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Posts posted by richwwtk

  1. 8 minutes ago, bris red said:

    Its laughable mate. The bottom line is rightly or wrongly firms, violence and the casual culture are a part and parcel of football in this country and across Europe.

    Am I condoning innocent fans being caught up in incidents of violence?  of course not but lets be brutally honest the match day experience for familys has become absolutely excellent in modern day football in the UK. The days of mass disorder at grounds in this country are done. When was the last time anyone can remember disorder at Ashton Gate that involved familys or innocent fans being involved and or hurt? Swansea at home for me was the last time i can remember disorder (if you can even call it that) on a largeish scale.. a few scuffles between like minded fans at the bottom of the Dolman all over within minutes and the some of perpetrators got handed custodial sentences.. what more do people want? 

    Firms and the casual culture will continue to exist in this country and across Europe as ultimately whether the left want to accept it or not football will always continue to be a working class tribal sport and will continue to attract that element of individual to follow it. People need to accept that fact IMO.

    It can be accepted as a fact that these tossers exist, nobody is disputing that.

    But they should not be legitimised by the press the way the article that spawned this thread did.

    Nobody cares if they are right wing, left wing, racist, bright pink, whatever. They are no mark thugs and deserve no credit or respect whatsoever. All they deserve is society's contempt.

    • Like 4
  2. 11 minutes ago, 2015 said:

    What is wrong with being patriotic and proud of your Country? Just because you big up your own doesn't mean you hate every other country.. 

    Just because patriotism is linked with far right and racism doesn't mean that everyone who chants England is a racist. 

    English Patriotism isn't allowed we get that

    Do you often wander around chanting 'Eng-Er-Land' to show how patriotic and proud of your country you are?

    I'm patriotic and proud to be English, but I don't feel the need to sing songs in people's faces to prove it somehow, seems very insecure if you do.

    Patriotism isn't linked with far-right and racism. Far-Right groups have tried to encourage that association to make themselves seem more palatable but I like to think they have, in the main, failed. When I see England flags being flown at times of national pride or during football tournaments I do not think those people are being racist, do you?

    Patriotism is fine, nothing wrong with it at all. Aggressive Nationalism dressed up as Patriotism on the other hand......

    • Like 4
    • Hmmm 1
  3. 1 hour ago, 2015 said:

    Well I thought it was a good read.

    It is disgusting how our mainstream media deliberately put out certain narratives to portray groups of individuals just to silence them 'Far right, right-wing, Fascist'. Just because they're a big group of working class blokes

    You do know that calling someone right wing is not branding them a racist right?

    The current government is right wing, and whilst they certainly contain some questionable characters, I would certainly not describe them as racist.

  4. 12 minutes ago, Pezo said:

    Maybe I'm a bit far along on the spectrum but is "All lives matter" really a racist term?

    @richwwtk you say it with such conviction the way I read you saying it but it feels like a bit of a "newspeak" term where I've missed the memo so therefore if I say it then I'm branded racist thus alienating me from the conversation. To me it clearly means what it says even if it's in response to black lives matter - I don't know why it can't be taken at face value, e.g. that all lives do matter?

    It's this kind of deliberate playing with language and it's meaning that really confuses me and someone just saying that it's different doesn't make it different IMHO. Obviously we all have to agree on language otherwise we're speaking different languages and once again communication breaks down.

    I get where you're coming from, but the term originated as a response to the Black Lives Matter movement in America made by white supremacist groups, pretty much cementing it's place a a racist slogan.

    I am not branding anyone who uses it unknowingly a racist, but once it has been pointed out to someone then it would make sense that if that person continued to use it they would be deliberately using a slogan they know to be racist, and therefore have racist intent.

  5. 20 minutes ago, phantom said:

    From a personal experience what you say above is wrong

    Yes these people do / did often only come against like minded people but the point you are missing is that the coming to the defence of people is at times when we have been at away games and supporters of other clubs attack anyone in their way, I can personally vouch that at a number of games if these people had not been there things would have gotten a lot worse for many others

    I think you are missing the point.

    Yes, innocent City fans may have been saved from a beating by other sides 'firms', but at the same time innocent fans of other clubs will have been in need of protection from the CSF.

    Every 'firm' will claim that they do not pick on innocent fans, but in the end every single one of them does, and there is no reason to think any differently of CSF.

    If there were no 'firms' then no innocent fans would need protecting and football would be all the better for it.

    • Like 9
  6. 1 hour ago, Cowshed said:

    The sight of war memorials being accidently damaged coincidentally at national BLM demos has left lasting damage. Psychologiocaly it has left a memory. The human brain works like that .. BLM will be instantly linked to defacing memories of the fallen in minds. 

    That you think defacing a war memorial is hardly a crime is your view. Its not unique, another poster described what occurred nationally similarly and articulted the Cenotaph was just a pile of stones (?). Undeniably many wholly disagree with your views. To deface a war memorial is a criminal act, these deliberate acts caused wide deep offence and distress.  

    I don't deny it's a crime, people have been arrested for it. What I said was hardly the crime of the century. I agree that a Cenotaph is more than just a pile of stones, much more, but for a bit of protestors spray paint that can easily be washed away the next day to have left lasting damage would suggest extreme sensitivity. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Sixtyseconds said:

    You would give Johnathon Edwards a challenge with your hop skip and jump.

    The context was on the banner.


    People of all races.

    Your saying that context doesnt matter. 

    The sketch was what the OB said.

    The OB sketch was right wing.

    No hop skip and jump needed.

    Anybody knows what was meant.

    As people pointed out at the time that right wing don't let all races in. 


    1. The police did not call them Far Right. 

    2. All Lives Matter is a racist slogan when used as a response to Black Lives Matter. The people with this banner may not have realised that and I'm quite happy to give them the benefit of the doubt.

    3. CSF are a group that drag the name of our club through the mud and the local press should not be legitimising them in this way. 

    • Haha 1
  8. 11 minutes ago, luke_bristol said:

    BLM protestors damage memorials all the time, including trying to set fire to the flags on the cenotaph. They’ve also abused soldiers that have cleaned up the mess afterwards.

    One person spoke to the soldiers saying they were cleaning it off too quickly and another asked them why they put some placards in a bin, not exactly abuse.

    And trying to set fire to the flags was a single 19 year old foolish kid who was filmed and arrested.

    All of these people were in the wrong, but hardly the horrendous actions you are making them out to be.

    Yes, people shouldn't be spray painting their slogans when on protests, but it's hardly the crime of the century. It can be cleaned off easily enough afterwards with no lasting damage, and War Memorials aren't being targeted specifically, they are highly visible and a magnet for the spray painters.

    • Haha 1
  9. 6 hours ago, BS4 on Tour... said:

    Hi Rich, I’m just a simple Bristolian, but I’m very interested in understanding why you think “All Lives Matter” is “undeniably a racist slogan” - cheers ...

    Without context and on it's own, it is just a slogan and not at all offensive, after all it encourages people to treat everybody equally.

    The problem comes when it is used as a response to "Black Lives Matter" - BLM came about as a way of saying black lives shouldn't be worth less than white, and this was very much seen as a problem in society. When the response to this is "All Lives Matter" then it is about dismissing these fears and effectively saying things are fine as they are.

    6 hours ago, Three Lions said:

    The banner at the Cenotaph had written on it.

    Listen Andy Bennett - we are NOT FAR RIGHT, just ordinary people of all races from Bristol, Bath, Cardiff, Newport etc. united to defend the cenotaph, to defend the memory of people who died so that we are able to have the freedom to protest. ALL LIVES MATTER.

    Rich thinks that means so what your saying is your the NF.

    Andy Bennett did not call the protestors Far Right (I believe Right Wing was what he said, and being called Right Wing does not mean you are being called racist), so the banner was wrong and misguided from the beginning.

    • Like 9
    • Thanks 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Cowshed said:

    Did you think it was legitimate for the police to label these individuals far-right/right wing? 

    Do you think it is legitimate that left wing groups have been perpetuating the same lie and also describing BCFC fans as notoriously racist?  

    I know Steve. He is many things, but one thing he has never been is a evil far-right racist and fascist.



    They are a bunch of no mark thugs, nobody really cares if the police called them right wing (note: not far right or racist), that is not the issue here.

    The issue for me is that both the mayor and the press are reporting on them as if CSF is some kind of legitimate organisation as opposed to a bunch of blokes that like to inflict violence on others.

    The only reason anyone ever intimated that they may have been racist was their blatant use of the "All Lives Matter" slogan which is undeniably a racist slogan when used in response to BLM. I think you will find though, that anybody mentioning this would also have said that if they weren't racist, then they just didn't have the brains to realise they were being unintentionally so.

    • Like 7
    • Confused 1
  11. Just managed to listen while travelling to and from a job.

    Ian was just about inaudible, it sounded like he was in a large room talking to a mic the other side of the room from him. Les started OK but got quieter as it went on. It meant I missed a large chunk of what they were saying. Strangely Mark sounded absolutely fine despite you shutting him down pretty quickly because of the poor sound.

    I'm not sure I missed a lot by not being able to hear Ian clearly though, as his cunning plan to improve our results that he seemed very proud of consisted of "Stop the opposition getting so many crosses and shots"!

    • Haha 1
  12. NP's tenure so far reminds me of Danny Wilson's in a way.

    Danny Wilson lost his first three home matches (I think) but it was regarded all around the ground as a massive breath of fresh air following a Tony Pulis reign in which we hadn't lost a single match at Ashton Gate!

  13. 1 minute ago, Jerseybean said:


    By Guido Gianasso 

    “A new tennis champion has emerged. It is fascinating to observe the dynamics taking place around this young lady. 

    Emma's father is Romanian. Her name is Romanian and she speaks Romanian fluently. Hence she is considered Romanian by millions of Romanians. But Emma has actually never lived in Romania.

    Emma's mother is Chinese. She speaks fluent Chinese, as a recent video available on YouTube shows. Hence she is considered a Chinese hero by millions of Chinese, who seem to forget that the PRC discourages international marriages. 

    Emma was born in Canada but has lived most of her life and trained in the UK. Hence she is considered British by most Britons and was publicly congratulated by the Queen. But the British public that now celebrates her success is the same that voted Brexit with the very objective to make it difficult for East Europeans such as Emma and her father to live in the UK. 

    The reality is that Emma is not Romanian, Chinese or British. She is much more. She is the outstanding result of the combination of Romanian talent, Chinese work ethics and British openness and sport infrastructure. 

    At a time when many countries are going back to very ethnocentric models and policies, Emma is the best evidence that National identities are fading and we must embrace a geocentric mindset. Emma Raducanu is the future of mankind.” ?‍♀️

    Agree with every word, but we still need some kind of National Identity for sporting purposes, and we are claiming her for Britain :P

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