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Everything posted by cityexile

  1. Think we are a bit cooked now anyway, but a little titbit if I read all this right. The UK chose not to enter team to qualify for the Olympics so it is in Englands hands. If Scotland beat England, neither can finish first…so the only chance for a Scotland player to get in the squad of an Olympic team is to allow England to stuff them and hope they go on to win the group.
  2. Ask me again after the next two matches, when we see how the squad respond.
  3. Agree with that entirely. Too add, I am now much less confident about those two matches. Who knows how the players react.
  4. Got to say, most times a manager goes there is some sadness, but results meant it was kind of coming. This one, despite the recent rumours, I just thought ‘no way’. Everyone can see how we are improving and what he is achieving with huge constraints. Absolutely nonsense decision. Quite angry tbh, as well as an awful lot of sympathy for NP who did not deserve this.
  5. Not been much in it and on another day etc etc. Well in the game up to the last moments. Having said that did not really create much more than half chances. Dang and dang again.
  6. I think it’s fair to ask whether we should have bought some more strength, but the squad is not awfully small. Can debate the reasons for it, but this is down to a frankly stupid number of injuries.
  7. Been the better team this half no doubt. Remarkable really.
  8. Meh, we are going to blow them away with our bench.
  9. This Board is never as reactive as after a defeat. Off to bed.
  10. Thought Conway and Bell showed what they are tonight. Young players still learning their trade. Shame tonight, bit more composure, heck a bit of luck, we could have snuck a 1-1 which would have been very decent. Does not get easier on Saturday really, but no lack of effort.
  11. O well. Made a game of it in the end, and in the last 20 had the best of it and could have snuck one. Over the 90 Ipswich worth it, but not far away. Ho hum. Ned some players back.
  12. Longer we keep it to 0-1 more chance we have to sneak something. Genuinely unlucky there.
  13. I don’t think we would be choosing to play them twice so quickly. Just have no ability to rotate.
  14. As a member of the goalies union, he will be questioning the space the player got. It bounces just in front of him which always makes it tricky. Equally it has ended up going through him and he will know he should have had it. More than one player at fault however.
  15. Battled away, Ipswich worth their lead. They look more likely to score than us still, but longer it stays 1-0 you never know. Bell frustrating but got in a few good positions. Just got to hang it there and far from out of the match yet. Defence sadly looking too often what it is, makeshift.
  16. No lack of effort, but our square pegs in round holes getting caught out by Ipswich a few times now at the back. Not surprising I guess, but frustrating all the same.
  17. Team is barely just about ok, and pretty sure they will give their usual 100%. Where we are is shown however by our bench. Not a lot of experience there.
  18. NP. Worth adding, a change now also puts any new manager under intense unnecessary pressure. Losing a manager who a big majority want to keep, unless you hit the ground running results wise you are on a hiding to nothing.
  19. All a bit bloody depressing really. Feel like NP had read the writing on the wall and said ‘sod this for a game of soldiers’ and decided to force the issue. Love his frankness, and has done one hell of a job. As a sense check, think it’s one of those were fans of other clubs with no skin in this game will think we have lost our collective marbles.
  20. It’s not NPs first rodeo. Feels like he has decided to force the issue. He is not prepared to just hang around and see out his contract. So it’s a case of offer me a new one, great, if not I will force the issue, you sack me and I ride in to the sunset now with a few quid. Entirely sensible.
  21. Cards on table, got a lot of time for NP, he is straightforward, experienced and given everything he has done he absolutely deserves an extension, say a 12 month rolling contract. Than to be given a fair crack of the whip in terms of support. The worse situation of all however is uncertainty. Players not knowing who their boss is at the end of the season, NP himself not knowing where the hell he is. The next transfer window, what, treading water? Either back him, now, or give him the courtesy of an answer as to when a decision will be taken and what way the wind is blowing. Frankly, after the high of a very decent win, this is all a bit of a downer.
  22. Up to the change in formation we were pretty much being overrun. Afterwards, we controlled them pretty much and restricted them to very little in the way of chances. In fairness we did not trouble them much either, but we were a goal up and it was up to them to make something happen. I don’t think any neutral watching us is going to think we are about the take the table by storm, but get some players back and who knows, we might be able to push on a bit.
  23. Given the state of our injures, excellent result. We were not great, but defensively worked our socks off. Delighted.
  24. Been more even this half and kept them at arms length pretty much. So far.
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