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Everything posted by maxjak

  1. Another outstandingly accurate report.......thanks Ole. O'Leary was blinding. Semenyo seems to have gone backwards?
  2. Until today.....I thought the only exceptional team in our league were Burnley? What do I know ?
  3. But weren't it the ref who missed a far worse tackle by Norwood? Perhaps they should charge the referee with gross incompetence...weren't they?
  4. Far too lenient!!............Bring in Electric Cattle Prods!!
  5. Hope there not clutching at my straw.?...........as that's what i generally use to snort my cocaine ? But to be honest i am mostly too pissed with all the legal drugs ( Sorry i mean booze.....that is promoted by Thatcher's, Smirnoff, Gordon's, Stella, Jack Daniels etc etc etc) to get anywhere near my Class A's!! God bless taxation!! Hope they don't start taxing my cocaine........as it expensive enough already...Hic !!
  6. Wow! What a line up.........I predict 4-4 scoreline?
  7. Could it be more blatant?............I'm having a sweepstake as to which year we get a Pen?........I've got 2026, so i am in with a good chance?
  8. Just watched "Football's Great Escape"..........The incredible Goalkeeper, Jimmy Glass, and his moment of fame! I had not realised that NP was the manager of Carlisle in 1999, when they they played Plymouth in the last match of the season? As i am certain that many of you are aware, Carlisle needed a better result than Scarborough in the very last game of the season, and triumphed 2-1 in the 94th minute!! Jimmy was the scorer, coming up to the opposition's penalty area and tucking away a rebound, and saving the club from relegation to the Conference. The aspect's that stuck with me were, the announcer at first thought a spectator had run on the pitch and put the ball in the net, as he forgot that Jimmy was wearing a red n' back kit!?...........and that NP passed round a bottle of brandy in the dressing room as the team prepared to take the field..Ha! Something for our squad to look forward to?.........come the end of the season?
  9. Yep..........Middlesboro's twin town is Antartica ?
  10. Potentially a great line up, Pearson deserves big chops for his ambition. So pleased to see Cam in the team..........hope he scores or sets up the winner COYR's!!!!!!!
  11. Yep..........you can just imagine that the workers paraded in front of Southgate were handpicked........and were told if they wished to complete their contracts, it would be best to say the right things to nice Mr Southgate? Cynical, me?
  12. My first bet of the world cup will be Qatar 1 Ecuador 0............?
  13. Never mind..........what a feast of football, for the opening game? Qatar v Ecuador..........they don't come much bigger? ...(Not Bigger than the stack of migrant worker coffins, though?)
  14. IMHO, This forthcoming WC should never have been Allowed or Authorised. It is a permanent stain of corruption on FIFA (if there is any room left for any more stains)?, and i will never understand why various countries FA'S have not protested more, regarding Human Right's abuse's, and objected to it taking place In Qatar, and in November/December? Football - "The People's Game" Is a Big Fat Joke of a Misnomer? ??? '
  15. Would like see just about anyone instead of Dasilva? Someone who is adept at crossing a football, and knows how to use other parts of the foot when shooting. That might seem unreasonable, but he must be one the highest wage earners still at the club?..............And honestly if he left tomorrow, i don't think he'd be missed' ?
  16. Cam Pring is the real deal.................but is he really the real deal?
  17. I have tremendous admiration for Cam.........14 minutes of relentless, mostly unimaginative questions, which he dealt with brilliantly. He comes across as a really thoughtful intelligent guy, and personally i believe he has been treated quite poorly, considering his attitude and ability. I would have him play at wing back every time in preference to Dasilva.....and i really do not understand why a player who cannot cross the ball, lacks genuine pace, and has the shooting ability of a inebriated badger is constantly preferred ahead of Cam? Live Long and Prosper ... Cam Pring!! ?
  18. The Referee's concentration levels were all over the place, he became flustered and started to become manipulated by the Utd players who rightly perceived he was of weak character, and could be taken advantage of? I appreciate that refereeing is a difficult job, but if you are not up to the task, you should not be there? If I was an assessor sitting in the stand, i would have serious doubts about Steve Martin's ability to control a football game? Do these incompetent weak willed individuals have to show some responsibility for their actions?, Which ultimately have huge repercussions for teams and players? I realise i am being extremely harsh, and refs are only human, and prone to human error, but some decisions on occasions are hard to conceive of, like the offside goal and the appalling Norwood assault that took place. Surely the answer is that.............. they need some help?, and VAR should be introduced in the Championship ASAP? With all the huge amounts of money sloshing around in football, surely a form of VAR can be implemented, and if not............Why Not?
  19. Sorry, of course..........first game! Just edited it.
  20. Sheffield Utd didn't make their own luck...........they had a referee to do it for them?...........When will we have a Ref to do that for us? What with the highest number of games without a penalty, added to the men in black missing offsides and red card offences, it is not so much bad luck, as a curse. It all balances out over a season i hear people say...............well i have not seen much pheckin balance, ever since Hull stole a penalty in the 1st game of our season!! ??
  21. Thank Pheck for that! I was just about to correct the spelling, but Pheck me, you beat me to it ?
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