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Everything posted by 2015

  1. It's just an example of another stupid rule that may come in and make the Sport even more dull to watch.
  2. It's more family friendly these days so the dynamics of the football crowds have changed. I think the core supporters that have always been interested in the Sport are slowly losing their interest, but attend to see their club play anyway out of the love they have for their team.
  3. Because it's my opinion that the Sport is not as authentic as it used to be. Every team/country play with the same identity nowadays. There is no diversity in style. Too many teams being introduced to Tournaments now without really working hard to get there because of how many team's who are allowed to qualify has diluted the quality. Too many players coached to play the same way rather than having exciting and thrilling Number 10s and lightning fast wingers who get down the touchline. I'm sorry, I find modern football as a spectacle rather boring to watch. It's overly tactical, players seem like they are being played with shackles on and the characters just aren't there any more. And I am actually under the age of 30 by the way @IAmNick because I know you'll try the old 'it was better when I was younger' argument.
  4. I still think the Sport is on a decline, and I have done for about 4-5 years now. The changing in rules, VAR, the changes being made to the World Cup's, Tournaments being played in corrupt nations, money being spent that is unsustainable. Every Sport has its peak and I think Football had its peak between 1990 - 2019 ish. Too many rules being introduced, too many players being coached the same way too and too much exposure is leading to the Sport being a pretty bland spectacle on the whole. I also think attendances are on the up as the game has become more family friendly, not because the Sport has improved in any way.
  5. Maybe at a lower league level, but I think interest at the top of the sport is on the decline personally. You can thank the ridiculous money being spent, corruption and VAR for that.
  6. Too many rules being introduced that is ruining Football as a spectacle for the fans. I do worry Football is on the start of a decline in interest and daft decisions like these wont help it.
  7. They have good youngsters, and have recently beat Manchester United.
  8. Hopefully. Surely would get a bit of interest from both club's fans. Swindon would like to get one up on us in some way or another.
  9. Swindon in the Quarter finals? Local derby.
  10. I was being tongue in cheek mate, after seeing all the comments from the 'ITKs' on here for having a go at other fans for having their opinions on who they'd think could be good at pens..
  11. But why are you stunned for, you've never seen him take a penalty in training We are ******* miles better with a back 4. The 3 at the back only worked vs West Ham at home.
  12. Giving Sam Bell a penalty to take is like England giving Saka a penalty against Italy. The experienced players should have stepped up imo.
  13. Millwall away in 2019. But I wasn't at all confident of him saving a single tonight tbh..
  14. It is, but to have Junior Bent as the leading man for the 89/90 debutants to me is just being a bit disrespectful to the likes of Shelton, Smith, Rennie and Sinclair who also made their debuts much earlier on that season and won us promotion. I admit it's a bit of a silly and ungrateful dig, but still..
  15. It's really nit picky but there are much more important players for us who were not selected as a main photo of that seasons signings/debuts imo. I can name quite a few.. (89-90 Junior Bent who played 1 game that season, I'd have had Gary Shelton myself) (96-97 Goater ignored) (98-99 Akinbiyi ignored) (02-03 Lita ignored) (09-10 Hartley ignored) (12-13 Heaton ignored) The ones chosed were likely friend's of the club.. or Tinman
  16. Some of the players from the seasons they've chose as the main photo have been woeful. Nyatanga, Flapper Phillips, Miller and Butler
  17. Expectation - Under this ownership and current board to be forever mid table in the Championship and focusing on the academy. Hope - One day we take the shackles off, create an attacking identity of our own instead of copying other club's and have a good go in this League and maybe get promotion. I just think at the moment the club is all a bit stale, and boring.
  18. Waxing lyrical about Swindon's signings (Cureton, Thorpe) and they got relegated to League 2 in 2005/06...
  19. Also LJ and Manning. Which manager did Weimann have his best spell with us under? Yes thats it - Pearson.
  20. 2015

    Todays Games

    I assume WBA are suddenly playing Weimann in his best position.
  21. And scores today. Maybe we should have played him in his best position - As a striker.
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