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Everything posted by zippycar

  1. It's surprising just how many more people you can squeeze in when standing versus seating and yes it was a crush but weren't we all slimmer in those days ?
  2. Didn't they sell it around 1938 because the directors saw a quick buck for themselves? Nothing changed then
  3. Isn't some of the debt still owed to the old owners?
  4. So run that by me again? 4 of us club together and get a taxi from our houses to the ground for £10.00 each (£20 there & £20 back) or we walk half a mile in all weather to get a coach for £10.00 plus £1.50 booking fee! Doesn’t make sense? Ah, got you, there aren’t any fellow supporters living near me and of course we could organise the proverbial in a brewery anyway – so Gas Travel makes sense. I see where you are coming from now.
  5. Why would there be any Police costs when you are talking about the best and most obedient fans in the world?
  6. You mean JCH who didn't play today because he got injured on Tuesday because if the dodgy soure face they had to play on as per Cockman Radio Bristol interview?
  7. Very sad about Stuart, never heard a bad word about the man, even if he was a blue ?. He had been suffering from degenerative brain disease for several years and went down hill fast, ended up just a shadow of his former self. Never diagnosed as chronic traumatic encephalopathy (once known as punch drunk syndrome), but surely no coincidence given his occupation, playing style and the footballs of old, as the family of Jeff Astle are only too aware and of which Geoff Twentyman has highlighted, to his credit. The sooner that this condition is officially recognised the better, especially by the likes of the FA and Premier League, who need to financially and morally support the many ex pro’s and their families through what is a debilitating and often, fatal syndrome. RIP big man, from all sides of Bristol.
  8. So who can rightfully and genuinely claim to have first used and coined the wonderful expression of “mind the gap”. Not a challenge or knock down, but just intrigued to know if we can actually identify and thank who created (OK London underground might have a shout here) when they first used the accurate and amusing analogy between ourselves and the Gas?
  9. In summary So anything regarding development and investing in the future is no more. What a surprise
  10. Yep sadly been tarnished in this way for quite a few years now and Sunday afternoon is a big occasion for the donkey dunkers
  11. Spoke to someone today with a financial interest in the fruit market. Said that a conditional offer to purchase the site had been received, but it would have to be agreed by 75% of the owners and that there are multiple parties that own the site, so far from straightforward. Also mentioned a 7 to 9 year time scale, so where Wael is getting a two year build from is anyone’s guess? Presumably time would be needed to relocate from the fruit market, aside from all of the other hurdles and issues mentioned in previous threads.
  12. Not quite a road sign, but one of my favourite signs of all time Not quite a road sign, but one of my favourite signs of all time
  13. Looks like it replaces an advertising "whore"ding
  14. Appreciate and not criticising your posting BTRFTG , but plebs like me get easily confused and so here are the results of my Googling to try and understand your valued input: Sui Generis Law and Legal Definition. Sui generis is a Latin term which means of its own kind/genus. It is something that is unique in its characteristics. The expression is often used in analytic philosophy to indicate an idea, an entity, or a reality which cannot be included in a wider concept What is a section 106? Planning obligations, also known as Section 106 agreements (based on that section of The 1990 Town & Country Planning Act) are private agreements made between local authorities and developers and can be attached to a planning permission to make acceptable development which would otherwise be unacceptable in planning What is a CIL? The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a charge that local authorities can set on new development in order to raise funds to help fund the infrastructure, facilities and services - such as schools or transport improvements - which are needed to support new homes and businesses in the areas.
  15. Don't forget that 13.5m is as at June 2018 If they continued at 3m plus loss per annum in the year to June 2019 they will be way past the 15m mark Oh dear!!! Don't forget that 13.5m is as at June 2018 If they continued at 3m plus loss per annum in the year to June 2019 they will be way past the 15m mark Oh dear!!!
  16. Possible unexpected expenditure in year to date and/or newly uncovered liabilities, i.e. the few non-tented areas of the stadium constructed of asbestos or the training colony site deemed an area of outstanding natural beauty or a disused nuclear fuel dump – just saying!!
  17. You’re showing your ignorance RRH Haven’t you hear of the Data Protection Act and confidentiality? ?
  18. Even so, some of them are actually quite astute - there being Sainsburys
  19. Can't believe you managed to unearth Tinners Tweet of 2 years ago. You are a top man Unan. ? Mr Smith now destined for some serious sh*t from me
  20. Great find and thanks for sharing - nothing changes does it!
  21. This is where Lee is getting it all wrong, as Rovers manager Graham Coughlin told the club website: "Abu Ogogo is also a great character that will provide a boost in the changing rooms, which is exactly what we need in our current situation," Look behind you, they are still coming, even it is only in the showers!!
  22. Don't be so sure. The £50,000 received from tonight's game goes a long way in the January transfer window !! And according to their chief exec on Points West tonight they plan to go out of all competitions in the early stages - now that's ambition for you ?
  23. DC says that the players are covering more distance now than the first 15 games, i.e running around like headless chickens. "32 games to go and a top half finish is still on" - really?
  24. Ring Road bridge near Bromley Heath now sporting a very fetching sheet with Clarke Out on it The natives are getting even more restless And how dare they encroach my manor
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