimming, badminton, tennis, football, cricket etc etc continued as normal and instead all the pubs were closed. 

    With covid a particularly high killer amongst the unhealthy, surely we ought to be encouraging exercise and fitness and discouraging boozing. 

    I’d rather run a 10k with a couple of thousand people than I would sit in a dark & dingy back street boozer with a dozen borderline alcoholics. 

    Surely it’s better for people to engage in exercise than drinking. 

    And also exercise is so good for mental health - i don’t drink much at all these days, in fact i would say I’m a typical binge drinker, once a month or so, it makes you feel like shit for days, i don’t miss it one bit. 

    • Like 2
  12. 6 hours ago, MarcusX said:

    I’m in agreement. I can cope without a pub but don’t take my gym away again!

    Boris wanted people to get healthy, forget slimming world or whatever it was he’s gone with, get people out being active. I’m glad team sports are still going ahead, I’m not sure why park runs couldn’t on that basis - though I assume most attract hundreds of people? Maybe rather than 1 park run a week, have different start times through the day. Greater demand on volunteers I suppose but I’m sure lots of people are keen to get this going and willing to help.

    I guess it’s back to my point on the football thread, it’s difficult to justify opening more things up when the message is tightening things up

    Ah good luck, Ironman is my dream! I need a lot of swimming work

    Same here mate, I can swim about a mile currently but there’s zero technique, I’m going to be having lessons as I have to improve, i did an Olympic distance tri the other day. Which was my first go at the sport, and i was 239 out of 247 for the swim so it has to get better.

  13. 6 hours ago, mozo said:

    I think most events have ruled out Spring and are hoping for the Autumn 2021

    What have you slowed to and from out of interest?

    I was running at around 8.15mm for 10k on average, quickest was 7.50mm, for the first z2 session where the second your out the zone you have  to walk to drop your heart rate and did it approx 10.20mm

    Im doing an Ironman in July next year so it’s all to do with building a huge engine for that to get me round. 

    • Like 1
  14. 2 hours ago, TomF said:

    So the Thorlos socks I had certainly not gone down well. Not sure if they're wrong fit for me but was having a blinding good run yesterday (10 miles in 1hr 20) and then I started to suffer.  Last 4 miles home were a killer, not helped by a stich, but that was caused by me having to slow down due to feet pain. When I got home found I had 6 blister on my left foot, 3 on side of big toe and then some on the top of my toes.  Haven't experienced anything like it before really (get the odd blister on a long run) and this was second attempt with the socks.  Thinking I need to really find something better.

    Have you had a trainer fit?

  15. 10 hours ago, MarcusX said:

    I think it’s hard to try and play football after so much running as your body is only used to the continuous forward movement, the twists and turns are so demanding and need familiarisation again

    Went really well thanks! Finished in 10:51:05. Initial goal (other than just showing up, and finishing!) was 10 hours and was looking good for it but fell apart around mile 38. It was a 3.3 mile course 15 laps, so after every 3 laps I got some food in(as I’d done in training). I took a 15 minute planned break after lap 9 (29ish miles) did some massage, changed socks etc and felt great but think I went a bit too hard for a couple of laps and pushed the pace too much. Mile 38-45 was an absolute slog and a lot of walking, the pain was unbearable but I got a second wind for the last lap, adjusted my goal to 11 hours on the fly and finished strong!

    was a good little event, shame covid meant you didn’t really get to talk to people too much but the team running it were great, really friendly and supportive. 9 people did the full 50 out of 40ish runners and most were doing their first ultra.

    In a whole world of pain now though and managed a couple of hours sleep but now wide awake ?

    Fair play mate that’s cracking stuff ??

  16. 11 hours ago, elhombrecito said:

    Optimistically took my running shoes with me to Croatia for two weeks - needless to say, they came back unused :laugh: There was something about eating and drinking all day in 35 degree heat that made me not want to run... :dunno:

    In self-isolation now for 14 days, so running is definitely not on the cards. Luckily, I have my turbo trainer and Zwift set up to get me through this next couple of weeks (sorry, I know cycling is a dirty word around these parts :fear:). 

    I bloody love cycling - I’m doing a 164m route to Dorset and back now the London marathon is off.

    i have really struggled with the turbo stuff though, i find it soo boring, is zwift worth the money?

  17. 17 hours ago, mozo said:

    Yeah that time is coming. This godforsaken country...

    I cycled yesterday morning - went out at 8.30 and was freezing for the first few miles, i had a long top on too 

    on a seperate note for those local

    to Yate, j went to Cromhall quarry swimming today, it was absolutely brilliant, i had my wetsuit on but plenty didn’t. Really recommend if you like swimming  

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