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Everything posted by Swede

  1. The perfect role model for that quirky little club that loves to portray its high morals and family values
  2. I'm afraid this is yet another unsavoury incident connected with them. Dreadful club from top to bottom.
  3. He'll never beat Colin "a large contingent from rovers" Howlett
  4. Typical cheap patronising quip from someone who ought to know better. What a mug. This shows everybody exactly what they are. A total lack of respect for everyone.Tinpot.
  5. Do they still have that 43 year old 92 cap Irish International maestro or is he now playing bingo and waiting for his soiled nappy to be changed
  6. Er. . . Yes. I don't know of any professional organisation that would start to clear a site using an artists impression before any proper planning consultation was conducted. Not go out to tender to see how much this will all cost. Not notify the local residents or submit any formal plans to the council for planning permission.
  7. He, she, it means that it will still cost him a £5 to Bob the gateman to let it in
  8. One of Scott's many attributes is his level headed maturity. I would also add at this point the managerial experience of Pearson and the clever Phil Alexander in the background. There will be a lot more speculation until the end of the window. Its interesting that Pearson has publicly stated that we don't need to sell him which will not have gone un noticed by potential suitors. A marked contrast to the touts at Peterborough who pimp out anybody half decent on the open market
  9. Friend isn't a patch, that's a wet patch, unless he's wearing industrial strength incontinence pants, on their 43 year old 92 cap Irish International.
  10. Back then those a55holes sold tickets for the mirage that is Row M. Now they're selling tickets for an imaginary new stand and the fucktards are once again falling for it. Pure Comedy Gold.
  11. The very definition of tinpot. Already building it without any proper consultation with the local residents and without any planning permission. It shows a TOTAL disregard for anything and anyone else that presumes to get in their way.
  12. looks like the away fans on that 5hitty little bit of side terracing are further away from the turgid action, what a godsend!
  13. Not really, look at all of the FFP problems we've had to deal with over the last few seasons. It nearly cost us a points penalty it was that bad. This charlatan was nowhere to be seen why things started to turn badly. He upsticks and found another revenue stream. He's now using the same blueprint at another club. We warned them enough times and pointed out to them the questions to be asking but while things are still rosy they'll turn a blind eye to his out of control spending. The interest is seeing how its all developing into another swiss tony maelstrom. Fevs and others that are far more in the know than me have all of the information and can see right through him. That is why there is still the interest in him.
  14. Best get rid. The people of Berkshire really don't want a football team anyway. They'd be better off going to Milton Keynes or Wycombe
  15. Er. . David Reserve Team, I think your level of delusion knows no bounds. Look at how your owner goes about selling tickets for a stand that hasn't even had a planning application submitted yet. We're talking ONE stand that at the moment is just a scribble off the back of a fag packet, let alone a complete stadium. That should REALLY tell you something.
  16. I'd like to also add, the owners, who continually cast a blind eye to anything that goes on and therefore condone it as well. Any parent taking their children to a place knowing all that must seriously think again. Family club, I don't think so.
  17. Er. . . I wouldn't use the term rocking as that implies a sound solid structure. I'm thinking bellowing as in flapping tents in the wind. The only thing rocking would be the webbed feet morons to and fro & frothing at the mouth until they're stuck to a window.
  18. His face tells the story as reality hits "Is this really it, no other offers and I'm left with a few tents and plastic chairs and a manager who didn't want me in the first place. I'm sacking that agent
  19. Obviously it lives in its own fantasy world where money is free and where basic grammar and common sense are not needed.
  20. I just want to remind the people on the forum that he is a special talent ( much like Bellingham was for Brum) and therefore he will be linked with everybody. I doubt we'll see the likes of another as talented as him in a City shirt.
  21. You need sand, its easier for the donkeys to walk on
  22. Pop this little beauty into the tinpot and be ready to roll it out as excuse No.346. Balloon fiesta moan moan, EFL is against us moan moan. We're away again moan moan, the council is against us moan moan, it's not our problem moan moan. He is right on one thing, nobody gives a flying crap about his needy little tinpot club full of weirdos.
  23. £300K is a "very large" fee for the sags. That's larger than a Tilson. So that will be multiple bags of 50p coins, fivers, 10p coins, several postal orders, raiding Bert the disabled gate man's hi vis for half a dozen fivers he's pocketed plus a nice watch all in several Sainsburys bags. Yes indeed, £300K is a very large fee.
  24. Absolutely pathetic. That final was a disgraceful exhibition of cheating and dissent. Both teams were culpable. Does that paltry fine cover the coaches and the team as well? I would've thrown both of them out for next season's competition.
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