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Everything posted by maxjak

  1. Blimey.............Ireland must be desperate? Sorry Mark, no offence intended?
  2. Good Luck.........hope you have a great time, and an intereseting experience. Take a couple of bottles of Jack Daniels with you?, Then again, maybe not?
  3. Are u going? If so, you are braver, or possibly richer than me?
  4. Auditions are taking place in Bristol for the New Hobbit Film.............Break a Leg LJ.
  5. Whoa! Is that a fact?, i had no idea.........so alcohol is against the Muslim Religion, unless you are loaded with cash? Just about sums up the hypocrisy of it all? Qatar?...what a joyful experience?
  6. People are often like sheep......prone to follow each other?
  7. Bout time they introduced a more appropriate song in keeping with the clientele?..................How''s about "Too drunk to Pheck" by the Dead Kennedy's?
  8. maxjak

    Andy King

    I too , thought it was a massive mistake playing him at the back.....what do i know? He was excellent.......also so pleased that Cam was outstanding.
  9. What if? What if? What if? What if? FFS........what a ridiculous post. What if during the WC break we sign the first ever Alien footballer from the planet Zirgo? Who is eight foot tall with two heads..............might have trouble registering him though? What if? What if?
  10. maxjak


    Anyone know when the final Ghana squad will be annouced?
  11. Keith Stroud ...........what a Cu Next Tuesday? As for that QPR Diva, give him a BAFTA For overacting
  12. What a fantastic competitor and footballer....wish we had 3 Nathan's at the back? I will miss his tackles and defending, I hope he has a great rest of his life!! Be great if he could stay attached to City in some role?
  13. That's not Like JD........to take a crap corner.....do u think Pearson might have noticed??
  14. King instead of Atkinson? i will be putting my money on Watford to win this. IMHO..NP'S job has never been more on the line?
  15. Good Luck Louis............hope you score loads of goal's!
  16. C'mon Dave.....we all know that Pearson doesn't coach, he manages? He leaves all the coaching to his trusted lieutenants, Jay and Flem? Very well observed and thorough analysis though......(And Frightening...Ha!)
  17. maxjak

    Watford fans

    We can hardly complain...as we are ripe for ridicule? Losing at home to Lincoln, and slipping to 20th? I hope, like we all do that their piss- taking rebounds on them, and we turn them over........but i am not very confident about that outcome?
  18. Good point........if we are 2-0 down at half time, the atmosphere will not be wholly conducive to performing a tribute to one of our most respected and sorely missed players? It is a peculiar, and possibly ill judged idea..........I sincerely hope it does not backfire and become an embarrassing interlude? , as Nathan deserves to be given a massive ovation, and tremendous thanks for his wholehearted performances. I believe it has been a really underappreciated just how important Nathan was to our defence, and how much better our goals against tally would be if he was there, and giving his all action displays for the club? Good Luck Nathan, I hope tomorrow goes well for you?
  19. Great picking..........well done!!........Are u sure you are not related To GS? PS. Just noticed u didn't get Gallagher, but you are allowed one!?
  20. If we are drawing with 20 minutes to go, I believe he is a great asset from the bench. And if it remains a draw he is great on penalties.
  21. Gadzooks and Gosh!..........so what? If Southgate picks on loyalty then he goes........if on current form, he should not be picked IMO
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