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Everything posted by maxjak

  1. IMHO, This forthcoming WC should never have been Allowed or Authorised. It is a permanent stain of corruption on FIFA (if there is any room left for any more stains)?, and i will never understand why various countries FA'S have not protested more, regarding Human Right's abuse's, and objected to it taking place In Qatar, and in November/December? Football - "The People's Game" Is a Big Fat Joke of a Misnomer? ??? '
  2. Would like see just about anyone instead of Dasilva? Someone who is adept at crossing a football, and knows how to use other parts of the foot when shooting. That might seem unreasonable, but he must be one the highest wage earners still at the club?..............And honestly if he left tomorrow, i don't think he'd be missed' ?
  3. Cam Pring is the real deal.................but is he really the real deal?
  4. I have tremendous admiration for Cam.........14 minutes of relentless, mostly unimaginative questions, which he dealt with brilliantly. He comes across as a really thoughtful intelligent guy, and personally i believe he has been treated quite poorly, considering his attitude and ability. I would have him play at wing back every time in preference to Dasilva.....and i really do not understand why a player who cannot cross the ball, lacks genuine pace, and has the shooting ability of a inebriated badger is constantly preferred ahead of Cam? Live Long and Prosper ... Cam Pring!! ?
  5. The Referee's concentration levels were all over the place, he became flustered and started to become manipulated by the Utd players who rightly perceived he was of weak character, and could be taken advantage of? I appreciate that refereeing is a difficult job, but if you are not up to the task, you should not be there? If I was an assessor sitting in the stand, i would have serious doubts about Steve Martin's ability to control a football game? Do these incompetent weak willed individuals have to show some responsibility for their actions?, Which ultimately have huge repercussions for teams and players? I realise i am being extremely harsh, and refs are only human, and prone to human error, but some decisions on occasions are hard to conceive of, like the offside goal and the appalling Norwood assault that took place. Surely the answer is that.............. they need some help?, and VAR should be introduced in the Championship ASAP? With all the huge amounts of money sloshing around in football, surely a form of VAR can be implemented, and if not............Why Not?
  6. Sorry, of course..........first game! Just edited it.
  7. Sheffield Utd didn't make their own luck...........they had a referee to do it for them?...........When will we have a Ref to do that for us? What with the highest number of games without a penalty, added to the men in black missing offsides and red card offences, it is not so much bad luck, as a curse. It all balances out over a season i hear people say...............well i have not seen much pheckin balance, ever since Hull stole a penalty in the 1st game of our season!! ??
  8. Thank Pheck for that! I was just about to correct the spelling, but Pheck me, you beat me to it ?
  9. Golly Gosh!........I think you will find kids have access to more bad language on TV and Film then they will ever encounter at football? Swearing is a part of Football, always has been, and always will be.
  10. I suggested Referee's should be demoted, and possibly suspended, while re trained.......not sacked...........As to your other replies?. How can something which is either On or Off be subjective? Look up Subjective in a Dictionary? I appreciate that you obviously see yourself as some kind of wordsmith...... but Tautology is also in the Dictionary, between Supercilious and Unctuous.........and how ever many ways you wish to express it, I suggest we leave it there, as it is apparent that we will never agree.
  11. Did you not see 19 year old Alex Scott last night? He made the best forward positive run and the best defence splitting pass so far this season......he performed to his international level last night, and did not deserve to be on the losing side.
  12. No i would not sack a player after 2 or 3 errors........and your comparison is absurd IMHO. To say that the offside was subjective is an observation worthy of derision. By making that statement your initial credibility has just ceased to exist. Good Luck with your campaign to highlight the wonderful standard of Referee's...........i can imagine you were also a supporter of Liz Truss ?
  13. So I can be assured that Steve Martin will now be demoted, as he failed to do his job properly last night, he made 2, and possibly 3 major errors IMHO., and i should add not just mine. If there was an assessor there yesterday, surely he would be aware that the referee and assistant referee made blatant enough mistakes to have affected the ultimate outcome of the game? The object of the exercise is to referee the match, and not make make markedly incorrect significant decisions that decide the fate of the result?
  14. I was just pondering.........do you have any involvement in refereeing? You make a very interesting philosophical point in reference to blame, human error and responsibility. Yet despite your intriguing treatise, I am still of the opinion, that just like footballers, referee's need to improve their poor standards. There are good reasons that the referee's we get at Ashton Gate and elsewhere are not officiating in the Premier League, that is because in general, they are Second Rate?
  15. You mean just like Sheff Utd did last night.........three times? Ha!
  16. If someone had the time and means, i could imagine 10-15 occasions could be easily found and presented......whether it would have any effect, other than immense frustration, i couldn't say?
  17. Toilet Paper.........anyone see Norwood apologise for his far worse tackle?, at least Tanner (Taylor? tried to play the ball. Norwood just went straight for the man. Journo''s who work for comics like the star, do their reports from the local pub, whether it's on TV or not? I Geddit.......Thanks.
  18. And as can be seen from your still.......the assistant ref is directly in line. Someone (Utd Fan) claimed that as it was a header by our defender towards his own goal, that then overruled the offside. You are much more aware of the rules than I am Dave, is there a case for the defender playing the attacker onside for that reason?
  19. Sheff U are full of older pro's well versed in all of the dark Art's.........from bullying, ref intimidation, cheating, time wasting, feigning injury and nasty fouls? So they'll probably get promoted? If all of the above traits of their team was not sufficient, the league then gave them the extra bonus of the Ref.Steve Martin.....? "The Man with No Brains" Who was manipulated by Utd, and managed to miss not only an offside goal, and a penalty......but the worst foul of the night, which could have been a leg breaker....Norwood had No intention of playing the ball....just taking out the man. Me bitter?......You'd think? ??
  20. Imagine he is on a undeserved high salary also...............need to get rid IMHO
  21. Come on now.......eat your badger's spleens and be sensible?
  22. No podcast from OSIB for the Swansea Game? Has Stan finally lost his interest and enthusiasm .............or has he been kidnapped by the Peoples Front of Judea?
  23. I don't believe it is so much about money, and more about ambition and the urge to step up in his career? I guess we will eventually see, when and where this is eventually resolved, as to his true motivations?
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