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Everything posted by PHILINFRANCE

  1. Ha. I caught the A1 Airport Flyer to Lulsgate on Thursday afternoon, and I can imagine the absolute chaos (and loss of trade) for everyone in the vicinity with West Street being closed - I was already running late, and if the incident had been on the Thursday it would have proved disastrous!** No, my comment about predictive text was in relation to your use of wiki instead of, presumably, would ?. **Of course, West Street closing was disastrous for everybody involved, I meant disastrous for me.
  2. If he turns out to be half as good as his older brother ?, I shall be very happy indeed.
  3. That predictive text can be a right pain, can’t it?
  4. Ah, I see you posted just before me suggesting much the same thing: great minds and all that. How are you feeling after your recent operation? I hope all is going well for you.
  5. I doubt very much that JB is receiving Legal Aid, so should imagine that, for him, this news is somewhat academic.
  6. I assume DC’s inane connection to the COVID vaccine was posted on Twitter, although I don’t subscribe. Did anything ever result from the investigation in to his mental health charity, where there was some ‘confusion’ about the accounts?
  7. I didn't want to spoil it for others, but I have now checked it out on WIKI. Spiring started his career at Bristol City before being sold to Liverpool for £60,000 in March 1973. He did not play a first team match at Anfield, only featuring on the bench twice.
  8. Out of interest, can you or anybody else, remember whether Peter Spiring ever played a league game for Liverpool?
  9. Very naughty, but extremely funny.
  10. Unless the 'keepers to whom you are referring were of a breed who charge out from their goal line parting all those before them, forwards and defenders alike, a la Moses of Red Sea fame, I assume you meant they were decisive. Many, many years ago, I used to play in a team with a goalkeeper who was both; a doctor by profession, a very large Yorkshireman who was extremely warm and gentle off the pitch, but the complete opposite when playing. He had made it very clear when he joined the club that he considered the penalty box his territory, rightly so, and to say he commanded his area would be something of an understatement: if ever we heard 'Keeper's ball!' we all knew to make ourselves scarce. Unfortunately, strong and capable though he was in the air, whether catching (usually) or sometimes punching clear, he was slow to get down to low shots, otherwise I am sure he would have played at a far higher level.
  11. I was just about to type exactly the same answer. I now wait anxiously for the correct answer ?.
  12. You mean words like flour, odour or even amour? I am sure I would be able to find others were I to scour a dictionary ?.
  13. Hi, Obviously too late for today, which is a shame, but try this one next time. It usually works for me. http://g1.mylivecricket.live/ Good Luck.
  14. Wordle 477 4/6 ? ???? ????? Did anybody attempt this today? I mean, is it really a word? Not a bad day, today. Daily Quordle 258 quordle.com ?? ? ? ??? ? ?? ?? ????? ????? ? ? ??? ??? ????? ?? ??? ? ???? ?????
  15. Oh, for goodness sake Robbo You have finally got somebody who agrees with you, for the first time, on anything, so surely you can get his initials right ?.
  16. You suggest a makeshift CB would be suicidal, yet suggest playing Sykes, whose defensive skills appear somewhat lacking, as a makeshift RB, when we have Tanner, who is a RB, waiting patiently in the wings - which is an expression, not a play on words ?.
  17. I have only just read it, but still have no idea. Perhaps illogically, I assumed that the ***** word was Source, but you appear to have confirmed it was an expletive - not only that, but Source appears to get through the censors. Can you perhaps give me the consonants, or even the initial letter?
  18. Home to Scunthorpe? In fact, I seem to recall he scored two.
  19. Of course, as far as I am aware, neither Dixie Dean nor Messi had the benefit of a pre-match lasagna to sustain them, so any comparison is dodgy - which makes me think of Tottenham.
  20. Sorry to quote my own post, but I am intrigued, @Ivorguy, as to why you find my revelation that, as a boy growing up in Bristol, I used to enjoy, inter alia, black pudding and Eccles cakes sad. Unfortunately, I have neither seen nor eaten Eccles cakes for many a year, but I still buy and enjoy a portion of freshly made black pudding from my local butcher quite regularly, and very nice it is too, as well as, surprisingly, being quite nutritious. I have also seen it being prepared/made, but that is another story.
  21. Thanks for that. Your response certainly prompted a few interesting suggestions as to the real terms of any deal, although I’m not sure I’m any closer to learning the entire story. I do recall hearing the name Arthur Holmes mentioned in various accounts of events I have heard over the years, in very unfavourable terms I should add, so it would seem only the finer details are missing.
  22. There is something special about the sound and smell of Sunday’s left over roast potatoes being sautéed with onion and the left over cabbage, finished with the fat from the bacon gently frying alongside. I sometimes wonder whether my mother used to go to all that time and expense of preparing Sunday roast, just for the pleasure it gave my father and I the following day as we sat down to enjoy our Bubble and Squeak.
  23. Amazingly, I used to eat black pudding regularly as a young boy living in Bristol and, as an occasional weekend treat, my father would buy a few Eccles cakes from a local baker.
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