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Port Said Red

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Everything posted by Port Said Red

  1. Sorry, did you see that as a criticism, because that was certainly not intended? What I meant was, fancy needing legislation to tell you that parking a few cars within a couple of feet of the pitch where people are running at full speed might not be a good idea. ?
  2. We went to this place a couple of years back https://www.bubblecarmuseum.co.uk/ It's not as dull as it might sound to someone of a certain age, . They had an invacar amongst their collection.
  3. No one is debating whether he has a lot to prove, he has to show that this isn't a flash in the pan. However the premise of the Original Post and the opinion of the Original Poster have plainly been proved wrong. He's just turned 22 so is a baby in comparison to Mitrovic, something that the people who gave this award clearly recognised. It's not just about his goals either, look at these figures of goals and assists versus minutes. There should be even more in assists, think of AW missing an open goal against Preston for example.
  4. Yes looks like one of those vehicles for disabled people that used to be around the edge of the ground until H&S was invented.
  5. Saw this on a Half Man Half Biscuit Group I am in....
  6. You could be right Tom, there is only one end where the rubbish "plastic glass" is installed so it's not complete. I would guess 1969/1970? Those partitions were eventually ripped out in a storm in the late 70's as I recall.
  7. It didn't sound like he was getting much sympathy or understanding from the Reading end. Never did like Reading or their plastic fans though.
  8. Smarter Than You - The Undertones
  9. That's true but it is more noticeable on this channel.
  10. Checked everything for mistakes except the title.
  11. I think some credit should go to the current squad for ensuring that we get a full 90-100 minutes of exciting entertainment at the moment. I mean you could go and watch Liverpool or Manchester City and you will see some great football, but 9 times out of 10, you will know the result after about 60 or even earlier. Not so with our boys, I have even noticed more and more of the Dolman fans sticking to their seats way past the 4th official putting up the board for added time. Much like watching two great punchers in a boxing ring, you have to keep your eyes glued to the action as you don't know how it will pan out. One day, hopefully soon, we are going to get to 90 minutes 4-0 up and we won't know what to do with ourselves.
  12. Amazing that he just seemed to have that one great song in him really. I was going to include Nick Cave and Leonard Cohen but I consider them more as poets who have their work set to music, like John Cooper Clarke or Benjamin Zephaniah. One person I haven't seen mentioned is Bernie Taupin, it's always annoyed me how much credit Elton John gets for the songs that he provided the lyrics for. Someone Saved My Life Tonight is a particular favourite. An almost complete unknown I would like to mention is a guy called Al Joshua. He formed a band called Orphans and Vandals back in 2007 and although they were short lived they made one really great album called I am Alive and You Are Dead. I really thought they were going to be the next big thing, but hey...... You might like to try this track,
  13. I didn't watch a stream last night, but I watched a recording of the Quest highlights package from last night. I thought Jacqui Oatley (who I normally like) looked like she had only turned up 5 minutes before the show, she was stumbling over her words and mentioned the wrong team in summary more than once. Also I don't know if anyone has noticed this, but I recorded it on Quest +1 on Freesat and the picture seemed very out of focus to me and some of the clubs are apparently doing their bit for global warming by keeping the lights on half power. QPR in particular looked to have very poor lighting.
  14. It does seem that ironically, from the article and the shape he looked to be in last night, drinking water would be better for him.
  15. Don't worry, there are quite a few Welsh people that don't know much about it either. My favourite story from a few years back were the road painters near Swansea who wanted clarification on the Welsh for "Stay in Lane" (or something like that). They emailed the works department and got their reply in Welsh which they duly painted on the road. It turned out to be the office administrators Out Of Office message.
  16. He just added to the feeling that the FL have something against us when it comes to officials. Do we complain too much or not enough? The odd decision here and there is understandable, but when you compare the penalties we have conceded to the ones we have had turned down ourselves in recent matches, it looks vindictive. It comes to something when Keith Stroud looks like the best referee we have had this season.
  17. Bird on a Wire - Jennifer Warnes
  18. If She Want's Me is great too. I know I have spoken about Elvis Costello a lot on here but he is still the best for me. The opening lines of "The Loved Ones" a song about people who use violence to solve problems is one of the greatest opening verses in pop. Don't get smart or sarcastic He snaps back just like elastic Spare us the theatrics and the verbal gymnastics We break wise guys just like matchsticks I think Lloyd Cole has written some great stuff and Jarvis Cocker of Pulp. Donald Fagen (Steely Dan) and Paul Heaton, ( Housemartins, Beautiful South, and with Jacqui Abbot). Also Paddy McAloon (Prefab Sprout), Rickie Lee Jones and of course Simon Blackwell of (HMHB).
  19. There are some youngsters in the singing section, but I don't how many can sing falsetto! Maybe they could bring it down a key or two?
  20. You could get a job working for one of those "Clickbait" web providers, you certainly had me going back to the list.
  21. They lost, no penalty, no sending off! Will Oldham become the new Wycombe and be on the receiving end of letters to the EFL?
  22. They may not be there to see it now that "their Anderson" has gone off to be replaced by umm another Anderson...
  23. I would check to see if those are legal, I don't know when the law changed to the girls having to be over 18 rather than over 16? I know that having back issues of the "super soaraway S*n" from that period and earlier could be dicey.
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