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Merrick's Marvels

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Everything posted by Merrick's Marvels

  1. Tbf, they picked a picture of the Memorial Ground first but, after they'd stopped pissing their pants with laughter, decided it couldn't possibly be a football stadium - so used one of The Gate instead.
  2. Staying off OTIB would be a good start - people lose their sh!t over sweet fa this time of year. As for Nevil Road, same old same old innit
  3. Yeah, looks like it's gonna be a long close season, doesn't it
  4. I suspect he thought he could be successful here, despite the compromises and drawbacks involved - the CEO being the major one. "I could write a book about some of the things that have gone on" is, pretty much, the verbatim quote he gave to supporters at one point. I think we can make an educated guess as to what he was referring to.
  5. What would the police find if they swabbed the houses of parliament I wonder?
  6. As desperate as we are to get rid of our deadwood this summer, I cannot believe Johnson would be daft enough to sign an ex-Hearts player for Hibs, and one who's been average at best for Hearts at that. That wouldn't so much be getting off on the wrong foot with Hibs supporters as shooting himself in both feet before he's barely started the job.
  7. OK semantics aside, I'm not sure he was helped whatsoever by how the club was set-up and run at the time though
  8. You're right. But ask yourself why he had to resort to signing such players. It was because the club's infrastructure was a joke. He had little to no meaningful support around him. I'm pretty sure Foster, Wilson and Bates weren't his, or anyone's, idea of the best defenders out there. The 3 suits in charge at that time were Lansdown, Ashton and Sexstone - a catastrophic combination of ego and incompetence. With no meaningful recruitment structure in place, no-one with any football knowledge or expertise on the board, or even in the building, just penpushers and bullshitters, what chance did McInnes have? Sadly, precious little.
  9. Its because next season starts earlier than ever - winter World Cup
  10. If that is the case, I don't understand why we've offered the bloke brought in as short term cover for Baker a new contract or why we're rumoured to have spoken to another tall, experienced ball-winning centre-half.
  11. I think the fact we've made Klose an offer and put feelers out to Curtis Davies, tells you what's going on with Baker. It's just a matter of time.
  12. Good luck to whoever signs him, more like. Unless it's Cardiff, there's no wishing them anything but the very worst.
  13. Well we haven't a cat in hell's chance if Forest are interested. And for all we know, he might be a Birmingham fan. So let's not get ahead of ourselves.
  14. Not sure Edwards will be in charge of recruitment at Watford. Given he might not be in charge at all for very long, I'm not sure I'd be rushing to join him if I was Wilson.
  15. Why would you want the gAss moving to Ashton Vale?
  16. Don't be counting those chickens just yet! Many a slip betwixt cup and lip, though if we do manage to offload both I'll be raising a glass to celebrate for sure.
  17. If we were a possession team - and we know the answer to that because Pearson says after every game that we're not. If Semenyo leaves, how we replace him determines our entire season.
  18. £5 million??? I hope you're right but, according to Pearson, we haven't had a bid of £1 for him yet, never mind 5 million times that amount. For a player that played brilliantly at Preston and also.... er, well that might just be it.... I'd venture that £5 million is wildly optimistic. But, like I say, I hope youre right.
  19. "The Chairman is brilliant and the CEO is brilliant. They trust me with everything." You left out "because" Steve, didn't you? Come on, you can tell us. "Unlike the last lot" is what you mean. "Now, I probably love him, if you know what I mean" "If you know what I mean" ?Don't panic mate, we're not getting the wrong end of the wotsit about you and Wilbs!
  20. Graham C might be the poster formerly known as Colin Moulding. He's certainly an XTC nut.
  21. Yes, absolutely. The outcome of discussions is still up for grabs and could be not what we're looking for - hence my fingers crossed. At least we appear to have been up front and transparent about our figures, started a dialogue early. Hopefully this earns us some brownie points instead of minus points!
  22. Gould's most recent comments - to Twentyman pre Hull game - gave no indication that a points penalty was a possibility. He said we'd have a similar budget to last year (whether we spend that on just the wages of free signings or, like last year, combine it with a small amount of transfer fee as well, we'll just have to wait and see). He said we'll be looking to find value for money in the lower leagues like Tanner and Atkinson. He also said discussions were still ongoing with the EFL about how much of a club's losses they will allow to be written off as covid-related. I think he meant both in City's case but also generally throughout all the leagues. He said without a definitive decision on this it made it difficult to know exactly how much a club could afford to spend going forward. He said there are also changes to FFP imminent which adds a further complication to how club's can plan financially going forward in the longer term, although I got the sense that these last points won't impact on our short term plans ie this summer. He seemed clear on what the budget was this summer and, again, I didn't get any sense that he expected us to start on a minus points total at the start of next season. Fingers crossed!
  23. We're all fine here but thanks for the concern. Touching. A tinpot club managed by a scumbag, over reliant on Premier league loanees to clamber out of Division 4 on the last day of the season, on goal difference, are of no concern to us. In fact, I actually hope they thrash you home and away next season. And last but not least you're not as clever as you think - try looking at the team Scunthorpe put out today. OK, I'll make it easier for you - if Forest are 1 game away from promotion and the opposition put out their U12s, what would your reaction be? That's a rhetorical question, btw cos I don't give a shite for your answer. Be sure to enjoy life in Division 3. Just don't rush back.
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