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Everything posted by 2015

  1. Funny that because most people I spoke to at away games this season were suppotive of NP and what he was trying to do. I guess you spoke to your Bristol Sport colleagues in the away end.
  2. Stonewall wasn't it. I thought QPR edged us in honesty and they are a pretty poor side for this division right now.
  3. Probably found the match riveting. This is what he wanted.
  4. This side can't play possession Football and win games. We have too many 'runners', so we played a more counter attacking style. NP tried the possession game early on and it didn't work because we didn't have the personnel to play this way so brought in players to fit a counter attacking style. Today was proof that we haven't got the quality to play the ball in possession in the final 3rd and so was last week. Proof will be in the pudding how Manning gets on, this is on the Lansdowns either way. 75% of the fans were behind Nige.
  5. Apples with oranges aint it. Wigan and Blackpool away within first month of the season and Reading at the time were top half. We playef QPR off the park in May and comfortably won 2-0. They looked no better than they did back then.
  6. We'd have won that under Nige. Argue with me if you like, but no way we don't win that game if he was in charge.
  7. Must have missed the 3-0 and 4-0 home drubbings we had that season before covid happened. We were bang average like today.
  8. Spent more money than any other Manager in my lifetime LJ did and still couldn't make the playoffs. He has his time and we were regressing badly at the end.
  9. Weimann starting ahead of Gardner-Hickman for christ sake.
  10. Jon I don't like much. Steve has pumped millions into the club, totally different. I have a lot of respect for Steve. It's Jon that irks me. What on earth has he ever done other than be the son of a very rich man? He's done nothing to deserve being a chairman of a Championship Football Club.
  11. It looks incredibly amateur doesn't it. Too casual, for me.
  12. Sums up my views on the pods. I'll never listen to 3 Peaps just because of the reason you stated but the other two are decent. FBC very reactionary and an entertaining listen at times. Don't agree with Ian Gay pretty much 80% of the time, reminds me of talking to my Grandad about Football to be honest. Stuck in the past.
  13. Changed your tune from last week. Unsure what the childlike excitement for Manning is all about though. I wish him well but it's back to the corporates at the club getting their own way.
  14. Ian Gay too, talking his usual bollox. Pair of absolute whoppers.
  15. Do feel a tad uninspired. Has had 6 good months at Oxford in League 1. Was sacked at MK Dons last year. Listened to his interview on Bristol City channel and it's the usual soundbite type questions being trotted out. Pretty mundane. The one thing i'm going to miss the most about NP is that I think he really got us fans and we respected him. In this regard I think Manning has a lot to live up to. Good luck in getting us top 6 Liam, you're going to need it.
  16. It is safe to say they are not a happy bunch over in Oxfordshire.. Manager/Coach - Liam Manning Departs | Page 133 | Yellows Forum
  17. I'm ok with the appointment, but just calling a spade a spade. Don't call others out for negativity from the start when that same person was negative from the very start when NP took over. It's hypocrisy.
  18. You've changed your tune given the fact you were on NP back from the moment he signed Danny Simpson.
  19. Good luck to him. Both, he and Nigel brought a professionalism to the club that had gone missing for the previous 4 years at the club. Downsy to leave next hopefully.
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