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Everything posted by fisherrich

  1. The last 12 months has been a car crash IMO. No direction, no business accumen, no strategy etc. Rich Gould, Nige P left. Just more of the same. The sooner the Lansdowns go the better. Becoming farcicle IMO. Pissed off tonight.
  2. I’ve mentioned on here several times, the football club is going nowhere under the Lansdowns. Needs a change. Find it really frustrating. Big city like Bristol, deserves better.
  3. The club is what it is. A mid table team that gets lost in the ether. Nothing will change until new owners take over. Frustrating.
  4. Rovers used that route for a few years but the lot I knocked about with, knew most of there lot. Only club I truly hated.
  5. I know it was all sketchy back in the day, but it did get the adrenalin going on a weekend. Bristol City was like a 2nd family in many ways - good mates I’ve known for for over 30 years. Many have passed unfortunately.
  6. Saw Tottenham come down to Bristol in an old 1st Div league night game. I was with my old man (RIP) as a teenage season ticket holder in the Dolman and Tottenham were everywhere. Massive away mob. I was hooked!!!
  7. Proper naughty outside Liquid Assets and H & C that day prematch on North street.
  8. Memories…. Good pub the Plume Of Feathers. Had a couple of ding dongs in there with away fans. Was “off the radar” a bit so you could get away with a bit that side of the park. The OB cottoned on after a while though. The Park was always the flash point back in the day. Rovers used to walk to AG from the Mardyke side of town for a few games so “opportunities knocked” a few times back in the day. Good days.
  9. Think Forest in the Cup was around 9000, certainly a hell of a lot there. What a night.
  10. Wasn’t rated by Johnson so they let him go. Another crass decision to go with all the others. The rest is history.
  11. Quite frankly, your comments are laughable. If you think the Lansdowns have achieved with this football club, then you need to seek some help. No Board, no senior management, no CEO, no business accumen, no accountability, the list is endless. Shambles. The white elephant of Bristol Sport is killing the football club.
  12. I’ve watched 2 North East derbies. On another scale compared to other derbies been to. Anyone who likes a proper football match with atmosphere, a weekend away on derby day in the North East is well worth it. Great nite life for a weekend away also.
  13. We need new owners, new infrastructure, with a development path that the top players buy in to. Other clubs have done it. Not what we currently have under the Lansdowns and never will have.
  14. Good point. I knew Bobby Reid when he was younger/early days at AG. He went out with a girl I knew. Bobby was pretty skinny also in his early days. Decided to hit the gym weights etc and bulk up a bit. If you meet him today, he’s twice the man he used to be. The rest is history.
  15. IMO Tommy needs a Scott to “feed” him, unfortunately Scott calibre midfielders are rare. Up front on his own is not Tommy’s forte.
  16. Agreed, complete disrespect by the Board (joke) and the Lansdowns. Talk about working on a shoestring. Be glad when they are gone. What NP has done for this club deserves some form of appreciation/respect from the owners. You get nothing!
  17. Another massive mistake by the Lansdowns. Plenty on here defended LJ at the time.
  18. Decent lad was Scooter. Only really got to know him in the BS3 in later years. Solid City lad. Many stories to tell, but not on here.
  19. Jon Lansdown would be the problem for sure. No serious investor with high skill sets in running a business,, would want Jon Lansdown anywhere near the club. Non starter!!! #Lansdown Out.
  20. When I was a nipper, Chelsea tried to get in. They went out quicker than they went in. Forget the year. Was also useful for when Rovers arrived from the park direction (hee, hee). If you know, you know!
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