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Port Said Red

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Everything posted by Port Said Red

  1. I am confused because previous reports I have seen from up there seemed to suggest he was popular and doing well? Looking at his recent online ratings they are mostly good except for the game against Dundee, but the who team were scored low in that one.
  2. I did mine in 3 as well, but it's such an unusual word I am not sure why it popped into my head. Has anyone tried any of the other games available through the "burger" menu in the top left corner? I tried Letter Box, Tiles and Spelling Bee today and they are all good. Letter Box is quite tough.
  3. History Song - The Good, the Bad & the Queen
  4. The ID3 was my preferred option when I bought the Corsa, but as it was so new the 2nd hand options were still out of my price range. I drove one though and it was very nice and more my size of car.
  5. Not someone I could say I was attuned with politically, but his humour was such that it transcended that. If you can laugh at a statement you are fundamentally opposed too, it becomes a little bit of a reality check. I loved his observational humour. One of his books opens with him on a flight into Albania where he suggests that it tells you all you need to know about Albanians. Apparently every hill and mountain has a dwelling on top of it, "the only reason for this, is that it makes your home easier to defend, which is important in a country where tribal feuding is the norm" he said.
  6. Is that a cup game? What league are Met Police in?
  7. He's on Richard Osman's House of Games this week and revealed he makes new sofa cushion covers. He also upheld his Bristol City connection today by throwing away an almost nailed on win on the last question of the last round.
  8. "If I could do just one near perfect thing I'd be happy They'd write it on my grave, or when they scattered my ashes On second thoughts I'd rather hang about and be there with my best friend If she wants me" If She Wants Me - Belle and Sebastian
  9. In The Belly of a Sharrk - Gallows
  10. Just listening to the Kermode and Mayo Podcast, it seems we missed the passing of Doug Trumbull. He directed the great Silent Running, but it was his Director of Photography and Visual Effects he was best known for. His resume reads like a lot of peoples top sci fi list. Silent Running Andromeda Strain 2001: A Space Odyssey Close Encounters of the Third Kind Blade Runner Star Trek the Motion Picture As has been pointed out before on here, genius is an overused adjective, but deserved in this case.
  11. I heard the commentators saying that it's a problem with the new version of their equipment, at least in the skeleton and luge. It did make we wonder how much difference you can make to a tea tray on runners, that would **** it up?
  12. My only advice for Prague is something that's probably true of most Cities and that's not to eat and drink in the tourist areas (e.g. from the Charles Bridge down to the Astronomical clock). If you walk only 2 or 3 streets away you will find the prices are about a third of the tourist trap and the quality of goods and service are far higher.
  13. I can only suggest checking the times on your devices, or that one of you has accessed a "cached page" from yesterday?
  14. The second yesterday was very slick, lovely goal. https://www.bcfc.co.uk/news/highlights-durham-women-0-3-bristol-city-women/
  15. Just about to post that as well. It's like they don't even notice our attacks. They have been talking about Swansea like they are the Champions elect, "so superior to the average Championship side" apparently.
  16. I am watching a stream with their equivalent of the Robins TV commentary team and it's hilarious. You think our guy can biased, we apparently haven't been in the game. The reason that NP doesn't talk to the players in breaks is because we are just there to stop the superior Swansea tactics. If you were blind you wouldn't know we had had 6 attempts on goal, they literally didn't comment on the previous efforts before the goal, just complete silence.
  17. He came on a 5 month trial just before Xmas, was last at Lincoln. From what I have seen of him he looks a player which suggests there may be other reasons he hasn't already got a deal somewhere
  18. I remember similar experiences in the Robin, being overtaken by a man on a pushbike going up Redcatch Hill was a story told many times in our house.
  19. The fact that they think that was a definite penalty just shows the kind of penalties they are used to getting up there. They should look at some of the ones that we have failed to get in recent matches.
  20. Of course they weren't exclusively 3 wheeled vehicles. The Scimitar was a really nice car and being all fibreglass it was quick and lasted forever. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reliant_Scimitar
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