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Everything posted by maxjak

  1. Scott was the ONLY player he praised?
  2. Having now seen his post match thoughts, he seemed dumbfounded, shocked and lost for words, pretty much like most fans? But what he did say was very honest, he must be so frustrated at some/most of our players. What was turning into a possible season of promise, needs to be quickly resuscitated, before it turns into a corpse? While i appreciate his hands have been tied financially, something should have been done about the standard of defending from the midfield to the back five in the last 18 months, so he is certainly not blameless?
  3. Yep.........deja vu from last seasons game. Despite Pearson's pre game waffle, we were bullied to defeat, and looked sad and weak.
  4. Too much empty rhetoric..........and not enough action? Our ticket prices keep going up.......while our performances plummet downwards. What a very sad state of affairs.........Ha!!
  5. Sad and predictable.............I just feel sorry for our wonderful away support..........they deserve better than having to watch this nonsense ? One step forward, and then two backwards?
  6. NP also seemed to evolve into a cross between DJ. Alan "Fluff" Freeman and Harry Enfield? When asked if Bell should be regarded as a central striker...he replied "Not Arf"...............He also said that with the new additions to the squad, we won't be bullied as much as last year, hopefully? But, as regards new players, there will be No ..........Naismith or Wilson, just Sykes from the new recruits? Anyhow, will be interesting to see how we play without Naismith? PS. Great interview from Scotty............what a great young man!
  7. NP stated that Tomas was smiling....which NP also said was disconcerting!!? Ha!
  8. Apparently Williams is the dressing room joker with his hilarious scouse humour?...............needs to concentrate on improving his performances, and avoiding stupid yellow cards? Sorry to be so sarcastic, but But for me, he really has been a major disappointment? .
  9. maxjak

    Andy King

    How tall is AK? Anyone have that info to hand?
  10. Considering the space he had and the number of crosses he put in...............they were very low on quality, he needs to practice utilising the good positions he finds, by improving the standard of his crossing.....and this from a player who was coached in his early years by Chelsea?
  11. Well......not so sure about Man U?.........The only thing they have won in the last 10 years, is the highly prodigious Europa Cup....though i do get your general point?
  12. The very last thing I want is for us to be Done?........don't really mind if Coventry are Done?
  13. Could have been the perfect weekend? I'm from North London, so Arsenal are my second team, and they whacked Spurs. I dislike Man U with a passion, and they are also getting spanked...............but deep down, my first love lost to QPR....so it all falls apart. Never mind, roll on Tuesday!?
  14. Just wanted to say thanks so much for one of your best ever podcast's.........Jacki is, and will remain my favourite ever City player, I was at just about every game he played, including Andy Lews testimonial (Jacki doubled the attendance). I have come to understand why, but find it almost impossible to forgive the way Jacki was treated by City. It is a completely different can of worms..........but IMHO Dennis Smith should have been backed, and not sacked, and the outcome could still have resulted in our staying up...........without sacrificing our greatest entertainer? Thanks again for a classic P/C..
  15. Indonesia is a mess of a country, despite it's claim to be democratic, it borders at times on a police state..........the people are mostly kind and friendly, but the government is corrupt and dictatorial. I am not surprised by this turn of events, and i have great sympathy for the victims of this appalling outcome. It is a great shame that such beautiful country is run by politicians that see it as perfectly fine to fire vast quantities of tear gas at innocent families.
  16. Yep , I would suggest some very large Tweaks are needed.....but unfortunately the changes that are needed in Defence and Midfield are not able to be implemented due to injuries and lack of squad depth. It is going to be that type of season i feel, with pockets of victories followed by spells of defeats, which is why we will probably end up around 10th to 14th place come season end?. It is a season of transition, which unfortunately will end up with one or two of our best players departing, and who can blame them? It is then a question of whether NP has the wherewithal to spend our income wisely, and produce a side with depth and ability? Next season IMHO, will be the real test, so i guess we just have to enjoy the patches of inspiration, tainted with the periods of capitulation that will be this season? I don't think it will be dull in 2022-23............just frustrating?
  17. I appreciate this is premature, but with the podcast i just listened to of the 3 Peaps `Jacki celebration..........it seems somehow apposite? Back in the day, we had an amazing forward line of Andy Cole and Jacki, but due to our appalling defending. and our penchant to constantly concede goals, the potentially league winning duo moved on, and the rest is history. It just reminded me today, that we have a fantastic strike force and a wonderful midfielder in Scotty, but our defence is mostly inept, and apart from Scott our midfield is no better than average......so you would hardly blame the likes of Scott and Semenyo to look at moving on to new clubs....and the rest is history? Hopefully my comparison is untimely and irrelevant, and our season will kick on, and things will improve, but the thought occurred to me that we are wasting some of outstanding talent due to the incompetence of our defending ?
  18. What 2 conceded in 1st half....and 3 in the 2nd? Just joking, let's hope we can turn it round? COYR's
  19. Yep..the limited options at he back due to injuries and lack of finance will derail our season IMHO.
  20. I appreciate he is limited in his defensive choices, due to injuries. That is part of the problem, as i am sure he would like to make changes.......but cannot due to lack of options?
  21. So sorry to be a pedant.........but how can someone spend 15 years as a top defender, and then not be capable of setting up and organising a defensive unit. I don;t get it?
  22. I appreciate that you are all pheckin hilarious with the Cameron jokes............I feel I'm being Truss-ed up.......But Pring must be really on the naughty step, for Tanner to be preferred? Especially as i thought cameron PRING played really well last season?
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