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Everything posted by BUTOR

  1. I think this is the most buzzing I’ve been for a City game post-Covid?
  2. I don’t know how I feel about this. On the one hand it’s taking early measures to protect the game, stopping the wildfire of hooliganism that we’ve seen spread so quickly in the past, but on the other some mistakes that could lead to a criminal record are minor in comparison to what you’d need to do to be given one outside of a football stadium. I’d be interested to hear alternative suggestions
  3. I don’t think it would go toxic but certainly could kill the excitement. Its exactly what we’ll be setting up to avoid. Toxicity won’t take long to arrive if we continue to concede late goals however.
  4. Based on today we’ll finish above them. Get over it and move on to Saturday. Be ready to support the team. UTC
  5. As we are aware, coming back after losing a play-off final is a deflating task. The loss is still lingering, and players and fans know deep down the almighty effort it took to get there won’t realistically be repeated. I can see Huddersfield struggling this season. Burnley look good, like our Nige Kompany speaks a lot of sense around culture and recruitment. He actually seems quite old school in his approach. In a weird way he could be a good fit for Burnley, although given their squad and budget he can’t be truly soaked in praise until they perform in the division above.
  6. https://twitter.com/nigelgpearson/status/1553037547210784768?s=21&t=L7ql9YRlSpuWiDAtNT4OAw
  7. RIP Stoney. Echo all the sentiments above. If there ever was a fan deserving of a permanent tribute within the stadium it’s Stoney. He really was part of the Ashton Gate. furniture. Perhaps his seat in the Dolman could be plaqued, or a flag in his honour hung up in the A block. City legend, so many memories. RIP
  8. 20,000 sold already. Have to imagine this is heading for a sell out. Would it be the first since Man City?
  9. Yes I don’t think the club would consider a change in placement due to the concourse and the ageing nature of the Atyeo stand. However providing a proper, extended space for vocal home support to flourish would quell a lot of atmosphere/marginal gain arguments and is easily done.
  10. And they will get sent flying down the stairs as usual
  11. Probably the natural conclusion to both of their careers
  12. What a shocking card tonight… DAZN need to up their game massively. Just seen that Cash is out with illness too. Fabio Wardley’s opponent below… the one on the right of course
  13. That’s pretty shit, to be honest.
  14. I reckon a 1-11 of our best youngsters would hold their own in Cheltenham’s division. A good place to be.
  15. Can already see what a difference an actual RWB will make on the break
  16. Every ounce of logic suggests that, but he can’t half taking a ******* shot mate ?
  17. Dubois has vicious power and he walked through them to be fair
  18. Great turn out from a quality bunch of supporters ?
  19. After Swansea being moved to Friday last season (the game where there has actually been trouble in recent years) all bets are off!
  20. Come on, the attendance figures were realistically never at 20K barring maybe Hull when ticket prices were at a sensible level. Any other time it was said they reached those heights the claim was propped up by a large away attendance or was blatant, bare-faced bullshit. There were matches last season with swathes of empty seats and I’d be surprised if some games were pushing 12K. The whole ticketing structure in this country needs a reform, not just Bristol City. But for as long as people believe £40 to watch a championship football match is ‘entirely reasonable’ then it’s highly unlikely.
  21. A barely half-full stadium on a match day can’t help
  22. The Community trust seem so connected and in touch with the issues normal Bristolians (traditionally the type who would want to come and support City) are facing, particularly in Southern areas, and do such good work to assist struggling families. Single ticket and POTD prices, however, do not reflect that work at all. The Eastend essentially stood as a low income option for fans less than 10 years ago, a re-introduction of a lower price bracket for struggling families, particularly in these times, would not only be excellent PR but more importantly a kind-hearted gesture towards the communities that kept this club going for so many years. I know of many who have been gradually priced out since the re-development, and I believe the atmosphere on match days reflects that change of demographic too, you can feel it and see it within the stadium. I don’t believe the excuse of ‘this is happening everywhere’ is good enough anymore, we are at the beginning of a period of inflation in this country that could turn the tide for good. Why do we accept this? Look at pricing structures in Germany, they are worlds apart with the means of the many at the forefront of their decision making, even at the biggest clubs, and they aren’t suffering the extent of the problems we are as a country right now. I don’t get how anyone can look at £40 tickets to watch Bristol City and feel even the slightest bit comfortable. Call it out for what it is - ******* disgusting.
  23. As long as it isn’t Gas not arsed
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