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Everything posted by BUTOR

  1. Statistically one of the best football teams in the world
  2. Yes, 6 super leagues, 3 FA cups, 2 League cups…
  3. Why would Emma Hayes ever leave one of the best football teams in the world for a tinpot league one club?
  4. Would have thought he’s got one eye on the Forest Green situation now.
  5. They come whenever they think about us
  6. Fair play to them. Doesn’t bother me. If it’s a step towards competitive Bristol derbies at a high level of football then it’s a good thing. Because nothing compares.
  7. Where I am, I can hear the mem - suddenly gone very quiet.
  8. Weirdly it’s the most nostalgic city years for me too. Maybe it’s the last time the club felt truly together. The nearly years, the sun and cider soaked promotion party in 07, the championship play off season the following year. I also loved that era of Ashton Gate. It was one of the better atmospheres in the lower divisions at that point, and just a fun place to be. Felt like home. As someone has pointed out, maybe that’s down to the fact we actually remember a promotion taking place on home turf.
  9. Don’t know where that’s come from. Nothing on Jerry’s Twitter as suggested
  10. You may be right regarding Gould, but the Dolman doesn’t usually fill up that quickly, there’s no rush to get tickets before it sells out, so people can take their time getting the money together.
  11. That’s a shame. But fair enough. Dolman A is still a good laugh and has been the same faces in there for years, would recommend it for anyone looking for a move but can’t get into the South Stand.
  12. That’s a sackable offence. You should have reported her.
  13. It’s a very real possibility. Things like this set a dangerous precedent in that regard. Especially amongst the younger generations who are formulating their footballing identities away from the physical spaces of their older counterparts, such as Ashton Gate and the areas around it, and increasingly in the virtual sphere. I can’t see how this would help that issue. Unless we’ve given up now. Unless no one cares about empty stadiums and atmospheres and having a first hand experience of supporting your team. Maybe that is where this is all heading. If so it’s not for me.
  14. I sympathise with your position, but it does not change my mind. I am also not in a position to attend every game, but I wouldn’t want attendances across the country to suffer as a result of my circumstances. Empty stadiums are horrible. As Covid showed us. We have some great grounds in the football league that are special places with historicity, they are built for use.
  15. Football is about going to the game and enjoying the atmospheres amongst like minded people. If this came in and had a significant effect on attendances it would not be football for me anymore. Please don’t give people more of an excuse to sit on their sofas with a Deliveroo.
  16. Manor Farm currently 3-1 up at Frome in their play off semi. Over 1K there. Go on farm.
  17. Another Fury win another mentally broken heavyweight
  18. It’s so odd. I can’t think of a history of any sort. They’ve never been on our radar. Is it Pearson?
  19. If we get relegated soon I can see us hovering in there for years.
  20. Oddly I see a lot of City recently in the 20 time premier league winners. ”A graveyard for reputations” as Neville says. A weak culture coming from the top and “players in a limbo situation” everywhere you look according to Martin Tyler at the start of this game.
  21. Especially when it didn’t work the first time around
  22. The football itself has always been secondary for me and it’s a good chance to see friends which I would see much less frequently if it wasn’t for City. As long as it’s in my means and I am living in Bristol I will always be there. Having said that, since the re development the pre and post match is much more enjoyable than the game itself and the atmosphere inside the ground which used to be the best bit.
  23. Well done to them. Also the Ultra and Bountyhunter I remember. Think Del Naja of Massive Attack was involved with the former or was said to be. would be good to see more fanzines, more flags and more fan culture around Ashton gate again which I feel has lessened slightly post-covid and we have become more like everybody else.
  24. Not sure what the commentators were seeing in Van Heerden, didn’t look threatening at all.
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