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Port Said Red

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Everything posted by Port Said Red

  1. Interesting that you mention Breathless as it was my immediate thought during one of Cave's pieces to camera. He said something along the lines of "there's a whole lot of shit that happens when Warren and I get together, then we hit on something that just transcends it all". In my mind I heard the opening of Breathless which always sounded like the stuff you might here in the corner of a Dublin pub, before the tune comes together. Can't say I am a fan of the Cat Power version by the way, there seems to be too much of that "lets slow a song down to make it seem more poignant" stuff in the world. It'll probably be on the next M&S Xmas ad.
  2. I think so. I said before that it's such a defeatist thing to do. You are basically saying that you can only take wickets if the morning conditions are favourable, or that you don't trust the batters to set a total. Either way, you are giving a psychological advantage to your opponent.
  3. When We Feather Our Nest - George Formby
  4. The good lady the Company Secretarial Administrator, 'er indoors and I went to see this "event" last night. I say event because although it was in a cinema it was not like a real film. That was just as well because if anyone made a fictional version of this and cast Nick Cave and Warren Ellis, it would get ridiculed for being too unrealistic. Both though are hypnotic when on screen, Cave is never still, even dancing while sat at the piano, Ellis looking like some eccentric druid conducting his followers in worship. A man always on transmit as Cave himself said, switching between instruments with ease and looking like he is in a world of his own at times. The songs are just stunning and the whirling camera work and direction just add to the other worldly nature of them, in fact, the only way Hand of God could seem more like a ritual dance would be if it was being staged at Stonehenge or Avebury. I suppose it should be said that we were both fans before we went, but it's difficult to believe that anyone would not be fascinated enough to investigate their music post this event. Please find some time in your calendar to see this at least once.
  5. The Four Horsemen - Aphrodites Child
  6. There is and I believe the Management were under the impression that having that access was sufficient to get Cat 1, but the FA want it to be exclusively ours which is ridiculous really.
  7. I didn't realise that Janneh was so devout. That could cause him issues each time Ramadan falls within the football season. Having said that, there are a lot of others in the same position, like Salah for example.
  8. He has done it temporarily before and was excellent, he loves the show and it seemed to have a bit more life about it while he was in charge. (Maybe a bit too much for the older part of their audience?)
  9. It must be quite difficult for these lads, they spend all season being told that it's all about performance etc, now suddenly it's all about the result. Kadji looks a lot more animated than I have seen him in the past. Henry on for the fairly anonymous Janneh,
  10. I'm doing a few chores, but it feels like every time I look at the screen, he is breaking up play and setting us off again.
  11. One of my favourite broadcasters, his Blood on the Tracks, At Home With and Midnight Meets podcasts are all worth a listen, fun and informative.
  12. Especially when they get decisions like Goodman's, he didn't get his bat in place until the ball passed the stumps and was given out caught behind.
  13. I'll bet Nketiah has enjoyed scoring against them after spending so long sat on their bench.
  14. Now the key moment is going to be the new ball mid afternoon. I would like to see these two try to get the required rate down to around 2 an over before then.
  15. As I said in a previous post it seems to be a different pitch when the sun shines. I would have felt a lot happier if Harris was still at the wicket but the first hour could make or break us. Not sure how Bracey's form could swing through such extremes? Was his head at the Mem?
  16. Like Oliver Twist they will be taking their begging bowls to the Council Offices.
  17. Why? The seasons over and I have only cricket to watch now so this makes a good distraction.
  18. Not a hair gag.... https://www.bcfc.co.uk/news/massengos-special-visitors/ Apologies if this was posted before and I missed it. Paid for his old youth team to come over for a visit, a game and to go to the Hull City game. Good man, shame he wasn't able to get some game time in front of them as well.
  19. This is fun, a Gashead admonishing a Swindle fan for exaggerating their size, and a Swindle fan talking about "integrity". ?
  20. Don't forget Chippenham Town who slipped into the play offs by beating their rivals for the last spot, Havant and Waterlooville 2-0 away from home. While we are at it, can we get away from this idea that Swindon are part of the West Country, they are are as close to Reading as they are to us and their local derby is Oxford United. It's been fun supporting @Shaun Taylor's post when it looked like Swindon might help keep the Gas where they belonged, but now I can go back to seeing them as even more irrelevant than the Gas
  21. This is going to open the floodgates for the campaign to get them a new ground. Even the thickest Gashead will surely be embarrassed by going to some of the grounds in league one next season, and then seeing those fans having to come to the Go Outdoors Display Area. They will be even more vociferous in their begging of the council to find them a plot of land, and probably wanting it for free, then help with building it. All the time bleating on about how the '82ers have an unfair advantage because they actually built a ground, with money from that tax evading lady garden owner of theirs.
  22. Tempted, I will see what it looks like for other commitments. Hampshire 73-7 Glos could be chasing under 250 if they keep this up. Unlikely I know but Abbas limped off after getting out LBW as nightwatchman so potentially may not be able to bowl.
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