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Everything posted by BUTOR

  1. As long as it isn’t Gas not arsed
  2. I see Uysk stopping this one in devastating fashion in the first 6 rounds.
  3. First two weeks? Thought we’d be home on the 6th, one home one away like last season no?
  4. I’d say we’re pretty confident of outgoings given our business so far. Loans may come in handy for moore and bakinson again if all else fails.
  5. I just get the feeling that the seeds of doubt regarding Southgate are there in the players minds post-Italy, and that perhaps egos are creeping in a little after two tournaments of harmony. Along with the added pressure of now being a squad of players who ‘really should be winning things’. Time will tell, have a few prognostic concerns about Qatar.
  6. We’re due a catastrophe at the next tournament, think it’s pretty plain to see that it’s coming.
  7. The human crayon strikes again
  8. I question whether a lot of fans underestimated the amount of returning fans, who were uncomfortable going last year in what still didn’t feel like a ‘post-covid’ society for a large part of the season. It may be the case that a couple of thousand have indeed decided not to renew, but a couple of thousand are returning. I certainly know a few older fans for whom this is the case.
  9. Congratulations Wales and Gareth Bale MBE
  10. Watching Solihull Moors vs Grimsby. What a horrible stadium to stage a play off final.
  11. To be honest I can’t really blame them if that is the case.
  12. Personally I think that’s the reason we were able to sign him. I class three years a long term contract, and I don’t think a club of higher prestige or a club with better bargaining power in the transfer window would ever offer that type of deal for a player like Naismith. In my opinion it’s part of the ‘creativity’ Pearson commented we needed to deploy in the market, and a 3 year deal for a player in their 30s is as much of an educated risk as the signing* of the unproven Mark Sykes. You never know when a player is about to decline, but it almost always kicks in around now (Naismith’s age). The signing is very good, maybe even excellent given our circumstances. But its still been agreed through compromises. He’s not here to do us a favour.
  13. Answer to mandatory question about the high performance centre was great. Success comes first.
  14. Great singing but let’s be honest, he wasn’t getting a 3 year deal anywhere else.
  15. It feels like Antoine’s stock has gone through the window recently. We typically don’t keep hold of players like this and I don’t think we will this time either.
  16. They employ work experience kids so I wouldn’t rib them too hard about it.
  17. It’s weird that any club still using a coat of arms or who simply haven’t changed their badge in a while makes a kit appear ‘retro’ to me now. They’re much better, though. I regret wanting the Robin back now.
  18. Is there really a proportionate appetite for high quality articulate long reads amongst Bristol football fans to make it worthwhile though? How else do you suppose they make money? I’m intrigued rather than arguing a point. I see local outlets berated a lot for their methods but such is the state of the journalism industry at the moment I’m not sure they have much choice. I certainly can’t see how it’s fair to put the blame on individual journalists who are overworked doing tedious regurgitative articles when I’m sure they’d rather be on tasks that would allow them to add some flair. Add in the pay to that which we all know is dire plus the long hours and it’s not the nicest gig in the world.
  19. Luckily all the ‘but it’s me dads team’ Liverpudlian Bristolian ***** won’t be out tonight.
  20. And some good scorecards for a change
  21. Football doesn’t invent these things, it’s just the place where people see it happening. Isn’t anti social behaviour up all over the country since lockdown? Plus homophobic attacks, racist abuse etc…
  22. Anyone got any early guesses on formation based on this?
  23. What a shame that the Bermudan’s form just seemed to disappear after he joined.
  24. No outcry. Emma Hayes’ Chelsea are, statistically, one of the best football teams in the world. They aren’t a rugby team, or a basketball team, the game is football. Maybe if she had an offer to do what she is doing now - competing in Europe and at the top of the Premier League. What sounds more appealing to you - taking Chelsea to the Champions League, or taking Forest Green to the Mem?
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