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Everything posted by fisherrich

  1. Part of me wants them to go up. Bring back Bristol derbies. Badly missed.
  2. Fair point. The trick the Lansdowns missed IMO is getting him to step up as a “mentor” type role to give Manning what he lacks - experience. He would also had helped develop further the academy etc. Something he was good at.
  3. You beat me to it. Shambles is putting it lightly. The only way you will get an improvement is under new owners. But more importantly, owners who know how to run a football club.
  4. Unfortunately he lost most of the fans with all the stupid comments/lies - “my club etc”. The LJ and NP saga was the straw that broke the camel’s back for most. For the football club to progress, we need new owners with sound biz accumen and initiatives. Not what we currently have..
  5. A shameful performance by the Board and the Lansdowns. PLC structured businesses would have had them out years ago. Some on here just don’t see it.
  6. Great point. Great club Leicester. Real connection with the fans and no bull sh*te.
  7. A clear, strategic business plan backed up with a defined strategy to help deliver clear and concise objectives would be a good start - after 20 years FFS!
  8. The bloke is full of bull sh*te and lies. Yet people still support the ***.
  9. For all the latest news, Jonlansdown.com is really accurate and honest.
  10. Thank you. Posters on here defending the owners etc probably unaware of what was happening “behind the scenes”. This has been a car crash of a football club for a number of years. It is a business that if it had a PLC and was accountable, would be changed years ago. Fact.
  11. Let’s just say I have a family member who worked there.
  12. Word on the grapevine was they didn’t like what they heard.
  13. Bristol Sport is riddled with vermin. Awful business to be involved with.
  14. Well said. The bloke is a complete fraud. Done nothing whatsoever in life. Silver spoon fed by daddy. He has no business accumen whatsoever, yet he is running Bristol City FC.
  15. The focus on the football club has been diluted IMO. No direction from the owners, CEO, Board and you end up with a football club with no identity and no direction. After all the financial mess the club got in to, I am firmly against the whole Bristol Sport philosophy. The club was badly run for years. RG and NP sorted out a hell of a mess, now left in the hands of Jon Lansdown who has not got a clue. Feels like the heart and soul has been taken out of Bristol City FC to me over the last 10 years or so.
  16. Agreed - Lets not forget all the “Lansdownites” on here a few years ago supporting the Bristol Sport philosophy originally. Conned by the Lansdowns.
  17. Just read the whole thread. Makes you realise we desperately need new owners, new leaders, new ideas, new structure, new everything almost. Wrexham will be overtaking us soon!!!
  18. Unfortunately it is a football club that has lost its identity. The Bristol Sport philosophy has a lot to do with this.
  19. Agreed Owners, Boardroom, CEO, Scouting Setup, Club shop, Website, Robins TV = Tinpot examples. Lots more examples but I can’t be bothered to mention them.
  20. I’m forward thinking! Lansdowns need to go NOW. New owners (bit of a gamble etc, rah, rah, rah) but this football club has gone nowhere on the pitch for 20 odd years. We need change at the top asap.
  21. Went to the works Xmas party last week in County Durham. All they ever talked about was football (and that was the women). Bristol and surrounding area is unfortunately a footballing backwater, simple fact. Guy I was chatting to, said to me how proud he was of the fact that three generations of his family have all been buried in the Sunderland home kit! The North East is a hotbed of football. They demand success, whereas down here it’s “Snooze” ….. most home games.
  22. Also there are things called cars, mini buses etc!!!!
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