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Never to the dark side

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Everything posted by Never to the dark side

  1. available when you purchase the Sun newspaper on Saturday 1st October
  2. can we have those three points back you stole from us?
  3. https://www.readingfc.co.uk/news/2022/september/28/m4-open-on-saturday
  4. One hundred pounds? Can't recall which club in the last week,stated it cost 300 pound PER HOUR to have the floodlights on.
  5. JEREMY SIMPSON from Lancashire,don't even talk about carbon footprint His record is 7 games 33 yellow and no reds, Reffed our 3-3 draw at Blackpool this season What mistakes did he make in our game against Blackpool?
  6. ExiledAjax Is the ticket still available? drop me an e-mail if you would johngreatwestern@aol.com
  7. Till death us do part, its the one that features him attending a west ham football match worth it to see Bobby Moore, Alan Ball and Martin Peters Geoff Hurst had left West ham a couple months before I think this programme was featured in a MOTD programme about the same ime.
  8. I only posted so all the hoardes that head to Blackpool,can decide to visit or not visit on the day.
  9. Blackpool v Preston Saturday 22nd October,will kick-off at the earlier time of 12.30pm Preston v Blackpool Saturday 1st April( NOT easter saturday) will also kick off at 12:30pm T
  10. Maybe the our BBC points west didn't help when it spells England as engand Not to mention Clevedon when it should have read Cleveland
  11. Nice spot Now time to get those record tokens out.(Ask your grand parents)
  12. Mansfield against Walsall moved to a 1pm kick off time on October 15th, a round trip of 112 miles
  13. as we play Pays de Galles in just over two months time. If you can't afford Sky/BT etc (like me) its on S4C
  14. https://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/english-football-clubs-consider-lunchtime-28056912?utm_source=mirror_newsletter&utm_campaign=breaking_mirror_EFL_newsletter2&utm_medium=email
  15. A very kind thought,but I think there would be others better deserving than me. Thanks again.
  16. I try to be, but some others don't see it that way, and THEY do know who THEY are.
  17. Any cheap out lets that will put some words on a tee shirt supplied by the company doing the writing? I would like some thing like ths PARSON STREET (in the old station GWR signs in cream and brown) STEP FREE ACCESS YES PLEASE
  18. Thanks for that,I think I was always watching the local news at the time.
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