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One Team

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Posts posted by One Team

  1. So, since Nige made his now famous statement we have had two decent performances at home with unchanged teams playing a mix of quality youth and experience. 

    This statement may well appear now to be a key turning point. He’s made it clear who he doesn’t trust and wants to move and in doing so made it very clear who he does trust.

    For those players he trusts it must be a huge confidence boost and may well explain the change in performances on the pitch.

    • Like 1
  2. 6 hours ago, lenred said:

    Very very happy to see him improving.  Got a lot more performances like tonight to get him back into credit for me but long may these performances continue.  

    Agreed mate. 

    He had a good first half on Saturday and a good whole game last night but let’s not pretend that makes up for five and a half years of under achievement and mediocrity. 

    Maybe this is the turning point for him and as I said at the weekend perhaps Nige and Williams can get something out of him for the longer term now. 

    • Like 1
  3. 19 minutes ago, PFree said:

    Completely agree, that along with the stands now being lit too absolutely spoil the atmosphere at night games. The players look like they are playing in the dark down on the pitch..

    Been saying for years I wish they would turn the lights off in the stands loads of other grounds do even rugby FFS!

  4. 9 minutes ago, Kid in the Riot said:

    The problem was the culture and environment created by Holden was just too...cosy. He unfortunately falls into the old stereotype of being a good no. 2 that gets on well with the players, but does not have that ruthless, or even mean streak that a confident, assertive manager and leader needs to be successful.

    It even came across clearly in his interview last night, saying how he tried to lead by example, and naming all the "lovely" staff at the club. Sorry, but as manager of a Championship club you shouldn't be leading by example, you need to be a bit more dictatorial and take the reigns. Kick some arses and tear a strip of paint off the changing room walls as HT, if you need to.

    He was Keith Millen mk II. Lovely, lovely bloke but not a no. 1. Huge mistake by SL that he couldn't see history repeating, when nearly everyone else could. 

    It's surely no coincidence that the only success we've had in the last 20 years has been delivered by two men who were prepared to bang a few heads together if they needed - GJ and SC. They set standards and were winners.

    Let's hope Pearson, who is a similar type, can also succeed given time.

    Great post. 

    It isn’t a coincidence at all that the only successful managers of the 20 years have been GJ and SC. Two uncompromising leaders who know how it’s done. 

    It’s also no coincidence that SL failed on three occasions with the appointments of Tinnion, Millen and Holden. All decent men but poor football managers. 

    Hopefully we’ve learnt something now and we can look forward positively with our current and any future appointments. 

    • Like 3
  5. 1 hour ago, GrahamC said:

    It was pretty embarrassing.

    I think a lot of us thought Tinnion was a strange appointment from day one (as he’d never been a coach or even a captain) but the revisionism over Wilson’s time with us was just ridiculous.

    Tinnion was certainly right about one thing, he had 4 full seasons in charge & we were no further forward than when Wilson had arrived.

    Contrast with how quickly John Ward, GJ & Cotts all turned it around & got us up (in their first full seasons).

    Fantastic post and just how I see it. 

    Apart from the LDV Final Wilson’s tenure was a failure and as a few have said on this thread the playoff final was unforgivable. 

    • Thanks 1
  6. Having just heard the interview I would recommend it, it’s a good listen. 

    He speaks very highly of us and recalls all his time with us as you might expect as clearly there were some good times. I did think he was a bit deluded about his time as Head Coach but he came across as having a love for our club.

    The bit I found most interesting is how people were advising him to look after himself when things started going bad, the inference being to divert blame; something he said he wanted to ignore due to the culture he wanted. 

  7. 4 hours ago, Tristan Cork said:

    Hello all
    Before I send my email to the club, I was just wondering if anyone else also has trouble watching the game because of the bright illuminated advertising boards around the pitch, or if it is just me?
    On Saturday, it felt worse than ever, probably because it was grey and gloomy. When the floodlights aren't as bright as the perimeter ad boards, then it's hard to watch. This is especially a problem when the action is at the Atyeo end (I sit in the South Stand). It's like squinting at silhouettes, or the equivalent of going to the cinema trying to watch a film and having someone shine a torch in your eyes while you try to watch a film.

    Not just you they are ridiculous.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

    From the Bristol Post interview post-match:


    Out of likes Fevs but interesting and thanks for sharing. 

    Everything I’ve heard and read about O’Dowda says that he’s a really decent lad, clearly intelligent and articulate and no doubt great to be around; similar to Taylor Moore and Cole Skuse I would say. 

    Like a lot of people I just don’t see how he’s good enough for our level or indeed to the point how he’s improved.

    If Williams can get something out of him on the pitch and Pearson off it then great; maybe we will finally see what he’s capable of, although history would say that’s unlikely.

    • Like 3
  9. 14 hours ago, City1970 said:

    I think Williams contributed to a much improved display by Callum O’Dowda today. He was looking for him at every opportunity which was good to see.

    Lets hope Williams stays fit and helps others like he helped O’Dowda today.

    Out of likes but said very similar yesterday. 

    I am one of his biggest critics but to be fair he played well for the first half with Williams bringing him into the game. Second half he faded away.

    Clearly doesn’t make up for over 5 years of mediocrity but if Williams can keep doing that then maybe O’Dowda can have a part to play in keeping us up. 

    • Like 2
  10. 48 minutes ago, Sir Geoff said:

    Interesting, if difficult listen through all the continuing sound problems. Maybe should have titled it Echo Beach. It really sounded like Ian was in the garden using a baked bean tin and a bit string to communicate at times. And as for poor old Mark he was totally ignored on several occasions, the conversation carrying on whilst he was still answering the previous question.

    Always enjoy though and passes an hour whilst out with the dog.

    Completely agree, audio was poor to answer the hosts initial question (Dave I think?). His audio was distorted and Ian’s had load of echo; normally hearing Ian more than once is more than enough but he did make some good points. Mark was clearer but didn’t get enough time to make his points. 

    It was a shame really as there was some good content there in the episode.

    • Like 2
  11. 11 minutes ago, ciderwithtommy said:

    I know there have been rumours online which I won’t put here as I don’t wanna get banned, but heard today from multiple sources that those rumours are bang on the money. It seems off the pitch we are as much if not more of a mess than on it. 

    Which would explain the performances, confidence, cohesion, concentration etc on the pitch. I think we all know from our own working lives that toxic people impact overall performance of a team or organisation.

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