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Bazooka Joe

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Everything posted by Bazooka Joe

  1. Will they be the first club in history to record a minus attendance figure (including the minus 10,000 locked outside ) ?
  2. The epitome of cringeworthy. Anyone would think he's a Narcissist. Most people would watch this back and shudder with embarrrassment, but Mr "No Mark" Ashton will probably watch it back and cream his pants. Wonder how he plans to top this "performance" if Ipswich manage to actually get a second win this season. I hope Lansdown sees this video. It proves everything that many said about Ashton being a waste of space, his delusions of grandeur, and why he was widely despised.
  3. Never expected us to beat QPR after the poor performance against Luton. Will Pearson be the first person ever to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear?
  4. Christ ! That video confirms it. The idiot is already auditioning to become Rover's next manager. I hope he succeeds. Wael has a huge fortune for him to spend (Factcheck False)
  5. Well that's a new one to me. Got to give them credit for innovation. The lap of shame replacing the lap of honour. What next? Putting the players in stock and pelting them with rotten fruit an veg? Maybe they wanted to relocate to the Fruit Market to have plenty of ammunition. Loving their pain.
  6. That's what you get when you only sign 19 new players. Ashton's plan for the January window? Sign another 30 new players ! (and earn bucketloads of commission £££ ! ) £pswich.
  7. Quantity over quality. A rooftop is a high place from which to fall. When Ashton is inevitably found out, will he jump or will the owners give him a good shove?
  8. McCarthy's eavesdropping, in the stand during the Swansea game, obviously didn't do him any good. Sucker !
  9. Why use a bandage to put things right, when bondage is required. Does Pearson also like to crack the whip?
  10. Those that played today can take a bow. Effort, determination, courage, desire and pride in the shirt. That's all we ask. And that is what we saw today. Very refreshing. Pearson is slowing embedding and revealing our new DNA/identity (whatever the hell that means).
  11. Will suggestions by the Blue Few about future potential managers get any Wilder than this?
  12. The Blue Few are calling it a catastrophe. More like a Gas-tastrophy. It's the only trophy they'll ever have.
  13. Exeter must not take their foot off the Gas. Crush and destroy.
  14. Bazooka Joe


    Okay, I'll start. How about "Massengo is like a man possessed" Only kidding Slack. It's a good suggestion, especially as the chanting was unimpressive last night.
  15. Talking of hordes, anyone seen Irene and her mates recently?
  16. So it's only fair to remind you I lent you £50 yesterday, charged at an interest rate of 1000% per day. Don't let me down.
  17. Their bleating about it is nothing but hot air.
  18. for "running towards adversity" read "running towards Mark Ashton". Mr Smarmy is the epitome and personification of "adversity"
  19. They don't understand the legalities concerning Internships, but they're definitely the experts on Inbredships.
  20. So whenever they posted "we're coming for you", were they really directing those messages to Windy-Arse ?
  21. There's no hope for some. Has anyone organised a crowdfunding page that I can ignore?
  22. Now that's what I call a serious illness. Thankfully, not contagious.
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