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Midlands Robin

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Everything posted by Midlands Robin

  1. As a Phoenix club there's a risk they'd end up having to start near the bottom of the heap like Hereford.
  2. Not being the brightest when it comes to accounting, As I understand it then, if someone wanted to buy the Sags now, they would need to spend the 15 million to pay off the loan, plus the value of the assets (the ground, land, etc) and then cover the 4 million in liabilities and turn around a 2 million a year loss?
  3. Every time I look at the Mem I recall the great Rugby matches I've watched Bris play there (and some bad ones as well). Then I recall how those thieving ******* stole the ground. It was never meant to be a place where football is played and fortunately, as it's where the Sags squat it still isn't.
  4. Any good soldier knows that it's important to hold the high ground.
  5. I know, it's terrible isn't it. I remember when I was at school many years ago and when it kicked off in the playground, everyone would gather round and chant "fight, fight, fight" while the two protagonists in the middle had a half baked wrestling match and waved their arms at each other shouting come on then. Then it would all end when a teacher came and split everyone up. At least the video was slightly more entertaining for the police to review than those ones where they film the fans at the Gate. Watching the fat bloke in row F chomp his way through a pasty is nowhere near as funny as bar stool skittles.
  6. Wouldn't it be so much easier if they had team T-shirts on?
  7. A sort of CSF v GHS it's a knockout you mean? Maybe we could get Stuart Hall to commentate. No, hang on a second, that wouldn't be appropriate.
  8. Oh indeed. Full marks for distance achieved though accuracy may be up for debate. I guess it depends on what his point of aim was. If the new Mayor fancies putting in a bid for Bristol to host the Olympics then this video certainly shows the wide range of new sports Bristolians could bring to the party.
  9. So there was I expecting to see heroic Gentleman fighters standing up for the honour of the mighty reds and what that video shows is the shittiest game of sign tennis ever, closely followed by what looks to be the newly invented game of bar stool skittles and then a quick round of bar stool cricket. Hardly the evidence of a major clash between rival firms.
  10. Ah, more #gaslogic. Bristol Sport - Company registered in Bristol, Owner lives in the Channel Islands. Booooo tax dodging sheed. Bad bad bad. Dwayne Sport - Company registered in the Channel Islands, Owner lives in Bristol. Hooray, he's such nice man, Sag legend, we love him, good good good. ********. :laugh:
  11. From next season the ECB intend to introduce a one over, one ball competition so as to not discriminate against those with severe attention deficit disorder.
  12. In other news, there appears to be only one end to the ground at Man City's place. If there is a home end, Liverpool haven't seen it.
  13. Well there's two drops of sunshine on an otherwise shitty day. Lovely.
  14. So that's around 1 million a year that needs to be generated BEFORE any additional profits could be ploughed back into developing the club. Any on or off field issues soon destroys the profit margins and sinks the club.
  15. The trouble with the external investor model is that its great in the short term because of the initial cash injection but then you are slaved to the investor for the length of the agreement. If things start heading pear shaped financially then the investors will cheerfully take them down to protect their investment. Also, before they can grow further they would need to generate profits on top of that which they need to pay the investors. That's a tall order and means if the footballing side goes tits up, say a relegation, they will be hamstrung. It would be short term gain and long term pain relying entirely on guaranteeing on and off field growth.
  16. Comment from an Argyle forum on the Sags new appointment. Sounds like a match made in heaven. on Mon Mar 12, 2018 6:10 pm by Czarcasm I’ve always said he ran us like he was still running little Yeovil. A small time thinker who will not for one second be missed. Adios Smarmy.
  17. They cost £45 apparently. You can see £30 worth and the remaining £15 is up the crack of her arse.
  18. I saw Weller in 97 about the time Heavy Soul was released and I'm sorry to say he was absolutely shite. One of my biggest disappointments as I'd been trying to see him live for years. I reckon if it had been a few years before or a few years after it would have been great but he wad touring a poor album which he insisted on playing most of even though it had been out less than a week and virtually no one had a clue what he was playing.
  19. Just looked up from my spread sheet because I had to get away from the numbers. I realised it was only Monday and lunchtime so I popped down the road to see the man in the corner shop to buy my lunch. Looking at the newspaper while I was waiting in the queue I saw a story about that explosion in Leicester and I wondered what set the house ablaze? I had to get back to work because I need to make a start on another spreadsheet. For some people that's entertainment but for me it seems like I'm running on the spot. Anyway, it's best not too get to precious about it and just on with things.
  20. I was going to post something along these lines, I agree, I've got an old school mate who has been a plastic Man Utd fan for years except when the Sags win and then she posts crap all over Facebook about it.
  21. Hang on a second. 2 Hours ago, the BBC post this comment from Shrewsbury: And then 1 hour later the BBC post this comment from the sags: Very spooky.
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