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Everything posted by Stortz

  1. He really does, and who can blame him. Interesting theory from him that Hearn is using Bellew as cannon fodder ahead of an AJ fight. I can't agree with you here mate, Ali was an incredible boxer and an icon, but he said far, far worse stuff than calling a few gobby scousers effing retards imo. He propogated ideas of genuine racial hatred, said couples in interracial relationships should be executed and mercilessly humiliated Frasier with all of that 'Uncle Tom' stuff- the worst thing you could possibly have been called as a black man at that time. Yes, it has to be taken in context and he realised in later life just how badly he had behaved, but the things he said then were far worse then David Haye gobbing off a bit- the bloke is selling ppvs and he gave those Scousers exactly what they had been giving him all afternoon. There's lot of hand wringing going on (not aiming that at you @Kid in the Riot, i mean in general) about a little bit of swearing imo and I'm not sure where this idea about the previous civility and decency of British boxing came from, tell that to Marvin Hagler after he got bottled out of the ring during a full scale racially motivated riot after battering Minter at Wembley in 1980! There have been scores of riots, boxers fighting each other at weigh ins, camps fighting each other, cheating and fixing at boxing since before the Queensbury rules and throughout the history of the sport in this country, all a lot more serious than Haye doing a swear or two. Regarding the fight itself, and although I'd be delighted to be proven wrong- particularly after Haye has been such a nause this week- I reckon @Northern Red is going to have a wonderful night! People are saying Haye might not be anything like the fighter he was, but Bellew is such a fantastically limited boxer that about 20% of the Haye that beat Delboy could demolish him imo. There's no doubting Bellew's heart (apart from when he capitulated against Stevenson) and it's how he's got where he is, but unless David Coldwell has performed a sudden miracle he is ponderous and one dimensional and he's getting ktfo.
  2. What a presser hahaha. A bellend- off for the ages! Haye losing his shit haha! Edit- whole thing here
  3. Ian John- Lewis, who just happens to referee on Matchroom cards all the time...
  4. It was pretty wild eh mate, Breazeale showed some balls in the AJ fight but even more in that one. Wilder though, I just don't think he's any good at boxing. He is very athletic and can punch bloody hard but did you see him after the first knock down? He was swinging like a rusty gate and missing a farily static target by a mile. I think the stoppage was a bit early tbh, he wasn't connecting with any punches and Washington was throwing back. The ref seemed to panic and almost jump in a couple of times then finally do so after 3 more wild misses! It will be interesting to see if he can compete against fighters who aren't complete tomato cans- hopefully the Parker fight will materialise, if Hughie Fury doesn't pull off an upset in the meantime. Fair play to Khan for the money he'll make but it's an easy night's work for Manny. The same reason anyone else has Robbo? They just have less of palette to work with for obvious reasons.
  5. Absolute madness, Vargas was dominant throughout.
  6. The only thing you can hope for when the Gas play Cardiff is a meteor strike haha. Anyone watching Haye on Soccer AM? Such an unlikaeble knob and he seems half mashed to me. Edit- decent card at the Hull Ice rink tonight too, Gavin Mcdonnell has a serious, serious job on to beat Rey Vargas, he is a ko machine.
  7. I don't know mate, it's still a massive PPV fight here, even if they both lose. You could be right about Spence, no-one really knows how good he is yet and he could be amazing. He hasn't fought anyone close to Brook's level though and fair play to Kell for fighting him, he does not give a single ****! Agree Manny will easily ud Khan.
  8. Absolutely, far too good- although Manny's ko's have become suspiciously rare since improved drug testing; his last ones were knocking out Hatton and tko-ing Cotto back in 2009. It's a smart move from Khan in as much as he gets the Brook fight after regardless. The UAE people still need to produce the $38m plus purse for the fight yet too so it might still not happen- not all of Pacquiao's team seem convinced they have the funds.
  9. I'm not surprised he considered his options after the Frampton fight tbh, Joe Gallagher didn't help him at all between rounds and the tactics were shite too. Quigg is taking a big chance though, Freddy Roach is one ridiculously busy trainer.
  10. I see Brook Spence jnr is on. Fair play to Kell, it's a tough fight I presume it'll be at Bramall Lane
  11. Good interview with Frampton here. He's been the definition of class in defeat imo, even though it's obviously gutted him https://www.theguardian.com/sport/the-balls-of-wrath/2017/feb/10/carl-frampton-my-daughter-asked-why-are-they-saying-well-done-if-you-got-beat
  12. Haha, we will agree to disagree again mate, Have good night.
  13. Hee hee! No mentioning skinny Dublin ******* This is a boxing thread @yardy!!!
  14. Exactly. Come back again mate, thanks for the link
  15. Too true, I'm only watching because of @Owl Visiting's link!
  16. I maintain that he doesn't have enough pop to be truly elite. Too many wasted punches imo.
  17. No, been fine all fight for me. Fair play to Quinlan, he has put a shift in eh
  18. I'm watching it on our friend from sheffield's link mate! I would sooner put pins in my eyes than pay for this haha edit-but you're right Quinlan has proper guts
  19. Just plain old shite, the aussie is litter. £9.95 you say?!
  20. I've seen nothing of him at all. It's going to be a fairly one sided beating I would imagine, replete with 1007 uppercuts from CEJ
  21. Imagine mate, ******* hell. You wouldn't mind if it was Bellew though would you?!
  22. Nearly 20 stone tonight Price, wtf is going on there? Punched himself out after the knock down in an amatuerish way. Give it up ffs Edit- just wanted to say how much i love Lennox again
  23. Absolute ******* fraud Christian Hammer ffs!
  24. Price has zero stamina or killer instinct. He is ****** here
  25. Ten times more balls than Price and Audrey combined mate!
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