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Port Said Red

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Everything posted by Port Said Red

  1. Is it the Austrian Alps then? If it was the Swiss Alps Timm would be happy, French Alps?
  2. Yes Buy itch or Bay itch, I would imagine. As long it's not "flapper" or "dracula" or "jigsaw" "swiss cheese" I will be happy.
  3. Communication shouldn't be a problem for this season at least, both Klose and Atkinson speak French.
  4. (Isn't that subtraction?) How Can I Be Sure? - David Cassidy
  5. Because Sullivan has asked her to keep an eye on his money?
  6. I had it all looked at when we bought our place in 2010, the part I am on the land was raised by 2 metres before they built, they also have put in a series of sluices and run offs to deal with sudden changes. Basically the report said that the High Street and area around Old Mill Rd would flood before we did on the nature reserve.
  7. Blakey's were good for setting off caps too.
  8. They have clearly gone the wrong way about this. If the club came out with pyro as a way to help create an atmosphere, it would be getting shot down with phrases such as "corporate crap", "Americanisation" or "games gone".
  9. As this is my view of Wales from my bedroom, I am obviously hoping any change is a few years away.
  10. As I say, only ever had one for the expenses stuff, we don't have any now and haven't had them for any other purpose this century.
  11. I used to use the deals for my expenses when I was working, when you are travelling in May and know you won't be recompensed until the end of June, it can be a pain. Sometimes you can get a bit of extra benefit too, I had a Sainsburys one that earned me Nectar points and Tesco one which earned Club card points. As long you make the minimum payments and only use them for specific purchases like the season ticket they are ideal. Also don't forget when the free limit ends, they aren't always that quick to let you know.
  12. I didn't see the report, but unless there has been a dramatic change the tipping point was predicted by a report in 2008 to be in around 150 years. I am sure it will change again anyway, if you go to the Natural History museum they have an exhibit about the changing shape of Britain of the years (the Thames ran through where Norwich is now at one time!}, at different times it shows no Bristol Channel at all and at other times Glastonbury Tor as an island in the Somerset Levels. I know we saw bad flooding in the levels in recent times, but this was for a 1000 year period less than 5000 years ago.
  13. There are a lot of interest free credit cards out there. https://www.moneysupermarket.com/credit-cards/compare-interest-free/?p=0&source=GOO-0X0000048C289843F6&gclid=CjwKCAjwqauVBhBGEiwAXOepkaJpSAW5KG7q4TKaZEa-DA3CebpdHnGQZiEiBEhSO1udY7JIUeZ9pRoCxLcQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
  14. If War Should Come - Public Service Broadcasting
  15. If anyone mentored by Scott Fitzgerald went backwards in their career, would they get the nickname Benjamin or Button?
  16. The way the Post are playing this up I thought they had actually signed someone, but no they have just kept him on board https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/sport/football/bristol-rovers-antony-evans-contract-7207536
  17. Not working for Qatar though, he is working for FIFA in Qatar, which admittedly opens a whole different can of worms. But then we are all slighted tainted by FIFA and their dubious morals just be following football. Maybe he thinks the way that some famous sports people and celebrities have felt about other countries like South Africa, that one way of changing things is to mix with and show them a different way? It's not really an approach I agree with, but I know that there are many who do. I also suspect that Downsy may not have had your respect before anyway.
  18. Well he's in good company there, he didn't choose for the WC to be there and he hasn't had any influence on any of the countries who have agreed to attend. Bit much suggesting he is only one with no principles
  19. I made the mistake of suggesting that about another show on another forum and got shot down. Apparently it's easier to access than you might think.
  20. It's a point of view that I can share, but maybe he's not very political and sees it as a once in a lifetime career opportunity?
  21. From what he said to me last time I spoke to him, I imagine he avoids this place like the plague. He knows the consensus of opinion of those who shout loudest on here.
  22. I agree with you Kid. I think the Captain and the Coach have decided to take the rough with the smooth with him. Personally I think it's a bit like an out of form star striker in football, the only place they can't score from is the sidelines. If you want "match winner YJB" then you have to put up with getting "out for 10 3rd ball YJB" as well.
  23. That was what I find when I used to go to the Bournemouth area with work, it's such a sprawl. The list of places that are within the area of Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole is almost as big as those that make up London. Working out where one starts and another finishes is equally difficult too. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_areas_in_Bournemouth,_Christchurch_and_Poole
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