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Everything posted by Swede

  1. The trouble with this headbanger is that he courts controversy whenever he opens his large mouth. This filters down to the feeble minded bonehead who thinks its fair game to constantly verbal abuse ex players or think its funny to give ex players death threats. Its small wonder that the lemmings follow and do exactly the same. What I find strange is that his employer turns a blind eye to all of this, which in itself is quite revealing. "Family" club, you're having a laugh.
  2. You couldn't make it up, could you
  3. I've ran out of laughing emojis.
  4. its all swings and roundabouts, literally
  5. I think he's originally from North Korea judging by the endless crap he writes
  6. I can see the similarity but Watford throw money around like confetti. Swindle just have confetti and they probably haven't paid for that yet either.
  7. Sacked with a game to go?!? Strange
  8. Hmm Nice and League Un plus money or Bristol and second tier football. Tough one.
  9. Looks like its been designed on a Commodore 64 computer. They'll have to come up with something better than this fag packet design for planning. It resembles a cattle shed. What an embarrassment this is. It really shows that their chelsea supporting charlatan couldn't give a flying f about them.The gift keeps giving. Tinpot
  10. Rich footballing history?!? That is stretching it a bit. The Watney cup is a rare piece of silverware. Unique is probably a better word, as in the only club I know of who have been relegated out of the football league by a team wearing their kit.
  11. Actually I'm quite upbeat about next season. We've cleared the decks and recovered financially whereas a lot of other clubs have yet to face that (Swansea being a perfect example) I think we've made great strides this season with improving the backroom staff so in turn the player's fitness is much improved. There is a collective responsibility and we can see the benefits of this through improved and consistent performances on the pitch.
  12. I have this idiot sat behind me moaning about why Scott didn't clear it upfield and then moaning why we don't get rid of it quicker from the back. He has that kind of voice that just goes right through you. I just can't be bothered to turn around and waste energy engaging with the negativety you just know he won't listen to any other points of view.
  13. I thought we started pretty well and matched them for 20 mins. They were very fluid once they got into our half. A terrific shot for their goal off of a lack of awareness from Sam Bell and then they were in the ascendancy for the rest of the half. Once we made the changes we looked more streetwise and we gave them more of a match. Conway took his chance for the equaliser really well and that all started from Sam Bell's initial flick on. Scott got backed into a corner which led to the winner. Overall I thought we gave it a go in the second half against the parachute payment backed Champions and that's all we could ask for. Really pleased we showed them due respect before the match as champions. Pleased also that Josh Brownhill rightfully got an ovation and due respect for being a great servant and captain of this club. For me it was a game of two left backs Pring and Maatsen. Pring was easily our best player and Maatsen theres.
  14. I would be very surprised if any club paid £30M+ & the chances are that would be the fee, as there's so much interest in him so there's bound to be a bidding war, to loan him back to us. Its such a life changing event for him that any loan back simply will not work. Its a measure of him that he's putting all this speculating to one side and is still performing consistently. That's also great man management from Nige. I think a fresh start all round would be needed. Him at his new club and us moving on. Barring the lucky 2,000 odd away fans at QPR, tomorrow represents probably the last time most of us will see him in a City shirt ever again, so enjoy.
  15. I'm looking at the bigger picture, anything to stop that smarmy reptile, swiss tony from finishing in the automatic places will do for me. So its Argyle & the Owls [& not necessarily in that order] for me.
  16. Where do they get these needy morons from? "yes, yes, but it has to be biggerer than trashton . . ." to house the 30,000 sags they'll need pontoons for the fruit market, always assuming they have enough car parks to satisfy the planners!
  17. I'll always remember that one as I could've put it in with my appendage
  18. It will be 3,000 Burnley fans celebrating next week followed by City fans celebrating sending the plastic cockneys down a week later.
  19. I find it astonishing that they believe anything that King Tin Pot says. How he can continually bullshit his way running that joke football club without anybody demonstrating against this type of ownership is beyond me. Truth is he got rid of any dissenters a long time ago and there's no one else willing to challenge him. Now he's building a new stand in ten minutes to increase the capacity that he reduced! Its laughable and utterly tin pot.
  20. After selling Eastvile all those years ago to become tenants you would've thought becoming tenants once again would be the last thing they would wish, yet here they are with their trusty Knight with a shiny watch about to sell them down the river before he rides off into the sunset or off to Stamford Bridge to watch his beloved Chelsea, and they lap it up like lemmings, Its laughable.
  21. Wasn't there money borrowed as a loan taken out against the "stadium" (I use the term in its loosest sense) so any prospective purchaser would also have to pay extra on top to settle this debt?
  22. I do feel a little sympathy with their supporters. They have been terribly run for a number of years. I don't get the love in Radio Bristol has with them though and why they should be afforded so much air time.
  23. Actually he's getting up to speed & getting better the more games he plays since his injury. He's also playing in different positions. He is quite prepared to play in a number of positions for the team and is a model professional and an International still as well. What am I not seeing?
  24. . . . And their coach is a librarian/school teacher/car salesman blah blah
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