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Red Exile

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Everything posted by Red Exile

  1. I agree with your sentiments - and SL is going nowhere quickly in my opinion. But his legacy Surely Bristol City must be amongst the most consistently frustrating clubs to follow. His 20 years have been one false start after another...endless promises of jam tomorrow...never abysmal, never truly successful, just hope killing you... I wish he'd get his act together!
  2. Obsession I would agree - but I'm not so sure that's what it is. People all over OTIB this afternoon are looking for reasons why we are in the mess we are in. Johnson, Ashton, look no further. It really hurts if you saw it coming. What a mess! I don't give two hoots what happens to them now though. In fact good luck to LJ if he can turn his apprenticeship at City into something good...although it still beats me why we ever hired an apprentice when we had such a wonderful opportunity to really build.
  3. The problem we had with LJ was surely that the fan's patience had no bearing on whether he stayed or went! A more ruthless owner wanting promotion instead of vindication would have ditched LJ after that terrible run following the Wolves defeat. The writing was on the wall. How different things could have been. I suspect the same will be true of Pearson. The fans reaction will have little bearing on Lansdown. Then again Pearson isn't his boy wonder...
  4. Some of us could see the cracks long before LJ got the boot...and they got wider...and wider and wider...I strongly suspect we'd not be in this position if he'd gone 18 months or more before he did.
  5. Well...I never understood the LJ hype, and we had to put up with that for months, years, after it was clear he wasn't up to it. And have his supposed virtues rammed down out throats by our inept owner. A period in which hope drained away. I think most are grateful someone with Pearson's experience wanted the job. If he's to go I'd love to know who'd replace him.
  6. It's context...the squad has no depth, we've had some cracking away wins.
  7. I suspect not. I'm afraid I don't know what your point is. Someone has to manage us. Presumably their track record is an indicator as to what they have to offer.
  8. didn't do a bad job there though did he? Compare his record with most of Lansdown's appointments - head and shoulders above most of them to be fair.
  9. Blimey! Dire Simpson backpass. Got to be honest. Pearson hasn't made life easy for his supporters this afternoon!
  10. Maybe he won't. Seems a better bet than someone who's got no track record at all.
  11. Surely the answer is that what was - and is - needed is someone with experience of rebuilding a squad and getting it for for a promotion challenge. Pearson has a record of doing that. In so far as he's the right man for the job it's because that's what he's doing. It's not going to work right away, folk seem to have accepted that. The club's in a mess, it needs cleaning up. I think that's the answer.
  12. I'm afraid the problems are deep and rooted in the failure to make changes when LJ was so obviously not going to get us into the play-offs. Now that was obvious to some of us long before others. I can't recall where you stood on that. But that's the root of the problem. SL clung onto his boy wonder until it was too late. Holden was an absurd appointment. Ashton was transparently not doing the job that was needed for long term success. All the treasure spent, all the time wasted, left with a threadbare squad that can't compete. I can't disagree that we look a bit of a shambles but whoever manages us has a mess to clear up. Not an attractive job.
  13. I go along with that. This is a season of rebuilding, and with some half decent performances seasons like that can be enjoyable. Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory at home week-in, week-out tests the patience though!
  14. Sorry - you've got the wrong end of the stick. I did indeed want Pearson and think Pearson is doing an ok job in the circumstances. No money and a substandard squad. Amazed we are doing as well as we are. He's rescuing the shambles that LJ & Ashton left us. Pearson, GJ and Cotts are the only decent managerial appointments Lansdown has made...and Cotts was that other chap's suggestion. For all his money Lansdown has made a right bags of much of the past 20 years!
  15. Sadly Lansdown and his awful appointments have historically been the problem...could have been so different years ago. But I agree - we're we're lumped with him now.
  16. We're never comfortable, never retain possession. We must be such an enjoyable side to play against...you've mucked up that chance?...here - have the ball back and try again!
  17. I think I might give up on this for a bit. Can't think when I last enjoyed watching City play.
  18. Bang on! I whole heartedly agree with you position!
  19. Disappointing today, up against an excellent side. Regarding fight & passion this season - plenty of that on display at Peterborough or QPR to be fair. Pearson can only work with what he's got. Contrast the resources lavished on LJ with the thin gruel Pearson has to work with and it's obvious that this is going to be long haul. As for Lee Johnson. Wasn't like him to go on a losing streak was it? Let's not forget that whatever our record at the Gate the results this season are W4 D4 L4 - not lost 8 on the spin, or 7 out of 10.
  20. My thoughts exactly. The finances of football are so rigged in favour of sides that have played in the Prem its a borderline closed shop...Brentford are a massive exception and we are unlikely to follow their example. That said some of the comments on this forum are laughable today. We wasted all the opportunities of recent years by persisting with a duff manager. Having finally appointed someone who actually knows what's needed we are clearly - as anyone following the club knows - in a period of rebuilding - small squad, no width, little pace. No investment in the squad. We are nowhere near a top 6 side - mid-table would be good. Adjustment of expectations needed for many methinks.
  21. Agreed. But to be fair we know how far we are behind the top 5 or 6. Amazed at some of the posts in this thread - not yours. Man for man they are better players in almost every position. Sad but true. Hard to fault our effort in my opinion.
  22. Me too...I'm enjoying this season, getting better results than we often deserve, playing with commitment, feels like a management team doing the right things and in difficult circumstances putting things in place for the future. All good. What drives me mad is our constant squandering of possession. It's almost the hallmark of our play when things are tight, as they were at the end of the match yesterday. We win the ball and then regularly fail to retain the ball for more than a couple of passes. It smacks of anxiety, and pressure, or conversely the desire to constantly find a worldie through ball....when what is needed is a calm head and a bit of nursing possession. Keep the match reports coming. Thanks for taking the time.
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