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Rob k

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Posts posted by Rob k

  1. 2 hours ago, Harry said:

    New 10k PB this morning. Over half a minute shaved off my previous. ?

    Fair play mate - my 10k last night could not have been much worse. Legs just felt horrendous and i did all i could just to get round ??

    • Like 1
  2. 5 hours ago, TomF said:

    Just had a look at the route - its kinda as I imagined it would be but yikes what a run that would be.   I absolutely love it around Llanberis way. 

    I’ve cycled around there last year - we did the 3 peaks but rode our bikes between the peaks - i love the scenery.

  3. 13 minutes ago, terpin said:

    Jacko mentioned about doing Athens next year a while back. Let me know if any plans materialise for that one mate.

    Snowdonia sounds interesting as well. Never knew they had a marathon up there.

    Twice Voted the best British marathon by all accounts - it’s all ballot spots as these things generally are. 

  4. 4 minutes ago, terpin said:

    Yeah, it is a mint area for cycling. Always try and get a ride in when I'm back. Just had a look at the Black Rat profile. Bit chewy that one!


    Good stuff. I PB'd that day as well with 3:27 so we would have been pretty close to each other!

    In regards to the future, I tend to take it year by year. Would love to do Pyongyang Marathon where you get chaparoned in and out of the country. Would be a hell of an experience but not sure I'd get the OK from the Mrs for that one...


    It’s a tough ride that’s for sure

    min regards to running  if i can get London done this year (fingers crossed) then Athens is on the cards for next year - there are a few other ones that take my fancy, they won’t be PB courses but Snowdonia is one i have my eye on 

  5. 1 hour ago, terpin said:

    Remember seeing that you'd cycled past my mums place in the Forest a while back @Rob k!

    Released that I never got around to introuding myself on the thread here. As mentioned by @Harry, I live out in Norway now and have done so for the past 12 years.  

    In regards to running, my first race was Cheltenham 10k back in 2001. Have done numerous 10ks, half marathons and marathons since, with a few triathlons thrown in as well.

    My ongoing "project" is to run 26 marathons, over 26 years, in 26 different countries. Started in 2008, so I'm up to 12 now. This year I'm signed up to Poznan in October, but not holiding my breath on that one. Might have to double up next year.

    Currently building back up after slipping a disc in my back, but fingers crossed things seem to be going in the right direction. 

    I love cycling over that way mate - some cracking scenery. One of the hardest rides of the year is across the bridge called the ‘black rat’, its 112 miles, 18 of which are uphill!! However there are some fast downhills too, it took it out of me last year that’s for sure 

  6. 15 hours ago, Harry said:

    She lives in the farmhouse between Yate Rocks and Wickwar, by the closed gate to the quarry. 
    You’ve likely ran past her plenty of times then - she’s the crazy woman who’s often seen taking her cat for a walk ?

    I would have ran past your Mums house loads then - I did a lot of running around there last winter where training for the Glos marathon . 
    really nice and quiet around there - there is a horrible little hill that gets me everytime around there 

  7. 16 hours ago, MarcusX said:

    I think HR monitors will be more accurate than Strava, they always seem to be a basic calculation and usually over estimate. I’ve got just an Apple Watch and I must say I’ve used the calorie count on that daily for a couple of years now to monitor my requirements and always managed to meet my goals (either lose or gain weight) by using it and allowing for 100-200 margin.

    2nd run today, 8 miles in 73 minutes. Little quicker than I wanted it to be, need to control my pace more on those easy recovery runs.

    I tried out the Nike running club app today on my run, has recorded program guides for various run distances. Was quite clever and a welcome distraction every few minutes talking me through the stages of the run. Probably will get too repetitive after a couple of runs but would recommend for a couple at each distance.

    Bit of yoga and stretching afterwards, strength and conditioning tomorrow and then back out running Friday for an hour at easy pace with 10 minutes “fast” in the middle

    I’ve always been told to be very wary in regards to the information in regards to using your  watch for calorie burn - 


  8. 10 minutes ago, MarcusX said:

    That’s a tough break, I assume you’ll train for October. If it’s cancelled will you continue training and take the place in next years?

    Yeah, I will take the place next year if it’s cancelled ,  im just ticking along at the moment,  3-4 small runs a week, up to about 6 miles or so, the plan is to start the plan again in middle of June and be ready for Oct 4th, I’m desperate for it to be on in October as have got a couple of things i want to do next March, one is the Grizzly and then the greenman bug won’t be able to as London and outlaw are the 2 priority’s 

    • Like 1
  9. This year has officially been written off!!

    Was supposed to be doing London marathon in April and The full distance Outlaw in July - both cancelled and i can’t see in a million years that London will take place in October even though i have to motivate myself to train again in case it is!! 

    I would definitely invest in a decent pair of shoes, i wear mizuno wave inspire, very comfortable. 

  10. 3 hours ago, Bristol Rob said:

    No way would they have dropped the best part of a double Tilson and not announced it.

    Next they'll be telling you they transferred their official open top bus parade crowd counter to the Trump administration for 3 million, and their first job was to count the people at his inauguration.

    Hahahaha a double Tilson!!! That’s made me laugh more than it should of!!

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