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Everything posted by cityexile

  1. Interesting post ID - would happily add Swindon to that. It really did feel we were about to hammer somebody. Just a series of almost laughable mistakes costing us point after point, but we were competitive. Really felt we just needed maybe a little tinkering, some confidence, and heck, a little luck! Equally some poor efforts at home. We then not only decided to bring in a new manager, but it is clear now one with a completly different approach. I had assumed he would bring in some confidence and self belief, a bit of fiddling, and we would be ok. Fact is we are were we are. The only chance we have of staying up is with the current manager, as we are not going to change again this year. Just feels really deppresing right now. With the exception of Orient, we have been as poor for a run of games now as we have been all season. Looks grim.
  2. I must be the only one in isolation did not mind that interview - he is clearly spitting at the performance, as he should.
  3. Disappointing, depressing, familiar. Looks increasingly like 4 from the bottom 5, and on current form just not going to be us to miss out. Must pick up 4 points from next two games.His new spine of the team hardly seems to be making any difference. Indeed we are getting worse. Were do we go from here. Feel sorry for the fans that went. Expected us to lose, but give it a go and be competitive. Another weekend ruined.
  4. Must confess I do not feel confident at all. They have won their last four, and what seems to have got overlooked from their midweek game is they rested a fair number of first choice players! Really do not see them featuring in the bottom four come the end. Being optimistic, 1-1. A little side show - their McQuire, a regular, is one booking away from a two match ban. If he were to pick that up today (or Tuesday) he would be sure of making their cup QF. Hopefully he can overcook it...
  5. The times I have seen him, what I have admired, even when coming in for obvious flack, he is one of the few players who do not 'go missing' even if the team are doing badly. He most likely is at his level in this league, but always has put a shift in when I have watched. Never going to beat five players when the ball is by his feet, but can become a vital part of a settled defence, when he knows what his role is - and where the goalie is! Fair play to the man - the goals are a great bonus.
  6. A fair number against us. Forget the other teams for now - it would have looked a lot bloody worse if we had lost tonight. If we can get our own form going, the table will sort itself out.
  7. Absolutely thrilled to be proved wrong! Great to see the away day fans getting something to cheer. Really needed three points - can be season defining IF we now follow it up at home. Well done the lads.
  8. Would rather to be honest see Reid in instead of Barnett or even Jet to start, so we could make changes if need be. Just do not see how the front three connect to the rest. Please prove me wrong!
  9. Looks the line up of a man who rates his signings, regardless of evidence to date. Hope I am proved wrong. Just cannot see us competing in midfield.
  10. Can we start saying we are ''good' at corners yet? Seems a fair share of our goals are as the result of them at the moment.
  11. That is great to hear. Should not forget Oldhams form recently has been half decent. If I am frustrated, its that El playing better in the centre should not be a huge suprise and should not have taken that many games to discover. Anyway, lets hope he can settle down now, and well done to Flint. Sounds like he could even have won it late on.
  12. Tries to remember last time we scored first in a league game... Even after an away point, table looks a lot worse than it did before kick off. Need a few 3 pointers, stating the blindingly obvious.
  13. In isolation, a decent point. Sounds like without being great we were more solid and competitive. In the context of the table, maybe less so. Starting a run of five away out of seven, so need a win or two somewhere in that lot.
  14. Its depressing reading the thread before kick off when the line up was out, and how many fans called this then. How bloody difficult is it to be just bloody average in this league?
  15. Could not make today, but interested in your comments on El - could it be he is better in a position he has played in since before ww2?
  16. Looking at the other results, simply had to win that. Hope he is not stubborn enough to persist with EL, who is either rubbish or out of position, but by Christ we needed that.
  17. Only thing we can be grateful is only losing by two. Sounds very poor and well beaten.
  18. i would have taken each side scoring two before the game....
  19. Our usual front line is not the problem, in my humble opinion.
  20. Its not losing these two games, which were always hard, its how, and that the boss seems to be playing players out of position, and does not seem to know who his strongest side is. A win on Saturday is looking a must.
  21. Jet dropped, or rested for what manger sees is the bigger game is a key question. its just deju vu time and time again at the back.
  22. He has got goals, and everyone seems to agree, even him, that he dould have got a few more. So here is the thing. Given its not entirely clear who we could play as an alternative that would knock them in for fun, what is our best chance of getting the best out of him? Boo, jeer etc, or give him support, notwithstanding his weaknesses?
  23. Well, one more comment then - another thread on him! http://www.concreteroundabout.co.uk/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=9716&start=40 And an interesting away perspective on the game http://www.concreteroundabout.co.uk/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=9740
  24. My last word on this as other things to do, but agree with the post above that he needs to learn a litle more variation with just the goalie to beat. Two games against Mk, scored two in each, could have won or lost both games easily, he missed most likely his easiest chance in both. In a microcosm, Mk sum up our season so far. Not sure what that says! Equally they missed at least one on one that we put down to decent saves. Equally, if we had been told he would score twice today before the game, would we have taken that, regardless of how many chances it took? I suspect so.
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