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Bazooka Joe

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Everything posted by Bazooka Joe

  1. Thank you for the Gift that keeps on giving.
  2. The inventors of social distancing.
  3. This gets better every time I hear it. Surely some impressario can transform this gem of a recording into a blockbuster movie, a stage-play, musical or TV series. Can anyone suggest a (suitably embarrassing) title?
  4. Won't make anything difference at the Mem. No-one seems to go there anyway. Judging by their sparse, thinly dispersed crowds they've been doing social-distancing for years.
  5. Giving rather than taking the piss? Must have been a right shower.
  6. In my opinion the attendance was much higher than the official 38,000+. It was bedlam that day. The Police numbers were high, but insufficient to deter ticketless chancers from both clubs, many of whom got in one way or another, before or during couse of the game (when security eased off). I was in the East End, which was packed to the rafters (literally!) Older members will remember the climbers who would shin up the steel girders and watch the game sat astride the cross-beams; usually getting nabbed by the Old Bill at the end of the game.
  7. I thought this was the current Rovers squad photo. But then I realised the quality was far too good.
  8. Probably. They have quite a few upskirters at the Mem.
  9. Coronavirus Update: Rovers will be permitted to play all their home games as scheduled, as their attendances are considerably lower than the crowd exemption limit. However, its likely Garner's "massive fine" will bankrupt them.
  10. Proof if proof be needed that Wally has splashed the cash. And he's got the receipt for the £13.06p he spent at Home Bargains, to prove it.
  11. At such a pokey ground and a pathetic attendance, it would have felt like they were playing behind closed doors. From the Stadium of Light to the Stadium of Shite.
  12. Time to close those tent-flaps (as Wally said to Irene)
  13. When they heard about the virus spreading, Corona bottled it ( a bit like Leeds and Derby in recent seasons).
  14. If they get relegated, Garner deserves a knighthood. Go for it Garner. If anyone can do it, you can.
  15. Bristol Live (never let the truth or facts get in the way of a good story) states "Jama had been part of a long list of famous Rovers fans" Since when do three idiot Z-listers constitute " a long line of famous..." ?
  16. For the avoidance of any doubt, Rovers do not use percentages in their polls. These are, in fact, the actual total number of fans they have (which is an all-time high for them). They are collectively known as Horfield's Hideous Hundred.
  17. What an idiot. Given that they spell "proud" as "prowed", the correct spelling must be "Blackthrown"
  18. One news reporter (Sky?) said the crowd was somewhere between 10,000 and 30,000. Bit of wide spread there. I reckon he knew/believe the organisers' estimates were well exaggerated. Did they commission a SAG die-hard to help them come up with these figures? If so, they forgot to mention the 20,000 who were locked out.
  19. Was that the moment old Red Trousers stumbled and fell face-first into the mud?
  20. The two above are "Dopey" Darrell & "Grumpy" Henbury Gas. Any suggestions for Doc, Bashful, Sneezy, Happy and Sleepy?
  21. So, no longer seeing Irene in your dreams?
  22. Sorry to disappoint you but I never felt more like singin the blues etc etc etc. ain't the right lyrics. I'll give you a clue - its the "etc etc etc" bit that's wrong.
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