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Posts posted by richwwtk

  1. 2 minutes ago, wendyredredrobin said:

    Some things don't seem to add up here either, for example, how come they can sell the Mem, which is mortgaged to the hilt and still have enough to buy another pice of land and build a stadium on it?  Surely there cannot be that much difference in the value of the two plots of land. Is someone else paying as usual?

    That's how I understood it, they sell the mem and get debt (and ground) free.

    The builder developing the Fruit Market then incorporates a stadium as part of the development and the fewers rent it to play in.

    I can't imagine the builder would go over the top though. Bog standard off-the-shelf design, and if the reports of space available etc. are correct then not much more than 10,000 capacity.

    • Like 1
  2. 4 minutes ago, Cardy said:

    Hi All

    Just wondering how u18s will be expected to show that they are u18 on entering the ground without a COVID pass today. Particularly if they are say 16/ 17 but look over  18 etc…


    I am hoping the fact my son has an U-19 ST will be enough. 

  3. 11 hours ago, Redandproud said:

    I Remember Steve Lansdowns words when we got promoted  to the Championship,(SC days) I will get this team to the Premier League in 5yrs, YEH RIGHT,

    SL said PL in 5 years? I don't recall him ever saying anything like that. Don't suppose you have a link at all?

  4. 2 hours ago, MC RISK77 said:

    Indeed the o’dowda one is rubbish, and how tinpot are we that we still have to reference Bolasie in it… he left like 8 years ago couldn’t give two monkeys about what Bristol city think about him yet the singing section are obsessed with him….

    Heard this song a couple of matches back and, when trying to work out what they were singing, I assured him they couldn't posibly be referencing Bolasie as that was long enough ago to be more or less irrelevant now!

  5. 34 minutes ago, weepywall said:

    Or the away attendance has been miscalculated....wouldn't be the first time, some photos I've seen from last night certainly didn't look like nearly 700 pikeys there.

    Their last few home league games are as follows...

    Exeter 1,892 (incl. 472 away)
    Rochdale 2,173 (973 away)
    Hartlepool 2,448 (incl. 1,019 away)
    Northampton 2,037 (incl. 677 away)

    The lowest home attendance there was vs Rochdale and that was still 1200 which means either the gas are such a massive draw that it has lowered their worst home support by about 10% or the number of away fans has been overstated. It's not yet listed on the results page on their website.

    • Like 1
  6. John Ward definitely deserves more, he built a team you could really get behind. Strangely, I also really liked Benny, the season that JW was sacked and he took over was still one of my favourite ever seasons, despite the relegation at the end of it. I think the game that relegation was confirmed was a 1-1 draw away at somewhere like Norwich, and the support from the fans was fantastic.

  7. 2 minutes ago, TheReds said:

    Why can't they just be left alone to simply be kids? 

    Kids are a lot more aware of things these days, especially once they start school, mainly due to access to the internet.

    Some of these things need to be taught and explained fairly early on otherwise they end up getting their opinions from people thy don't know who are free to write and publish any old rubbish.

    I notice, also, that the school in Scotland having a boys in skirts day (in support of a Spanish boy who was expelled and sent to a psychiatrist for wearing a skirt to school) was an initiative thought up by the students, not the school pushing it downwards.

    • Like 1
  8. 9 minutes ago, Port Said Red said:

    Presumably you were never around in the days of Sam Mason, among others?

    *ahem* OK, I give you Sam Mason, set a new low bar for awfulness. I had pretty much blanked her from my mind!

    Bring Back DL I say!

    • Like 4
  9. 1 minute ago, Riaz said:

    I wont deny it. I'd love for him to be replaced. Nothing personal. Just dont think he's a good presenter. I mute the TV at half time when i'm watching robins TV

    He's not as bad as he was a couple of seasons ago, but he is still awful compared to just about every announcer we have had previously.

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