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Everything posted by fisherrich

  1. It would have been quicker to just call it “A car crash of a football club”!!!
  2. Same here, started going in 76 promotion to Div 1 year. Been through thick and thin since then including when we all thought Newport away was the last game to be played by the football club. But even in those dark days, the fans and club all stuck together. Look at what there is today? It is truly shameful what the Lansdowns have done over their tenure. The Lansdowns are not having any more of my cash. As soon as they sell up, I will be straight back down AG but now just fed up with them taking all City fans as punters. The “it’s my club” jibe from Lansdown senior is what made me realise how he views the City fans. And anyway where is he nowadays?
  3. If the owner stopped making ridiculous costly mistakes, he might get more financial commitment from the fans. Fast becoming a car crash of a football club. Caused primarily by the senior management/Board/owners at the club IMO. As many have stated, the Bristol Sport bull sh*t “model” just does not work
  4. Lansdowns, it is time you all f#cked off out of this football club. You are killing it!!!
  5. For me, it is just so bloody hard listening to Manning who is just plain boring, when we had Nige P wearing his heart on his sleeve for this football club at every presser. Massive backward step employing Manning. Not that I blame Manning who has taken on a poisoned chalice - just Zippee & Bungle.
  6. After listening to that waffle FFS. The state of this football club is truly shambolic. Something has to change.
  7. Did I hear that right?? Don't go swimming in the deep end - you might drown. FFS!
  8. You missed out the Chairman who couldn’t chair an OAP party and an owner who has been fingering his arsehole for the last 10+ years. SHAMBLES!
  9. I don’t see it as a Manning v Nige debate. The boil needs to be lanced - ie the Lansdowns need to sell up. Getting rid of Manning will make no difference as those 2 Lansdown buffoons will just employ another YES man. No faith in Zippee and Bungle running this football club/aka Bristol Sport. What I liked about Nige P was his absolute honesty and passion for the football club. What a loss!
  10. Think everyone now knows that the bullsh*t and lies from the Lansdowns has run its course. MESSAGE to Steve & Jon - Time to f#ck off PLEASE.
  11. Not sure about the worst “gaffer” but definitely the worst “Plan”, ie there isn’t one!
  12. The issue is not just Manning. A much better performance last night. The issue is at the the top, namely the Lansdowns. It makes no difference who the manager is or will be when Manning gets sacked, as everyone knows the Lansdowns will just meddle. A defeat against Swansea and surely he will get the chop also?
  13. Widely recognised that Hargreaves was the brains. Lived out our way for a while. Met him on a couple of occasions. Seemed a decent bloke.
  14. The hardest bit for me was letting go of the emotional attachment and memories for the football club. But the club has changed so much, mainly due to the direction the Lansdowns have taken the football club - down the Bristol Sport route. I absolutely detest it and will not give the Lansdowns another penny, until the Lamsdowns go. But will be back as soon as they are gone. The Nigel P debacle was the final straw. There will be no wavering from me.
  15. A massive sea change needs to occur before I go back down. We desperately need - 1. New owners 2. An experienced Championship manager 3. A Board that are accountable 4. A CEO that is accountable 5. A Chairman with drive and enthusiasm Currently we have nothing of any calibre. SHAMBLES.
  16. Just wait until Saturday. Another loss and there will be a reaction. Guaranteed. This shambles can not continue.
  17. I have no problems with LM. Took on a poisoned challice. The guy is clearly out of his depth in the Championship. A ridiculous appointment (again) by the Lansdowns that is doomed to failure.
  18. Bang on. This “model” was always doomed. Ive mentioned it numerous times like others. Lansdowns OUT!
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