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Midlands Robin

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Everything posted by Midlands Robin

  1. Was that the one showing Babestation ??
  2. Grounds Phones and money from changing rooms Females dignity A crappy club song the list goes on.
  3. Less possession and less shots than a team with 10 men who are around the same league position as they are. Woops. Mind the gap.
  4. My guess is that the blue few are starting to wake up to the fact they're shite. ?
  5. Nope but they can have an ANUS attendance with a crowd full of assholes. ?
  6. I may have done. I don't know. I couldn't bring myself to look at a picture of their new rag and its been a while since I've seen one at the Gate. ?
  7. Version 2 for those who wanted to see 'da famouse blu and white corters...."
  8. Perfect match for a club that sucks that massively.
  9. Bristol worked really hard tonight and I'm so happy with the win. Bloody great. As for the bears.... I can honestly say I saw more new shirts in the match squad than on the fans. It's fair to say, the bears only exist in the.minds of the club and a handful of supporters. Never mind though, it was a great night, a real battling performance from Bris and a great result. It should set us up well for the season.
  10. **** 'em. Where are they now compared to us?
  11. According to delusion central it was 2336 with 47 of that number from Crawley. Edit. Beaten to it above.
  12. Yes, great comedy value. I paraphrase but basically he said "we give DC a competitive budget but to finish in the top six he has to over achieve." That's not a competitive budget then is it Wally?
  13. I've just read the transcript of Wally's interview with GT. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. Leaving aside the bovine excrement about legal issues preventing any discussion about options for a new ground or rebuild of the mem, the stuff about legal issues preventing discussion of the training ground is bizarre. What could possibly be preventing any discussion about the colony? Dwayne Sports own the land so no issue there. They have already held a consultation with relevant stakeholders and from what I've read the outcome was generally favourable, so no issue there. Any planning application goes immediately into the public domain. They have appointed another company to ensure all the paperwork gets done, nothing top secret there. Finally, everyone knows what makes up your average training ground. A few pitches, all weather and grass, somewhere to get changed, somewhere to park, somewhere for the physio to work and somewhere for the groundsman to keep his tools. There is absolutely nothing that I can see that is top secret about any of that. The only thing needed to get it all done is a bit of cash. Aaaahhh could that be the problem? How the sags can suck up the shite they were fed in that interview and see anything positive in it is beyond me.
  14. Oooh bugger. He recently played on loan for their second most hated team, Wycombe. Going to get a nice reception among the prowed blue few given their reputation for welcoming players from all backgrounds.
  15. It's a bit of a shame really. I would have enjoyed measuring the Sags future transfer dealings in Paynes.
  16. I heard that he was beaten half to death by a disabled City fan for refusing to move 6 inches to the left just before kick off. Apparently his brother in laws, mums, old school teachers mate phoned someone at the Mem and asked if he could go there instead. So delighted were the sags at the potential to double their gate they offered him a new season ticket (still in the post and for a non existent stand), a new shirt (delayed due to a sponsorship **** up) and a signed picture with their new striker (not yet signed). He's now very happy.
  17. Hmmmm, a bit of complicated maths required here. Take 38 Sags and then factor in the limited intelligence levels, questionable ability to read signage, friction created by knuckles being dragged across the ground, inevitable delays created by them stopping to shout racist abuse at players and the potential delays if the stand is in close vicinity to a police horse and we could be talking anywhere up to three to four days.
  18. Given the strange way Safety Advisory Groups work and how important having the correct certification is, I wonder how you can just throw stands up in a few days and then get a safety certificate for them? Wouldn't you have to have some sort of test event, evacuation test and get the things fully authorised before you can let the paying few sit in one for a league match?? What I'm saying is, even if DHL deliver their IKEA flat pack stands to the Mem tomorrow and they are thrown up in time for 3pm Saturday, surely they won't get a safety certificate in place in that time??
  19. If a gashead falls over in a non existent stand and there's no one there to hear it, is it a Saturday afternoon home game?
  20. Funnier than that, there's rumours on ass chat that they haven't even been started yet.
  21. And now someone has changed it to Coventry City. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amadou_Bakayoko
  22. Well if that doesn't have the young lad jumping into a taxi and heading down to the Blue Camp then nothing will.
  23. Oh dear, that awkward moment when one of your over excited fans updates Wiki to show the player now playing for you but it all falls through. Good job I got a screen shot before some one changed it back. ?
  24. Flying out of the blocks today. 3-1 to City. Pre-season optimism is alive and well Congratulations on the wedding Hav and come on you reds !!
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