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Everything posted by maxjak

  1. Your right........but it was Pearson who threw him to the sad wolves?
  2. Scores for Semenyo, Dasilva and Low.........too high? At least Low now knows how big the step up from U21's to the first team is? Just hope it does not ruin his confidence?
  3. Thanks so much.........that took me out of my BCFC Depression..............Pheckin funny!!
  4. Whether we like it or not we are the talk of the soccer internet....the side that lost to Chippenham, now stuffs a Championship side!! We are an embarrassment. I am not going to go over the top about Pearson, but this is just yet another symptom of his tactical naivety? An opportunity to boost the confidence of our team and draw a Premiership side has now been squandered? The league is the priority, but c'mon, 1-3 to Lincoln is beyond sad? My problem is, if, .......IF we survive in the Championship, I just DO not trust Pearson to rebuild the side for season 23-24, he should be thanked and compensated and told to move on? We need a quality coach who knows how to motivate, how to set up a team, and how to get the best out of our players? I am completely fed up with Pearson, and although i sympathise with all the financial constraints etc........he is not moving our side forward, and I will be fascinated to see who he picks on Saturday?
  5. Think he has just found out? I do feel sorry for them. but IT is embarrassing?
  6. It's pheckin Lincoln......and we are losing 2-0........I am not looking for a miracle, just a team who knows how to pass and score goals??
  7. An opportunity to draw a Premier league side in the next round, and yet we are being outplayed by a team who lost to a non league side 3 days ago, it maybe the Carabao cup........but the embarrassing fact is, that NP is a tactically naive manager, who has done an ok job, but is past his sell by date IMHO.
  8. That would be a shocker in a Under 10's game.........my apologies to all under 10's!!
  9. Worthy of a hungover student in the Downs League.......Sorry hungover students!..........but how pheckin embarrassing!!
  10. Whoever it was.........should be fined a weeks wages..........for being a complete ****?
  11. Of all the bars in all the world?, you had to walk into mine?......................Are we the Sub-Chippenham of the Championship? After their humiliation on Saturday.........are they up for this more than we are?
  12. At the age of 86 and 12 years too late.........Blatter states that it was a mistake to award the World Cup to Qatar.............what a stupid, sad and corrupt C u next Tuesday?
  13. So pleased that Bajic is playing.........so disappointed that JD Is chosen over Cam!??
  14. To be fair.........sorry and all that, but we really no longer need Bentley? He has done a competent job, in line with the wages he has earnt? But with Max and Bajic in reserve, he can go and make himself a final lucrative contract somewhere? So long and thank's for all the fish, Bent's.
  15. Really hope that NP plays Antoine upfront tonight......Semenyo needs to score a goal or two to get his confidence up and running? A.S. is quality, and just needs a kick start to get his goal scoring and belief back..........COYR's!!
  16. Ah Ha! How ground breakingly original...........funnily enough i had a parrot once, unfortunately he died, I miss the fact that he constantly repeated everything i said. I then of course came to realise, that although he was sweet, he had no real intelligence, but just sadly regurgitated whatever he heard. His name was Pesky, you remind me of him.........thanks tor that. .
  17. We played well against Sheffield United, and were very unfortunate to lose, we played terribly against 'Boro, yet we got a point. That is the nature of the Championship? Also it is the circumstances that we find ourselves in, financially crippled and unable to field the side that i am sure Pearson would like to play? Who knows, we may play superbly against Watford? To use sweeping statements like "we were crap" is pointless, if you have nothing constructive or insightful to say........then why even bother? If your going to criticise, may i suggest Ashton and Lansdown would be worthy targets? ???
  18. Ian wouldn't be impressed if we signed Messi.?.........he'd say he doesn't tackle back enough? Didn't think anyone could be more downbeat than the Gaymeister? But having just listened to the Boro' podcast.......It's obvious to hear that Les is also a little ray of sunshine? ?
  19. Great Guardian standard report on the main Bristol City site..................21st line down...."Semenyo blazed his Shit over the bar under pressure" Do they never spell check? Ha!! Though maybe it was intentional, the way Antoine has been playing recently?
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