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Port Said Red

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Everything posted by Port Said Red

  1. Buyer "It's lovely, by the water great views, but what about coastal erosion?" Developer "Well we would be looking to knock this all down and build further inland by 2050 anyway and you'll get a discount there" Buyer "27 years of great views you say? Ok I'll buy it"
  2. But most of them won't live long enough to watch them being washed away, politicians aren't well known for their long term planning.
  3. With whom? The fans appeared to really like what they saw and he played a major part in their 2nd goal. Unless he wasn't popular within the squad for some reason?
  4. At the risk of upsetting our Luton counterparts any further, I see little improvement in that stadium, it's ugliness is only surpassed by Chelsea's in my opinion. Maybe the new Chelsea owners will have better ideas. I like some of the King Power, I wondered if a clear roof on the Atyeo was an option that might be acceptable to the house owners in Ashton Road and allow for that part of the ground to be developed to the standard of the rest of the ground? Everton's look amazing, although very daring to build not next to, but actually on the water, with rising sea levels and climate change ramping up over the next few years! Surprised that the FGR eco friendly stadium is not included, and disappointed to see a lack of "renewables" in these designs.
  5. Paul started, and I think still runs, a group of soccer camps across in Munich and other places in Germany. I met someone on holiday that had done some coaching out there for him about 5 or 6 years ago.
  6. I don't remember my first game, but the first game I remember was a 4-0 home win V Charlton. My cousin was a Charlton fan and came to stay with us and go to the game, I also remember telling him about my favourite players on our way to the ground so clearly not my first game. I have looked this up in the past and it was September '66, I was 4. If I take it from that game that's 56 years, but I am claiming longer. The odd thing is that for some reason we played Charlton away only 2 weeks later, which was definitely my first away game, I was obviously very confident after the home game.......... We lost 5-0. ? The joys of being a City fan were instilled early.
  7. Is it too early to run the figures for a potential replacement in the lower leagues?
  8. Oh well. There are many things I miss from across my 60 years, my memories of being in the old East end are still there but I don't feel it was instrumental in the creation of them. I know it's not coming back and I want to see new memories created in this stadium, like that United game and a few others I feel a bit of pride when people who have attended a variety of events at the new stadium, praise it highly, something that would never have happened the way it was. The creation of the new ground was necessary and vital for our future, you only have to look up to the north of the city to see that there is only one way old stadiums go. No matter how much you make do and mend the infrastructure, you are generally throwing money into a pit.
  9. Great to hear that you are all in agreement with Michael Vaughan as I know how much you all value his opinion.
  10. Yes I failed to get the top right, I had the beginning and the end but chose the wrong option in the middle, twice? Actually, after a period of success, I am on a Lee Johnson style run of 1 win in 7.
  11. What has soul? The ground or the people in it? How many times was it really like that in the last 20 years of it existence? I still think that the Man Utd game was the best atmosphere I can remember since the 70's. I don't think it would have been bettered by crumbling masonry and the stink of urine from toilet block. If Pearson can get the team playing, the atmosphere will ramp up accordingly.
  12. I always said that if I won the lotto or euromillions I would think about investing in the club. I won on Wednesday, but my wife assures me that she knows exactly how to spend that £30.
  13. Assistant to Gerrard, maybe Gerrard is more concerned with man Management and gives his coaches a freer reign?
  14. Well If the Queen can't be bothered to attend her own celebration, then I certainly can't be arsed.
  15. Clever Trevor - Ian Dury and the Blockheads
  16. Which should tell you something about the way the ball was swinging around.
  17. Their main bowlers are top quality, not sure why you think this any more embarrassing than the way NZ went about their innings.
  18. I will see what I can find out....
  19. "8 men, we've only got 8 men" (and 3 subs)
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