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Everything posted by Swede

  1. In the last few days I've watched two cup finals. We invented the beautiful game and I certainly prefer our version to UEFA's. I think it was just two bookings today whereas the other night the amount of cheating and dissent on and off the pitch was absolutely disgusting and sets a poor example to everyone. In sport there is a way to win and a way to lose. Fair play to both Manchester teams.
  2. Swede


    Sounds like a nasty ear infection to me. Perhaps if they stop tapping their heads it will clear up soon.
  3. Well, it can't be called the Tote End as there's not enough space for a running track behind it.
  4. I think its great that they're in the Premier League with the state of that ground. It will be interesting to see how the likes of Arsenal & Chelsea cope with those "facilities" It will also underline the ridiculous disparity of wealth there is in football and how [like FIFA] its completely lost touch with reality in the real world. Football used to be known as a working man's game. I find it really hard to justify £100M for any player [& nothing against him] but here he will step forward onto the lovely Kenilworth Road pitch as an equal. Astonishing really.
  5. Not limited to greyhounds. You can walk any mutt on that turnip patch. No need to clear up either judging by the lack of dog bins and the amount of 5hit that appears regularly on a Saturday.
  6. Also they had that lad on loan from Chelsea the previous season who was a great signing, who was on loan at Burnley and got promoted. I think Robins will be expecting the same output from JD.
  7. This specimen needn't worry, they'll just reduce their capacity to 8,000 and "sell out" every match.
  8. They ought to go back to that 1970's pin stripey kit with the sickly yellow collar. A wierd kit for an equally strange club.
  9. I really liked LJ and what he was trying to achieve here but the more I listen to his interviews the more I prefer big Nige's clear, no nonsense, taking no prisoner approach which is very refreshing. I think LJ must love waffles for breakfast.
  10. Swede


    Both clubs have gone through it over recent history. I am glad that it's Luton though. The mere fact that that dump of a ground is now going to host Man City, Liverpool & Arsenal next season is quite amusing. It won't matter much though because the inflated and scandalous money that's frittered away by every Premier League club will mean nothing to their 10,500 capacity ground and will just underline how insane and money riddled football is. Good luck to them and well done Cov too, it just underlines how we've blown it.
  11. No; the debate was he'd be better off at Swansea & Blackburn as they finished higher than us & therefore could possibly offer more in wages. Unlike the majority of footballers [who can blame them] with Joe I don't think is purely down to the size of contract. Fans tend to forget that it works both ways, I think of Sammy Smodics, for example who we signed basically as a stop gap or another "club in the bag" if we couldn't get KP45 and then really didn't get a look in and was binned off to Peterborough & then sold on very quickly. I think its turned out even better for him.
  12. I take your point but have you ever been to Blackburn? Its a bleak 5hithole of a dump with what looks like a large shiny blue and grey spaceship called Ewood Park landed right in the middle of it. Very depressing.
  13. The attendances chart really sums them up, The tinpotters think they are bigger than Norwich but in reality they're not even bigger than Peterborough.
  14. Who in their right mind would openly try to sell season tickets for next season for a stand that hasn't even had a planning application submitted for as yet. Unless all their intention was to build an even bigger temporary structure. Bizarre. What a strange little club they are.
  15. I have to disagree with that. I think our support is, in the main, positive especially when the chips are down. LJ benefitted from a positive crowd on many occasions here. I recall early in Nige's reign looking for that elusive first three points at home and the crowd noise ramped up to help get that win. Equally I recall playing Cov at home during the McWinless reign when we had Bolasie, Albert & Jon Stead where the crowd played its part. I've been to many away games where the home crowd turn on their team very quickly.
  16. I much prefer Gerry Gow, Tom Ritchie & Donnie Gillies.
  17. Are they changing their colours again, this time to that sickly piss yellow colour?
  18. Next season the Championship will be a lot harder with Saints, Leicester & probably dirty leeds in the mix. Add in Watford, Ipswich, Sunderland and that makes it even harder but with the clearing of the decks and post the financial mess Nige inherited its not unrealistic to think we could be pushing top six
  19. All I've seen so far of this "new stand" is just an "artist's impression" or for want of a better word, sketch [like on the back of a fag packet]. To submit that for planning you would need detailed dimensional plans for the structure. I'm thinking of drainage, toilet facilities and whether this blocks anyone's light or impacts on the residents behind the goal area. I also walk my dog along the back of it early in the morning to see the frogs and toads that cross the area and early evening to see the bats that fly around and nest there. They are an endangered species don't you know. All very tinpot
  20. What's the difference, sag? The top one has a Row M
  21. It is literally a dump, a tinpot dump. I believe a visiting Milwall fan once commented that there was a shed, two tent stands and a cricket pavillion and that was just on one side! When visiting try to find the mysterious "Row M" seats. It's a trick question as they have the tickets but are Row M less.
  22. Forgetting for one moment that its tinpot rovers, those "facilities" in this modern day age are absolutely disgusting. I am astonished that a "professional" and commercial outfit can seriously think that this is acceptable. That's a home made lean to with white plastic garden chairs. If a ball at speed hits one of those vertical posts or hits one of those static chairs it could cause a serious injury. I am really surprised that the powers that be grant a safety licence.
  23. They used that famous Bristol landmark as a backdrop to sell their season tickets a few seasons ago. That's the same landmark with Ashton Gate in the background. Genius or should I say Gaslogic or better still, tinpot.
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