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Rob k

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Posts posted by Rob k

  1. 19 minutes ago, Sheltons Army said:

    Luke Ayling ??  we stole £200k off Leeds for him 

    On a serious note........ (lets for arguments sake ignore their any inherit abilities and natural development )


    and Brownhill .....

    some credit with Reid ....







    68 you say ?


    Come on Shelts - your usually quite fair, ‘some credit with Reid’? Think he deserves a bit more than that! 
    kelly? Joe Bryan? Pack? Flint, not signed by him but all certainly improved under him and they are hard players to replace 

    • Like 3
  2. 1 hour ago, Davefevs said:

    That was as I understood it too.  Think some fans were telling the fan to not be a knob.

    It’s Absolutely not true - i was right next to it, probably the guy behind the bloke who was rowing. it was completely unwarranted from SC, he came back out to row and was pretty much told to do one. It was a long time ago now so can’t remember the exact exchange word for word but it was very unnecessary from a manager of a football club 

    • Like 4
  3. 37 minutes ago, Lew-T said:

    Jimmy is breathing down the neck of Kumble for test wickets. Quite incredible! Home track bully they say...

    Could have had another wicket too as the ball that was given not out was hitting middle Stump about 12” up 

  4. 10 hours ago, red84 said:

    Only just came across we have a running chat on otib! @Harry up and running really helped helping the gait analysis. Brought some different insoles as well which gives me extra support. Strength exercises at least 3 times a week help too. 

    Did anyone apply for the London Marathon and get in?

    I’m in but from last year - can’t wait 

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, mozo said:

    Is the other one called Up and Running? 

    Yeah injury prevention as far as I know is mostly footwear, stretches and strengthening. Maybe technique of you do lots of miles.

    I went to up and running - they were good, put me in quite a few different pairs before we decided on mine. I found them useful 


    • Like 2
  6. 2 hours ago, Harry said:

    Was in enough pain today to finally say “I gotta go see someone about this”. 

    Foot still painful and swollen. Swelling not reduced since last Wednesday. Been painful for 10 days now! 

    Anyway, popped into Yate minor injuries unit. Was seen by a nurse practitioner who is a big city fan. We had a good old chinwag. Says he’s had people turn up there before in rovers shirts and he’s told them to bugger off “the only thing wrong with you is your bloody football team”. Ha ha. He knows quite a lot of the “old faces from the 70’s/80’s”. 

    Anyway, he reckons I’ve got tendinitis. Which is what I suspected. But he also said I’ve got lots of bruising on the bottom of the toes which he thinks is from the running. Thinks I need to get a gait analysis and a properly fitted pair of running shoes. 

    I know this chat has been on here before but I can’t remember which page, but what’s the place up in Clifton that does the gait analysis, and what’s the make of the specialist running shoes that people recommended? 

    I don’t think there is a brand as such but they will recommend the shoes that are best for you, for example they recommended a pair of mizunos for me but Asics for a mate.

    on a seperate note, was hoping to do 20 yesterday but bloody calf felt tight after 7 miles or so so turned right back accros sodbury common rather than left up Horton hill!! What a shame ??

    I also drove down that hill you ran up by the golf course today, can’t wait to go down that again in the summer on my bike even though I’m a bit of a bottler on the downhills compared to some of my mates 

    • Like 1
  7. 28 minutes ago, ziderheadarmy said:

    I’m guessing you live by Brockworth (shireway), it’s a bit muddy down the gravel out after the road to no where. Then North Road and out to the village hall in in Rangeworthy then is that past Tan House and up across the Wickwar road and down Mapleridge lane? Into Horton then you King Lane? I hate Horton hill to usually peal off that way as I like going through Inglestone Common. 

    Nice route, how far is that? 16 miles I’m going to guess? 

    Yeah i live in a Pitchcombe so right next to the road to nowhere, 

    You have it spot on with the route for that run, just had a look and it was 18 miles when i last did it, i went out yesterday and got to the end of mapleridge lane and i turned right on to the common and back to Sodbury, i was already cold and wet and at that point had only done 7 miles or so so had one of those days where i didn’t fancy the extra miles in the wind!! Still 11 miles in the tank though.

    I like running in those lanes, hardly any traffic etc so it’s stress free 

  8. 4 minutes ago, Harry said:

    Nice. Yep, the road up to Hawkesbury Upton is the one with the tasty hill. Although, can’t quite tell but I reckon that route just avoids the biggie. 
    If you go straight on instead of that 90 degree right turn just before you head up to Hawkesbury, you should carry on straight for a km or so and then do a right. That’ll take you up the big one. 

    Yeah i reckon you turn off just before the hill and then go past a church and up a hill there instead, if any of you have ever ridden the sodbury sportive route it’s the first hill on that 

  9. 51 minutes ago, Harry said:

    Excellent. Good to hear you’re active. 
    Yeah, I’m just over in Charfield and have ran up Chase Lane a few times, then along toward King Lane.  It’s a lovely route. 
    I’ve only noticed a few dwellings up there - a row of houses just up from the entrance to Lower Woods, and then another row just by the turn to Orange End. Aside from that just a few farmhouses. Whereabouts are you? 
    I think I might run that route again this weekend maybe. 
    Silvio Dante is the other who’s run along there, having run from the Wickwar side of Yate/Sodbury. 
    I’ve yet to do the hill all the way up to the monument, which Silvio did the other week. Might have to try that this weekend, doing the route straight on at Orange End. 

    I shall be doing the majority of this route sat - this must go close to a few of you lot 


  10. 7 hours ago, Harry said:

    @Rob k

    Mate. Just seen your Strava from today. 
    You’ve done another bloody marathon! Wow. Congrats mate, that’s superb. 
    And 4:35 too. Mint time. 
    Proud of you bud. I know you’ve worked damn hard for that. ????

    Cheers mate, appreciate it 

    I actually went out with a mate who is training for a run, he’s running from London to Frampton in 24hrs to raise funds for CHSW. Anyway ive said i would try and run 30 of the miles with him towards the end to help out a bit so was good to see where i was. 

    It was a nice run yesterday, got a bit tougher towards the end but not too bad, I’m quite confident i will be able to do the 30 in March. It won’t be a fast run but it will be long, I’m doing London in October and I’m hoping to go for a 3.55 in that one

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  11. 11 minutes ago, CyderInACan said:

    Top of BVR - which way you gonna go? Left towards the Sea Walls, Straight on past the Zoo to Redland or Right towards CV & the Suspension Bridge? I've done straight on & right, yet to go left towards the Sea Walls, Ladies Mile etc 

    Well i might start the run at the bottom and then do half the Greenman route so over to the suspension bridge and back to Yate through the fields 

  12. 19 hours ago, CyderInACan said:

    Yeah as Coomber says BVR is a beast - the problem being once you're at the top, everywhere else is uphill too! (unless you run straight back down which is cheating) 

    This sounds like a run i want to have a crack at once Lockdown is over....

    • Like 1
  13. 20 minutes ago, Harry said:

    @SuperDziek @Silvio Dante @Rob k

    Interesting to see you mention Bridge Valley Road SuperDzieck. I always considered that to be a super hard climb - and it is. 
    I thought I’d have a quick look at the climbs we all did this weekend. 

    Bridge Valley - 0.7k Grade 7.6%
    Somerset Monument - 0.7k Grade 8.3%
    Old London Road - 0.7k Grade 10.7%

    I knew the other 2 were biggies but had no idea they were beastlier than Bridge Valley. 

    You were right Rob K - she’s a bloody brute! 

    To think @mozodid this blighter on Xmas day, 15k into a half!!! Maaaan!! 

    I absolutely hated going up there this morning and yet I absolutely loved it too. And I absolutely never want to do it again but know I will love it when I do ?

    I did some hill sprints on peg hill on Thursday - that was bad enough! Yet Nothing like what you chaps have been up to ??

    I shall be doing the 2nd half of the greenman route soon and im told there Is a nasty hill out by Dundry, i think i have cycled the same ridge so if it’s where i think it is that’s going to be a toughy 


  14. 1 hour ago, Harry said:

    @mozo I mentioned I was keen to run up that brutal hill climb you did on Xmas day. 
    Managed it this morning. Wow!! That was tough. 
    Eased myself into the run to start climbing at 1k and got to the top by the golf club at 5k. That 4k distance was quite literally vertical for about 2.5k and only levelled off temporarily a couple of times. 
    An absolute beast!! 
    Was nice turning at the top and running back down it though ?


    Fair play - I’ve ridden that on my bike, it’s a beast indeed!! Good 10k time with that hill involved ??


    • Like 1
  15. 16 hours ago, PHILINFRANCE said:



    Galle is, indeed, a most beautiful cricket ground located in a wonderful historic, picturesque town with really friendly people and exquisite cuisine - fresh fish and just about every fruit and vegetable you can think of, which sort of sums up Sri Lanka in general.

    I have been fortunate to have visited the country, although, regrettably, not during the cricket season, and enjoyed a truly wonderful few days in what was then the New Oriental Hotel located within Galle Fort, which wasn't new at all but (Dutch) colonialism in all its splendour.

    Some may have forgotten, but Galle Stadium was severely damaged in the 2004 tsunami.

    Pictorial: Galle Test Ground after the Tsunami | Critiquing Cricket

    After the flood: England witness a triumph of the spirit in Sri Lanka | The  Independent | The Independent

    Pictorial: Galle Test Ground after the Tsunami | Critiquing Cricket

    I’d absolutely love to go and watch England play a test here

    • Like 1
  16. 7 hours ago, The Bard said:

    Any advice about mitigating achilles pain from running?  I've been out a couple of times since new year but have to wait 5/6 days before trying again due to the pain.

    Cycling is less painful..

    It might sound daft but when was the last time you had a good sports massage? 
    I thought i had a bad ankle before but it was all to do with having a very tight calf, had a few sessions and it was sorted 

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